Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Haesong (6)

Chapter 150 Haesong (6)

“Did you eat two chocolates, Hoon? Were they delicious? Were they small and cute?”

The day after the retirement ceremony.

Jang Mi Rae teased me about what happened yesterday with a smile.

I wish I didn’t remember what I did, but it was so clear that I wanted to hide somewhere.

I already left a stain on my life because of the chocolate Mont Blanc, and this time I became a national disgrace because of the triple and alcohol chocolates.

On the internet, there are pictures of me hugging Henri Marso and being carried by my grandfather.

[The genius boy who pinched Henri Marso’s cheek!]

[Go Suyeol, the painter who looked around during his speech]

On August 2nd, at the retirement ceremony of Go Suyeol, the 20th dean of the College of Fine Arts at Korea University, a small commotion caused laughter.

Go Hoon, the grandson of Go Suyeol, the painter, got drunk after eating a dessert with alcohol.

Go Suyeol, the painter, carried his grandson who wouldn’t wake up to the auditorium.

As the applause continued, Go Hoon regained his senses and opened his eyes slightly. He looked around and blushed.

Meanwhile, at the pre-dinner party, he and Henri Marso also created a warm scene.

Henri Marso, a famous French painter and tycoon, lifted up Go Hoon, who was drunk, to comfort him.

Then Go Hoon grabbed his cheek and stretched it to both sides, smiling brightly and showing off their friendship.

You can check out the situation in the link below.

-High quality video link-

└I’m going crazy, seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Call him a kid one more timeㅋㅋㅋ

└Who is the person who added the subtitles? Good job.

└Why is it so cute when he slaps Henri’s faceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Wow, he can handle that.

└Henri doesn’t get angry or annoyedㅋㅋㅋㅋ He’s so kindㅠㅠ

└They’re really closeㅋㅋㅋ He’s rubbing Henri’s face like a rice cakeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└I knowㅋㅋ Who in the world treats that crazy guy like thatㅋㅋㅋ

└He looks happy being carried by his grandfather.

└Henri has a hard time.

I’m going crazy.

I remember, but I don’t know what I was thinking when I did that.

I have to avoid Henri Marso for a while.

I sighed as I looked at the article and Jang Mi Rae wrapped her cheek and laughed.

“Ogu ogu. You’re so cute. Are you embarrassed?”

“Stop it.”

“It’s okay. It happens. Everyone likes it.”

I admit that I have a cute face, but I don’t want to be loved for that kind of behavior.1)

If I get that image, no matter how cool the picture I draw, it won’t be fully conveyed.

I have to find a way to show a serious side.

There aren’t many articles about me getting drunk yesterday. Fortunately, it doesn’t stand out much because there are a lot of stories related to my grandfather.

[The message from the giant of the Korean art world]

Go Suyeol, the 20th dean of the College of Fine Arts at Korea University, left the education field.

In the 80s, Hae Song Go Suyeol, the painter who drew attention with his paintings that contained Korean sentiments, such as pine trees, was a pivotal figure who laid the foundation for Korean painting.

At a time when everyone was shouting for globalization, his style of painting that preserved the uniqueness of Korean painting received a lot of love from the world, and his <Pine Tree 10> was auctioned for 27.5 million pounds at the Sotheby’s auction house in 1992.

Go Suyeol, the great giant of the Korean art world, joined the Department of Oriental Painting at the College of Fine Arts at Korea University in 2009 and nurtured outstanding students such as Kim Hyung Woo, Lee Sang Il, and Jang Mi Rae.

He contributed to the art education field as the dean in 2023.

Yesterday, on the 2nd, at the retirement ceremony, he said, “As you grew your dreams and courage by looking at the previous painters, be the dreams and courage of the young painters.” And he added, “I will also try to do that.”

Meanwhile, Go Suyeol’s solo exhibition, which opened for the first time in 19 years, can be seen at the Seoul Museum of Art for a month from today, the 3rd.

└Go Suyeol is a god! Sir!

└He’s really cool. He donates 100 million won every year to the youth independence project.

└Not children or the underprivileged?

└He sees the social problem as the 20-40s youth being exploited by landlords, businesses, and the older generation.

└Landlords and companies make more money, but young people can’t even afford their own bodies in Seoul even if they work hard. They can’t get married, so the birth rate drops, the economic activity population decreases, and they think it’s okay as long as they make a lot of money. They can’t live without both working, so there’s no one to take care of the baby. That’s why there are more kids with personality problems.

└I hate long texts;;

└I really like Go Suyeol’s paintings, but I’ve never seen them in real life.

└You might be able to see them tomorrow?

└I cried the first day I took a class from Professor Go Suyeolㅠ


└He asked me if I had ever painted Korean painting, so I showed him a picture confidently, but he said very kindly that I had never painted itㅠㅠㅠㅠ


└Too muchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└What?ㅋㅋ Is your painting not a painting?

└He asked me if I really thought my painting was Korean painting. He told me to think about whether it was Western painting, Oriental painting, or modern art. I didn’t know.

└What is Korean painting?

└He said he didn’t know either and asked me to think with him.


└Isn’t Go Suyeol the representative painter of Korean painting? What do you do if you don’t know?

└Maybe he’s just giving the students a chance to think?

└Another difficult story came up. What’s important about the concept? Just good is good.

