Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 620 Many Barons Arrive In Lisbel Square

Chapter 620 Many Barons Arrive In Lisbel Square

In the Lisbel Square, the conflict had escalated to an all out fight.

The everlasting peace of the Elven Kingdom broke as people fought like cats and dogs at one of the busiest squares of the kingdom.

The articulately designed Lisbel Square was now in shambles as people kept fighting with swords and magic.

The green-haired noble elf had called other nobles and the black-haired commoner elf had the support of the common masses.

For the first time in a long time, a commoner vs noble fight broke in the Elven Kingdom.

Although there were rising tensions in the kingdom and people did expect that such a thing may happen in future, it still came as a surprise to see things happen so soon.

The ones fighting didn't know how the fight broke out, but they joined in and fought because of the built up anger & frustration within them.

As for the onlookers, the majority of them didn't know how the fight broke out as well, but they continued to watch the conflict escalate.

All prefectures had police-like officials for safekeeping. But despite the fight breaking out and people clashing for the past ten minutes, nobody had arrived to stop them.

Lith, who was carefree and sipping on coffee just a bit away from the people fighting, found this thing odd.

He took out a diary and noted this point for future reference.

Just like Lith, almost all the people in cafes and restaurants around the square were sitting without any care. It was because the places they were in offered protection from the fight and nothing would happen to them.

The chances of a fireball coming at them and hitting them was a big zero, so they sat and enjoyed the fight over food and drinks.

The clash didn't look like it would stop anytime soon. Such were Lith's thoughts as he looked at the people in the square.

He was spot on with his analysis as one after another, many more commoners and nobles joined in.

Taking the last sip of his cappuccino, Lith put the cup down and thought, 'there's definitely something cooking in the background. I wonder who all are involved and are orchestrating it…'


40,000 km above base.

In in the middle of a pond filled with white lillies, stood a green-haired middle aged elf with a long beard in white robes.

He was standing on top of a big water lilly and stroking his long beard, waiting for some news.

His wait was over after a while when a young girl in loose white robes arrived in the room.

"My greetings to master." She bowed and said.

The middle-aged guy didn't look at her and continuing to stroke his beard, said calmly, "what news have you brought, Ella?" 

The girl, still bowing, answered, "Master, a thousand commoners are in Lisbel Square at this very moment." 

"What about nobles?" The man asked.

"Only ten are there as of now, all belonging to the Baron houses." The girl answered.

"Good." The man felt everything fall together. "Ask all the other Baron houses we are in contact with to send their officials into this conflict." josei

The girl was amused hearing that. She looked at her master and said, "But master, if the top officials get to know this… I am sorry to say this, but master will be in trouble." 

The middle-aged man smiled and turned around. With a calm face, he answered, "Ella… do you think master hasn't thought of things through?" 

The girl called Ella didn't know what to answer to that, so she just kept quiet.

Taking the girl's silence as a yes, the man chuckled and continued, "Don't worry, it is not your master who's commanding these things. The orders are from the higher ups, we are just relaying them. Now go… go and make those barons join the rest in Lisbel."

Ella still had no idea what was happening, but she bowed her head and went to do her work as asked.


70,000 km above.

In the middle of the clouds was a waterfall flowing down. Above the waterfall stood a bed of chrysanthemum where an elven lady wearing robes similar to the red color of the chrysanthemum roamed.

The lady was middle-aged and her hair color too were the same as the color's of chrysanthemum. Her face had a calm demeanor on it and an air of authority was present around her.

A messanger soon arrived near the lady and greeted her, without looking at her.

"Status?" The lady asked calmly without looking at him and while holding a chrysanthemum gently.

"Madam, the Gilzeiros have sent the Barons. The conflict wouldn't be stopped soon." The messanger answered.

"Good. The emotions?" She asked again.

"The masses are angry. Their frustration is visible all around Lisbel. Online forums in and around Lisbel are in chaos and it is expected that 60% of Valiyer Prefecture's commoners are soon going to join the clash in Lisbel Square." 

"Okay." The lady said calmly and turned to look at another chrysanthemum. She then asked, "Nobles?" 

"As of now, only five Baron houses are involved. We can expect ten more to join sooner or later." The messanger replied.

"Her Majesty?" The lady asked again in one word.

"No words yet. We are sure that she knows about everything, but why she hasn't taken any actions yet, we aren't sure." 


"A session is going to began regarding this soon. But no news of it is made public yet. We think the session will begin after the Barons are free or… after the conflict has ended."

"The reason being, it wouldn't appear proper if the conflict stayed and the nobles are doing a parliamentary discussion without first solving the conflict. If Her Majesty were to know it, the consequences would be disastrous and even the House of Lavasa would suffer." 

The lady nodded her head lightly. "Right." 

She then turned to look at the messanger and addressed, finally saying more then a single word:

"Keep the conflict going for two more days and ask the nobles to pull back. Give some incentives to public have them be quiet for some time." 

"Understood." The messanger said and excused himself.

The red-haired elven lady then turned to look down at the waterfall and with her eyes half-closed, said softly,

"If it backfires… don't blame me for being selfish…"

The lady's lips curved upwards.



Lisbel Square.

The situation escalated further as more nobles joined.

Groups from all over Valiyer Prefecture and now come to the square and were fighting against the nobles.

The streets were burning, the fountain was broken, and the whole square was now in a state of ruins.

But people didn't appear like they would stop anytime soon.

The cafes and restaurants that were offering protection, now asked the people to move out as the square had now become too crowded and their safety would be at a risk if they were to stay.

Lith and Alea were also made to go away from the cafe and they were now standing at one corner of the square, overlooking the entire conflict.

There was an invisibility barried around him and Alea that protected them while also hiding them. 

Despite there being a big fight happening in front of her, Alea had no interest in it and she had gotten her hands on Ren after being in such a close proximity with him.

Ren was caught and was howling to Lith to get saved from Alea, but Lith was busy and didn't bother with him.

Alea sat cross-legged on the ground and keeping Ren in her lap, she held his paws and dipped them in blue ink.

She then put his paws on a big canvas below and started making a painting by using Ren's paws as a brush.

Lith didn't bother with the two and while looking at the battle unfold and new people joining, thought to himself,

'Oh... More Barons have joined...'

'There's the House of Mink, House of Paraon and...'

Lith started writing in his diary who all have joined. 

Once done, he had a look at it and tried to analyse the situation and understand why the conflict was getting escalated so much.

Soonn, he came to a conclusion and said out loud,

"Oh? All these Barons... They seem to have a connection with the House of Gilzeiros."

A question then popped in Lith's head. "Is Viscount Gilzeiros the man behind this?" 

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