Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Haesong (1)

Chapter 145 Haesong (1)

[The American society that remained silent at the death of a great artist]

[Republican senator Fernando Gonzalez attends the funeral of Fernando Gonzalez. “It’s just to honor the artist I admired.”]

[Caroline Strick, “How the Great America Was Formed.”]

I searched and read articles related to Fernando Gonzalez on the internet news while waiting for my grandfather.

The people who fought each other to keep their political power seemed to stop fighting after Fernando Gonzalez died.

It was a relief.

Art historian Caroline Strick expressed her condolences to Fernando Gonzalez, saying that America could become great because it was a society where various ethnic groups coexisted.

She also quoted the letter he left behind.

It was only two lines, saying that he got a lot of inspiration from <79kg> and <34kg> for my first solo exhibition ‘Sweet Happiness’.

Caroline Strick argued that the way to save us from the harsh life is not hatred towards each other, but harmony, and that the chocolatism act of communicating and spreading happiness based on communication is the most necessary thing in our era and what art should aim for today.

Aside from other words.

I totally agree with the idea that we need harmony, not hatred.

If I blame others for the reason why I have a hard time living, a fight will break out.

As my grandfather said, as the economy gets harder, each country shows a nationalist tendency, which is the same context.

If this goes on, something irreversible will happen someday.

We have to love as many things as possible.1)

Even if it’s hard to understand the other person, we need to try to talk.

Didn’t we make a little progress with that small courage?2)

I believe that.

As I was thinking about it and putting down my smartphone, I saw an article that said that a phenomenon called annular eclipse occurred last week.

“Annular eclipse?”

The article explained that it was a phenomenon where the moon covers the sun, but the picture was strange.

It looked like computer graphics.

I wonder if this can really happen.


I showed the picture of the annular eclipse to Jang Mirae.

“Is this real?”

“It’s an annular eclipse.”

She nodded.

“Where can I see it?”

“I don’t know?”

Jang Mirae looked up the annular eclipse and shrugged her shoulders.

“You could see it in Australia last week.”

“Can’t we see it in our country?”

“It doesn’t seem easy. We could see partial eclipses often though.”

I really want to see it.

I’m so excited by the picture alone, I wonder what it would be like to see it in person.

“Oh. You can see it.”


“September 2, 2035.”


“In Goseong.”

“Where is Goseong?”

“In the north of Gangwon Province?”

I have to wait seven years to see it, and I can’t even see it in Seoul.

I missed a good opportunity.

I didn’t have a chance to see it anyway.

“It doesn’t matter where you are, you can see it every 18 months. Do you want to see it?”


After <Frosty Millet Field>, <Mask>, <Bullet>, and <Fernando and Louis> were all works that expressed ‘idea’ with a purpose.

It’s been a long time since I wanted to draw something purely with images, like an eclipse.

“You can’t see it perfectly in one place for a long time. Just a few minutes?”

The earth, the moon, and the sun are all in a hurry.

I was looking for pictures of the annular eclipse with a regretful heart for a while, and the plane that my grandfather took arrived.


I waved my hand to my grandfather and he ran over and hugged me.

I can’t breathe.

“Did you eat well? Did you apply lotion? Did you brush your teeth? Didn’t you miss your grandfather?”

We were only apart for a week and we video called every day, but he was so happy to see me.

He seemed to have recovered more than I thought, and I was relieved.

“I ate well.”

I was afraid of not being able to eat delicious food because my gums sank like last time, so I brushed my teeth well, but I sometimes forgot to apply lotion.


I was going to ask if he was okay, but I saw the sadness still in his eyes and swallowed my words.

Instead, I hugged him and he said he was okay and stroked my back.

To me, the death of Fernando Gonzalez was just a great artist leaving the world, but to my grandfather, who had a personal friendship with him, it must have been a big wound.

I have to hug him a lot for a while.

“You worked hard.”

“What hard work.”

My grandfather stroked my head and got up and greeted Jang Mirae.

“Did Hoon-ee cause any trouble?”

“He only drew pictures.”

Jang Mirae clapped her hands as if she remembered something.

“Oh, he secretly ate one more snack.”

I had a meticulous plan to secretly eat a small amount of snacks without being noticed when Jang Mirae went to work, but I was caught somehow.

I looked up at my grandfather in panic.

“That’s why your cheeks are chubby.”


While eating dinner with Jang Mirae, my grandfather’s retirement ceremony came up.josei

Actually, I was more interested in the exhibition than the retirement ceremony, but Korea University prepared bigger than I thought.

They rented one of the largest movie theaters in Seoul.

“700 seats?”

My grandfather was surprised and asked.

“Too small.”

“Small. Where are the people who are coming to rent such a big place? Cancel it right away.”

“Where are the people who are coming? There are so many people who are coming, so I took them on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Jang Mirae complained that she had a hard time persuading the students and graduates who expressed their participation late to meet at the Seoul Art Museum.

“Why did you come when you’re all so busy?”

“We haven’t seen each other for a long time because we’re living busy lives. This is a chance to see your face. When else will we see you again if not at your retirement ceremony?”

Jang Mirae knows how to deal with Grandpa.

He would have come out willingly if she said she came to see him out of respect. But he didn’t say much when she said the reunion was the purpose.

