Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Eroica (3)

Chapter 167 Eroica (3)

“Protect the artists’ livelihood!”

“Help those who were unjustly expelled!”

“Henri Marso, resign!”

When I arrived in Paris, I realized that the situation was more serious than I thought.

There were banners denouncing Henri Marso everywhere on the streets.

In front of the Louvre Museum, a lot of people were protesting against the SNBA’s misdeeds.

I had some idea of what was going on from the news, but it was shocking.

“It’s not good.”

Grandfather clicked his tongue.

“It’s a hard time to be together.”

I felt the same way.

Having been exposed to the film industry, I knew how small the art market was.

It was very rare for a single artist’s work to be traded for billions of won.

That was not helpful for the painters’ lives.

According to Bang Tae-ho, 80 percent of the money traded in the art market last year was for the works of dead people.

The current art world is not a structure where living people can make money.

Even the art world treats paintings as investment objects, and focuses on attracting investors, so they can no longer do creative work and produce scarce works.

That is, the works of dead or elderly painters are the only ones that sell well.

That’s why I think there should be more people like grandfather, Jang Mi-rae, Henri Marso, and Fernando Gonzalez.

The more people who are loved by the public, the more people who will enter the art world.

People who liked grandfather’s work would visit the museum and see other artists’ works, and gradually expand their territory, and then capital would naturally follow.

Money always follows where people gather.

The fundamental solution for active painters to pursue a stable life is not support policies, but more people who see paintings.

Painters should pursue diverse values to satisfy them.

Arguing about who is wrong and who is right will only shrink the market.

“Do you think they really opposed and expelled him?”josei

“If you only look at the surface, it seems that way. But you can imagine what you can’t see.”

Grandfather was right.

If you leave the incident as it is, it is true that Henri Marso kicked out those who raised their flags against him.

However, recently, there have been reports that the beneficiaries of the Antermittant system have increased explosively.

Some explain this as an action to appease public opinion, but on the other hand, you can also wonder if there was any problem within the SNBA.

Anyway, I’ll find out if I ask directly.

I received an invitation from Madame Sherry Gado, so I’m going to have a conversation with her.

I saw the Pont Neuf station.

“I’m supposed to meet her here.”

“Grandfather will take you there.”

“No, you have work to do.”

“I’m worried, that’s why.”

I checked the time and it was 11:30.

He had a meeting with the Louvre Museum at 12 o’clock about the touring exhibition, but it took longer than expected in Chardon.

If I went back and forth from Marceau’s mansion, which was 50 minutes away, I would miss the appointment time.

“You have to go now. It’s okay. We agreed to meet at 12 o’clock.”

Grandfather hesitated and packed up.

“Do you know the hotel address?”


“Do you have your wallet and phone?”


“You have to call me if anything happens. Don’t follow strangers.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not a kid.”

“You are a kid. Are you an adult?”

I had nothing to say.

“I can’t do it. Let’s stay together until Gado arrives, even if I’m late.”

“No, you said you have to keep your promise. Please go.”

If we kept talking like this, it would be 12 o’clock, so I got out of the car.

Grandfather reluctantly asked me.

“Call me when you meet Gado. Tell me you met her.”

“I will.”

He seemed to call the police if I didn’t contact him, so I promised to do so, and then the other side of the street became noisy.

“It’s Henri!”


I turned my head and saw Henri Marso kicking his car.

“I guess Marceau came out instead.”

“Yeah. Have fun and come back.”

Grandfather sighed and drove away.

“Why isn’t he coming?”

Meanwhile, Henri Marso, who entrusted to Arsen, was having a boring time in the car.

It was partly because Pierre Malo was captivated by , and partly because Arsen had arranged a complicated route to hide the fact that Henri Marso was the one who painted .

It would take a while to remove the disguise and come back.

Henri Marso couldn’t stand the boredom and tried to call Arsen, but gave up.

Arsen usually carried his smartphone and all his belongings, so he had no way of contacting him.

He was also hungry.


Henri Marso got out of the car, unable to bear the frustration.


“It’s Henri!”

“He’s cool.”

As a celebrity, people who met him on the street made comments and observed Henri Marso.

“Why are you here?”

“Did you come alone?”

“Is it because of the protest?”

He could hear the protest against Henri Marso from the Louvre Museum in the distance.

He came out because he was suffocated, but he thought it would be better than facing the annoying situation, and tried to open the car door.


Thud thud-

Henri Marso was startled.

He didn’t even know what kind of locking device was on the car, which Arsen usually drove and managed.

“Why is this happening?”

