Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Eroica (7)

Chapter 171 Eroica (7)

“It’s Andreas.”

It was Andreas Farmer, the security chief of the Marso Gallery.

“Come in.”

The burly former fighter from Switzerland entered cautiously, looking around.

He had been Henri Marso’s personal bodyguard for the past nine years, and since last year he had taken charge of the security team of the Marso Gallery. He was one of the few people that Henri Marso trusted.

He came in with a serious expression and locked the door behind him.

Henri Marso frowned.

“What’s going on?”

“Jerome Kerbiel is here at the gallery.”

Henri Marso tilted his head.

“The former SNBA office manager?”

Henri Marso was puzzled by Andreas Farmer’s explanation.

He had no reason to take the trash’s visit to the gallery seriously.

But the security chief Andreas Farmer thought differently.

He was pretending to be normal, but.

His unnatural behavior of inspecting the underground parking lot and the inside of the gallery, his tense expression, and his relationship with Henri Marso all suggested that he needed to be careful.

He ordered his staff to monitor Jerome Kerbiel and demanded that they respond immediately if he did anything suspicious.

He wanted to kick him out or search him if possible, but he was careful as Andreas Farmer, knowing that he could also make that a problem.

“His movements are suspicious. You should be careful, just in case.”

Henri Marso shook his head.

“You’re worrying too much.”

“It’s for the sake of caution. The gallery is being watched by the staff, so I’ll accompany you on your schedule for the time being.”

Henri Marso checked his watch.

It was time to leave for the SNBA staff meeting.

Knock knock-

Someone knocked on the door.

Andreas Farmer put his index finger to his mouth and asked him not to make a sound, then quietly pulled out his gun.1)

“Sir, it’s time.”

It was the voice of his secretary, Arsen.

Henri, who had followed Andreas Farmer’s request even though he thought it was unlikely, shook his head.


Andreas Farmer cautiously opened the door with his gun pointed.

Arsen was startled.


Andreas Farmer pulled Arsen inside and looked around, then locked the door again.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s a suspicious person here.”


“Jerome Kerbiel. Where are you going now?”

“There’s an SNBA staff meeting. It starts at 12 at the Palais Bourbon…”

Arsen, who was telling Andreas Farmer Henri Marso’s schedule, sighed.

“Did something click?”

Arsen told him that he had told Jerome Kerbiel, who had been trying to come over hard, that he only had time this morning.

The day he mentioned was today, and the time matched.

“He must have come with an intention.”

After being humiliated by Henri Marso, Jerome Kerbiel had been active in various media outlets.

His words and actions clearly showed his hostility towards Henri Marso, and he also had a trial ahead of him, so he didn’t know what he would do in a corner.

“Do you want me to hide because of that bastard?”

Henri Marso expressed his reluctance, and both Farmer and Arsen tried to persuade him.

“You have to be careful.”

“Yes. He’s a person who has nothing to lose, so you never know what he’ll do.”


Henri Marso snorted.

At that moment.


“Don’t come near me!”

The outside became noisy.


After Michel Platini, the representative, showed him kindness.

The boy Vida Lavani, who couldn’t even eat a hard bread properly, visited the Marso Gallery every day.

He picked out candy from <79kg> every morning to ease his hunger a little, and since he didn’t go to school, he spent the whole morning looking at Henri Marso’s works and dreaming.

Today was no different.

‘What would be good?’

He was troubled because there were different flavors piled up unlike usual.

Michel Platini said he could take as much as he wanted, but the boy who was not used to kindness followed his own rule of six a day.

Should he pick six of his favorite candy?

As I was pondering over which candy to pick from the ones I had never tried before, a strange and shrill voice spoke to me.

“What’s tasty?”

I flinched and shrank back, startled by the sudden voice.

I turned my head and saw an Asian boy who looked two or three years younger than me blinking his eyes.

“Uh, what? What?”

Go Hoon felt sorry for scaring the boy unintentionally.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. Sorry.”

Bida Rabani looked at Go Hoon.

He looked like a rich kid with his fair and clear skin, well-groomed hair, and clean clothes.

I felt even more intimidated.

“Uh, it’s okay.”

Bida Rabani stepped back and Go Hoon asked him curiously.

“Weren’t you going to take something?”

“You, you go first.”

“I don’t know what’s good.”

Go Hoon crouched down in front of <79kg> and examined the French candies.

“Mango? What’s mango?”

Bida Rabani, who thought that a rich kid wouldn’t care much about candies, watched Go Hoon with interest as he chose candies with a serious attitude.

Then he gathered his courage and approached him.

“Have you never tried it?”

“No. What does it taste like?”

“It’s sweet.”