Grandpa seems to be looking forward to seeing his students a little bit.

“How many are coming?”

“Nari said about 2,000 people are coming.”


I was as surprised as Grandpa.

It means there are much more than that, since only a thousand people contacted to attend the retirement ceremony.

Grandpa looks amazing.

“Did you teach that many people, Grandpa?”

“Of course not.”

As far as I know, Grandpa taught students directly for about 14 years.

I don’t know how many people take Oriental painting in a year, but I doubt it would be 2,000.3)

“It’s much more if you count the whole art school. You didn’t just teach Oriental painting.”


Grandpa was embarrassed and sighed. Jang Mirae regretted it.

“I’m sorry that we filled the seats for the outsiders first. You’ll have to meet the students at the art museum.”

“What do you mean?”

“They said to reserve the seats for the famous people first and then fill the students at the faculty meeting.”

“No. Why are you calling other people for our school’s business?”

“I said the same thing at first. But when I saw the list, I couldn’t tell them not to come.”

“You have to ask for permission even if the president comes. Do you have the list?”

“Just a moment.”

Jang Mirae opened her smartphone and soon the alarm rang.

I was curious who was coming that even Jang Mirae couldn’t help it, so I went to Grandpa’s side.

[2028 Korea University Art School Dean Retirement Ceremony Attendance List]

Lee Eung-gyeom, President of Korea University

Bae Jin-ki, Dean of Humanities at Korea University

Kwon Dae-sik, Dean of Social Sciences at Korea University

Most of the attendees are related to Korea University. The names of the faculty and staff of each college and department are listed.

Grandpa doesn’t mind his colleagues coming.

Choi Young-soo, President of the Korean Art Association

Na Jeong-woong, Director of the Korean Art Association

Lee Seong-jin, Member of the National Assembly of the Goryeo Party

Kim Dong-yoon, Member of the National Assembly of the Goryeo Party

Lee Ji-young, Member of the National Assembly of the Silla Party

Park Eun-soon, Member of the National Assembly of the Baekje Party

Gil Sang-soo, Mayor of Seoul

I don’t know what the Korean Art Association is, but I don’t care about the members of the National Assembly and the mayor.

“What is the Korean Art Association?”

“It’s a place that pretends to protect the rights of artists in our country.”



Come to think of it, Grandpa and Jang Mirae never spoke positively about the association.

“Why are these people coming to my retirement ceremony? I don’t even know their faces.”

“They said they were alumni.”

“I don’t consider politicians as alumni.”

Jang Mirae just smiled.

As I continued to look, some corporate executives came, and so did many artists, including Kim Hyung-woo, who had his schedule changed because of me.

There were also many people who had personal ties with Grandpa.

The names of foreign people, such as Martin Jansen, the director of the Van Gogh Foundation and Grandpa’s friend, and Richard Phillips, a product designer, also caught my eye.



Henri Marceau.

“Why did you contact him?”

Grandpa jumped up.

“He contacted us first.”

“Don’t be like that. He’s a strange person, but not a bad one.”

Grandpa grunted and bit his tongue when I defended Henri Marceau.

“I hate people who are arrogant.”

I had nothing to say about that.

By the way, he said he would call me after the last broadcast, but he didn’t, so I couldn’t.

I forgot about it, but I should call him once I remember.

“The event got too big.”

“They all want to congratulate you. It’s the comeback exhibition of Haesong Go Soo-yeol, the master painter.”

Usually, retirement would be a sad thing, but everyone seemed happy for Grandpa.

Bantae Ho and Jang Mirae were like that, and Pierre Malo, who I asked about a while ago, was also upset that Grandpa didn’t tell him earlier that he was having an exhibition.

“Then what’s the schedule?”

“The ceremony starts at 6 p.m. tomorrow at WH Cinema, and the party is scheduled for 9 p.m. on the third floor of the same building. It’s like a pre-party.”


“You’ll know that the exhibition starts at Seoul Art Museum the day after tomorrow.”

Grandpa nodded.

Everyone would remember Grandpa’s old style, but I wish the day after tomorrow would come soon.

I was looking forward to the evening party that started at 9 p.m. tomorrow, and how much delicious food there would be.

Jang Mirae said we could enjoy the best buffet in Korea.

“I’m not going to eat tomorrow.”

Grandpa blinked when I said that with hope.

“What do you mean?”

“I have to empty my stomach to eat a lot of delicious food at night.”

“It starts at 9 p.m.”

I can starve for half a day if I can eat something delicious.

“It’s too late. Stay home.”

“Okay. Auntie will buy you pizza. It’s hard to take you with me during the event, and you can’t stay home?”


He asked me to give up the delicious food, which was an unreasonable request.

But if I insisted, Grandpa and Jang Mirae would only see me as a child throwing a tantrum.

There was a very effective way to persuade my mother and father.

“I’m scared to be home alone.”


1)The best way to live a great life is to love as many things as possible.

-Vincent van Gogh

2)What would life have been like if we had no courage to attempt anything?

-Vincent van Gogh

3)Korea University Art School Oriental Painting Department recruits 15 students for early admission. The self-directed major is 100 students for both early and regular admission.

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