Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Summer Waves (7)

Chapter 161 Summer Waves (7)

Jerome saw Henri and called out to him desperately.

“Mr. President, I’m here. Just a moment, just a moment, I have something to discuss with you.”

Henri looked him up and down.

He recognized his face, but he couldn’t remember who he was.

“Who are you?”

“…Excuse me?”

Jerome was flustered.

He couldn’t believe that Henri had forgotten him, after working together for several years.

He must have seen his attempt to draw a line over the Antermittang affair as a threat.

“What are you?”

Henri Marso’s face was displeased.

“I’ll explain everything. Please, just 10 minutes, no, 5 minutes, please listen to me.”

Henri Marso crossed his arms.

Jerome swallowed.

“It’s true that I put a condition on Antermittang. But it wasn’t for my own benefit. It’s not a bad thing to encourage participation in the association’s events and to ask for donations, is it?”

Henri narrowed his eyes.

He remembered where he had seen him. He was the criminal who had stolen from the SNBA.

“I’m not a judge. Save that for the court.”

“Mr. President!”

Jerome grabbed the door and shouted.

“Since when did the association’s private meetings become official events?”

There was no anger in Henri’s voice. Only contempt.

“Since when did the money transactions between the association members become donations?”

Jerome nodded.

It was a lame excuse that he had made up on the spot, but he didn’t think that Henri Marso would be unaware of the situation.

“There was a problem with the procedure. But I really didn’t have any other intention. Don’t you know? How much I worked for you and the association.”

Jerome mentioned the many things he had done as the association’s secretary.

He handled the association’s official documents, planned and conducted events, and worked overtime to ensure that Henri Marso’s reforms were implemented quickly.

He also stepped in to quell the unrest in the association when there were complaints about Henri Marso.

He had been loyal all this time, and he couldn’t be discarded for a small flaw.

Henri Marso snorted.

He was amused by the livestock that claimed to have worked for him.


Jerome nodded.

“What did you do?”

“Excuse me?”

“You don’t seem to know why I put you in that position. Did I give you that money to lick my feet?”


“Don’t you get it yet? My shoes are too expensive for your dirty mouth to lick.”

To Henri Marso, Jerome Kerbiel was no different from a fly.

His voluntary actions only annoyed him.

“You should plow the field if you get fed. You let the other cows do the work and you bring your filthy tongue?”

Despite the scornful words, Jerome Kerbiel didn’t change his mind.

He didn’t care about his pride.

He was incompetent as a critic and as an artist, and the only reason he had a place in the art world was because of his status in the association.

He could endure anything if he could keep that.

“I’m sorry.”

Jerome knelt down.

“Really. I really made a mistake.”

He bowed his head to the ground and begged.

“It won’t happen again. If you give me one chance. Just let this one go, and I’ll persuade the people who withdrew.”

The only card left for Jerome Kerbiel was the ones who had left.

The fraud they had committed was stored in his pocket, in the USB.

If he could control the people who were creating public opinion against Henri Marso outside, it would be a good thing for Henri Marso too, he thought.

But he heard nothing.

When Jerome lifted his head, Henri Marso was already walking along the promenade.

“Mr. President! It’s all here! I brought the evidence you were looking for!”

Jerome took out the USB drive and shook it, feeling anxious.

Henri Marso turned around and came closer, and Jerome paled.

He didn’t care about his dignity.

He just wanted to show his loyalty and usefulness, and keep his position.

“Please check it.”

Jerome put his hand through the iron bars and tried to hand over the USB. He looked at Henri with a face mixed with worry, fear, hope, and desperation.

Henri Marso took it.


“Excuse me?”

“Lighter. Don’t you have one?”

“Oh, yes. Yes!”

Jerome Kerbiel hastily searched his pocket and took out an S. T Dupont lighter.

“Light it.”

Henri Marso knew he was not a smoker, but Jerome did as he said. He didn’t want to provoke him. He wanted to show his sincerity.


Henri held the USB over the lighter flame.

“I can’t stand the trash in my world.”

The art world existed only for him.

The glorious history that began from the mural paintings was the result of Henri Marso, and the future of art would be based on Henri Marso.

He couldn’t leave any foul-smelling trash in that noble world.

“Tell me.”

Henri Marso sneered.

“How do you get rid of the trash that doesn’t burn?”


It’s been four days since I came to Samcheok.

I can’t think of anything good, so I’ve been staring at the sea all day, and I feel a bit depressed.