People around him started laughing.

“What? You can’t get in?”

“Why? Don’t you have the key?”

Henri Marso pressed his vein on the handle.

“What are you doing?”

“Expensive cars scan your vein to unlock.”

“Really? That’s amazing.”

But no matter how many times he repeated, the warning light only blinked, indicating that it was not recognized.

He wondered if the sensor on the back door was broken, and tried once around the car, but it was useless.

‘Damn it.’

He suddenly remembered that he had told Arsen to register his vein because he was too lazy to do it himself.

He had no way out.

“I guess it doesn’t work.”

“How cute.”

Henri Marso clenched his teeth.

He felt so embarrassed to be laughed at by the people in front of him that he wanted to scrap the car that caused him shame.

He kicked the car to vent his anger, and the alarm went off loudly.

He was already bored and annoyed, and his shallow patience ran out.

“Let’s go.”

Just then, Go Hoon crossed the street.

Henri Marso looked at him with curiosity.

“What? Why are you here?”

“Didn’t I come to pick you up?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I was supposed to meet Sherry Gado here.”

He recalled what the nanny Sherry Gado had said a few days ago.

She had told him not to invite him, but he seemed to have decided to come anyway.

“Yeah? When did you agree to meet?”

“In 30 minutes.”

Henri Marso couldn’t stand this situation for 30 minutes, so he looked at Go Hoon.

“Do you have money?”


“We just need to get out of here. Yeah. There, that’ll do.”

Henri Marso pointed to a cafe near the station. It was a cheap cafe that only commoners frequented, but he thought it was better than the street.

“Don’t you have money?”

Go Hoon, who didn’t know the situation, asked with curiosity.

“That’s how it is. Do you have it or not?”

“I do, but.”

Go Hoon took out his sponge cake wallet.

He had a card, but he also had five 20-euro bills that his grandfather Go Suyeol had exchanged for him as emergency money.

“Why do you only carry that much?”

“This is enough.”

“Next time, carry more. How can you drink or eat with that?”

“It’s enough for me.”

“What about me?”

“Why do I have to take care of you?”

As soon as they met, they started to bicker, and the people who were watching them started to murmur.

“Is he borrowing money now?”

“He must be broke.”

“Henri Marso?”

Go Hoon frowned at their words.

He was already uncomfortable that Henri Marso, who had been caught up in various troubles, was misunderstood again.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Don’t you want to give him money?”

Henri Marso scowled and asked.

“Why are you making that face?”

“Because you’re saying weird things.”

“Then smile.”

“How can I smile?”

“Smile. You’re making it look weirder because of you.”

Go Hoon tried to force a smile, but it didn’t work as he wanted.

Fortunately, the people who understood the situation enjoyed their banter.

“Chuckle. Smile. He talks like he’s stealing money.”

“Yeah. Hehe.”

Go Hoon, who was worried about Henri Marso, didn’t find their conversation funny.

“I’m not stealing. I’m not a thug, so don’t misunderstand.”

“Why are you saying the obvious!”

Henri Marso shouted angrily.

“They misunderstand.”

He was already attacked by many people, and he was worried that Henri Marso would give them another excuse.

“I’m giving it to you.”

Go Hoon handed all the bills he had to Henri Marso.

“See? I’m not stealing. I’m not a trashy person who steals money from people.”

“Then why are you saying the obvious! Why are you giving this to me?”

“You have to clear up the misunderstanding. They say you’re a trashy human being who steals money from teenagers.”

“They didn’t say that much! Take it back!”

“Why are you getting angry when I say you’re not that kind of person! Use it! Take it!”


Henri Marso grabbed Go Hoon’s wrist and headed to the cafe.


[Billionaire Henri Marso borrows money on the street?]

[Henri Marso bankrupt?]

[Go Hoon, “I’ll say it again, I didn’t give it to him, I gave it to him.”]

[Go Hoon, “Henri Marso is not a thug.”]

This morning, Henri Marso and Go Hoon showed off their friendship again near the Pont Neuf station.

Go Hoon, who was passing by, found Henri Marso, who couldn’t get into his car for some reason, and helped him.

The person who was at the scene said that Henri Marso had left his wallet behind and tried to borrow money from Go Hoon.

In the process, Go Hoon, who was worried about the misunderstanding, asked the citizens, “He’s not a trashy human being who steals money from teenagers.”

It was an occasion to know how Go Hoon usually thinks of Henri Marso, and it was confirmed that the two were still special to each other.

Meanwhile, the two argued again over whether they rented the entire cafe at the Pont Neuf station.

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