As many people welcome my grandfather’s exhibition, there are also many people who regret his retirement.

Ding dong-

The doorbell rang.

I pressed the button on the footboard and Bang Tae Ho greeted me.

“This is a bit high. Can’t you lower it?”

Jang Mi Rae said something nice.

I’ve been using a golf club, but it was so heavy that it was hard to control.

Once I broke the intercom screen and my grandfather put the footboard.

Bang Tae Ho opened the door and came in and brought up the story I wanted to forget.

“Are you okay, Hoon?”

“I’m not okay.”

“Why? Does your head hurt?”

“I’m so embarrassed that I can’t go outside anymore.”

“Hehehehe. Oh, hello. Professor.”

“Hello. Are you taking a shower, teacher?”

“Yes. I have some time left.”

Bang Tae Ho looked at me and laughed again.

“People were worried yesterday, so I posted a message on the community that I was okay. Did you see the comments?”

I shuddered at the thought of how much ridicule I would face if I turned on the internet broadcast.

“I don’t want to watch it.”

“Heh. Was it that delicious? It had more alcohol than you thought. Four percent.”

Bang Tae-ho informed me that the alcohol content of the chocolate liquor I ate yesterday was four percent.

I didn’t know how high that was, but I think I was drunk since I ate the triple.

“Was it that delicious?”

Jang Mi-rae asked.

“…It was tasty.”

“What are you going to do? You can’t like alcohol already.”

Alcohol is my enemy.

Since the seriousness of lead poisoning is widely known, I knew that they don’t put lead in alcohol like they used to.

But I can’t repeat this disgrace.

I will never drink, even when I’m legally old enough to do so.

“I will never drink when I grow up.”

“Really? People who say that usually drink a lot.”

“I won’t drink. Never.”

“Yeah, you. Where in the world is a kid who gets drunk in front of his grandfather?”

Grandfather came out to the living room, shaking off his wet hair.

I had nothing to say.


“Oh, you’re here.”

“Boss, he’s not a professor anymore. He’s a writer.”

“Oh. That’s right.”

The three of them were in a good mood.

It was a good day, but I wanted to cover my face, thinking of the attention I would get. I looked for a hat.

A sun cap, a very suitable hat to cover my face, caught my eye.

I also took the sunglasses that he bought me when we traveled to Europe and the cool neck scarf that I wore when I went hiking with Grandfather.

“Shall we go if you’re ready? Hoon-ah, how long will it take?”

“I’m done.”

As I put on my bag, Jang Mi-rae and Bang Tae-ho laughed again.

“Kukkukkukkukkuk. Hoon-ah, what is that? Huh?”

Jang Mi-rae tried to take off my sun cap and neck scarf.


“Are you going to the neighborhood bar? Or the hiking club? Take it off.”

“I need this.”

“Teacher, look at Hoon. He’s going like this.”

Grandfather looked at me and nodded his head with a smile.

“My son dresses well by himself. Let’s go.”

Of course.

Grandfather bought me these things, so he wouldn’t dislike them.

I didn’t know why, but I put on my shoes, leaving behind Jang Mi-rae and Bang Tae-ho who were dumbfounded.

“Hoon-ah, do you want to go hiking with Grandfather tomorrow?”


“Yeah. Let’s walk leisurely like we’re taking a walk and eat acorn jelly and potato pancakes.”

I’ve never had acorn jelly, but my father made me potato pancakes.

He grated potatoes and fried them in cooking oil without any other ingredients, and it was an amazing dish.

The chewy texture in the middle was good, but the slightly crispy feeling on the edge was so nice.

“Let’s go.”


Henri Marso, who had a harmonious time with Go Hoon last night, gritted his teeth all night after seeing the pictures on the internet.

His perfect face was distorted because of Go Hoon, and he felt like he wouldn’t be satisfied even if he sued all the Korean media.


Anri glanced at Michelle.

She had set the humiliating picture of Henri Marso that the Daehan Ilbo posted yesterday as her smartphone wallpaper.

“Delete it right now.”

“No way? Heukheukheukheuk.”

Michelle put down her smartphone and twisted Anri’s face. She couldn’t stop laughing as she pinched his cheeks and lips.

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah. I love it.”


Henri Marso sighed deeply with his eyes closed.

He thought he would tolerate it since Michelle hadn’t laughed so much in a long time, but he exploded when he heard the camera shutter sound after she turned up his nose.


Michelle kissed Anri’s lips with a smile.

He couldn’t be angry with her anymore, so he quietly gave in.

“Delete it.”

“No. Just this one.”

“I told you to delete it.”

“I’ll grant you one wish instead.”

“I don’t have any wishes.”

“Really? I’ll do anything for you.”

Anri snickered.

He believed he could get anything in the world if he wanted to. He didn’t need any wishes.

“Do you think there’s something I can’t have?”

Michelle got up and looked for her bag. She took out a small autograph paper.

“I’ll give you this.”

Henri Marso raised his eyebrows.

It was the sunflower autograph that Go Hoon drew for his fans in New York.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you want?”

“Ha. Don’t joke. I can buy it with money.”

Michelle stuck out her lips.

“It doesn’t work.”

She casually handed Henri Marso the sunflower autograph of Go Hoon.

Henri Marso kept his fierce expression and put it next to his head.


1)Go Hoon had been proud of his appearance since he was Vincent van Gogh.

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