I want to express the movement of the waves that never stop, but I can’t find a solution.

It’s like this rocky cliff.

I’m hungry and I decide to go up, but the sunset is already gone.

The movement and the color change with the time. The deep blue turns gradually red, and the rocks become darker with the shadows.

It’s a natural phenomenon, but it’s a problem to capture it all.

It wouldn’t be a problem if it was a video, but that method has no meaning for me.

Can I make the sun move on the canvas?


I don’t need to paint it.

If I exhibit it outdoors, the sun will move by itself.

No, wait.

Even if the paint color changes slightly with the passage of time, it won’t change dramatically like the sea.

…Let’s try it.

I never started a work knowing it perfectly.

I painted until I was satisfied, and that’s how I finished it. This time is no different.

The remaining problem is the waves that ripple constantly. How can I paint them as if they are moving?



I suddenly remembered the amazing picture my father showed me a long time ago.

“Do you know the illusion picture?”


Cha Si-hyun nodded. He took out his tablet and searched for pictures related to illusion.

There were many, but the almond picture that my father showed me caught my eye.

“This one.”

As I enlarged the screen, the almond picture wobbled.


Cha Si-hyun wondered if it looked the same to his eyes.

“What’s the principle of this?”

“I don’t know.”

When I searched for the reason why the illusion occurs, it was full of incomprehensible words.

Even the smart Cha Si-hyun tilted his head at words like rod cell or lateral inhibition.

If I could paint such a picture as I intended, I wouldn’t care about the principle.

“I’m hungry.”

“Me too.”

Maybe Grandpa would give me some direction.

I packed my stuff and hurried.



Grandpa, who was sitting in a rocking chair and sleeping, was startled. I asked him as I washed my hands in the bathroom.

“Do you know the illusion phenomenon?”


“Yes. Illusion. Painting as if it moves.”

“I know it.”

Grandpa yawned. He wiped his hands with a towel and checked the clock, shaking his head.josei

“Sleep and eat. Sleep and eat.”

“That’s what you do when you rest.”

Grandpa cleared his throat and said we should order delivery for dinner.

I don’t care about that.

I showed him the wobbling picture.

“How do you paint this?”

“Well. I’ve never painted this kind of picture. There aren’t many people who paint this kind of picture.”

Grandpa stroked his beard.

“There are many painters who use illusion. Like Jim Warren or Victor Vasarely. But I can’t think of any pictures that wobble like this.”

I searched for the two people he mentioned and found some amazing works.

Victor Vasarely’s pictures seem to be more helpful for this work than Jim Warren’s.

I guess I have to analyze it myself with a few pictures on the internet.

“By the way, Hun-ah, did you see the video that came up?”

“What video?”

“Ki-am-seong teaser. A lot of people have seen it already.”

I forgot because I only thought about painting the sea.

I wonder how they saw it, what comments they left, how many views they had. I searched for the <Ki-am-seong> teaser video with a nervous heart.

The video that was uploaded yesterday on the YouTube channel operated by Norman Studio has already been played 3.11 million times.

It’s amazing that so many people can watch one video in such a short time.

└What are you, human?

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋThe top comment is hilariousㅋㅋㅋ Do you ask if it’s a sculptureㅋㅋㅋ

└I get the intention, but why are you picking a fightㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Why are you so handsome?

└It’s exactly the same as the picture. Toby Chalamet’s features are exactly the same.

└Go Hoon is not famous for nothing.

└No, it’s because Go Hoon drew a concept art that resembled the actor.

└Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes hate this movie.

└Even men are amazed.

└Ah, I’m pissed off? You’re uploading it now for the release in December next year? ㅅㅂ How do you expect me to wait until then?

└I have to watch it if it’s Norman’s new work.

└Go Hoon’s picture has a really good vibe. It’s different from the pictures he hung at the exhibition, he seems to draw everything well.

└He’s a genius. Henri invested a million dollars to see that.

└No. My brother is not a fool.

└Yeah, your brother is a fool~

└Honestly, he’s not a fool. If it’s Norman’s director and Toby Chalamet’s lead, it’s guaranteed to be more than the original, so how is investing in that a fool?

└???: “Investment for the revival of French literature”

└Why does my brother spend money like crazy? Does he have Raphael in his house?

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThat’s right. Why do you worry about how a billionaire spends his moneyㅋㅋ

└Yeah, he’s a fool~


There are a lot of stories, but there are a lot of comments that make fun of Henri Marso, which is a bit funny.

I liked it.

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