“All candies are sweet.”


The boy, who had never even read a book let alone received regular education, had limited vocabulary.

He had not tried many foods either, so he couldn’t even make a comparison.

Go Hoon asked the bewildered Bida Rabani.

“What do you like?”

“Uh. I like this.”

Bida Rabani picked a long candy made of nougat.

Go Hoon looked at the nougat de montélimar with interest.

Montélimar was a region famous for its nougat since ancient times.

The snacks made of nougat, nuts, and honey from there couldn’t be tasteless.

“It’s also a lot.”

“Yeah. It fills you up. It’s really good.”

Bida Rabani smiled when he recognized that he liked the candy for its quantity and taste.

“This and this are also good. I haven’t tried that one yet.”


The two boys sat side by side and chose candies.

They didn’t have much conversation, but their careful attitude to choose delicious candies was enough.

Go Hoon decided and consulted and took two nougat de montélimar.

“They said you can take more.”

“I know, but I promised my grandfather. Only one snack a day.”

Bida Rabani nodded, wondering why the rich kid was so serious about choosing one snack.

“Then one is?”

“For my grandfather.”

“Me too. I’m giving it to my brother.”

Bida Rabani gave up on adventure and took six nougat de montélimar that he and his brother liked the most.

The boy blurted out something he didn’t even ask.

“Uh, I eat one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And my brother’s too.”

Go Hoon nodded without asking any further questions.

“You can’t go this way.”

It was then.

At the end of the corridor that connected the gallery entrance and the second floor stairs, three men were facing each other.

A security guard blocked Jerome Kerbiel, who was heading to the second floor where the office was.

Go Hoon and Bida Rabani stared at the scene and then talked about candies again.

“Uh, I was just curious what kind of work was on this side.”

Jerome Kerbiel made an excuse that it was just a mistake.

But he was taken aback by the cold eyes and attitude of the security guards.

It seemed like they had noticed something, and he felt like he wouldn’t be able to meet Henri Marso, let alone get revenge.

His hand, which he had stuck in his pocket, was sweaty.

‘What should I do.’

He wanted to go to the second floor where Henri Marso was, but he couldn’t do anything with the security guard blocking him.

Jerome Kerbiel turned around and walked to the door that led to the first floor exhibition hall, glancing at the situation.

One of the two security guards was blocking the stairs, and the other was coming towards him.

His heart felt like it was going to burst.

“Mr. Kerbiel.”

My heart sank when they called my name. Jerome Kerbiel. I had a feeling they were suspicious of me by their cold attitude.josei

“Excuse me, but could you come with us for a moment? It won’t take long.”

I was only a few steps away from the security guards.

If they searched me, they would find the gun I was holding in my pocket.

I couldn’t let this end without getting my revenge on Henri Marso.

I had to do something.

I saw two kids sitting in front of the first exhibition hall in my sight.

“Don’t come any closer!”

I grabbed the Muslim boy next to me and shoved the gun at him.


The loud noise startled everyone in the reception and the first exhibition hall.

People were terrified by the madman who pointed the gun at a kid’s head.

The security guards were also flustered and tried to calm him down first.

“Mr. Kerbiel, calm down.”

“Call him. Call Henri Marso!”

“You won’t get anything by doing this, even if we don’t know what you want.”

“Shut up! Do I look like I’m joking? Huh?”

Jerome Kerbiel pressed the gun barrel against Bida Rabani’s jaw.

The frightened boy was stiff and couldn’t say anything. He just trembled with fear.

Go Hoon was also shocked.


Andreas Farmer, who sensed the ominous atmosphere, asked Arsen to call the police and cautiously looked down the stairs.

He clearly heard Jerome Kerbiel’s shout to bring Henri Marso.

He accessed the CCTV of the first floor corridor with his smartphone to check the situation and saw a kid being held hostage.

“Sir, you must not go out.”

Andreas Farmer urged him.

“Are you crazy? Why would I go there?”

Henri Marso looked at the CCTV with contempt.

He wouldn’t comply with the demands of a lunatic who was holding a gun and staging a hostage drama in broad daylight.

Then he saw a boy in his sight.


The boy was sitting next to Jerome Kerbiel, showing his back.

“Isn’t that Go Hoon?”

Arsen, who had finished reporting, nodded as he looked at the CCTV screen.

“Yes, it’s Go Hoon.”

“Why is he there?”

Andreas Farmer put his index finger on his lips.

“It seems he doesn’t know yet. We have to get him out of there first.”

Henri Marso’s face hardened with anger.

He didn’t care about the Muslim boy, but Go Hoon was different.

“Save him no matter what.”

“First of all.”


A gunshot rang out at that moment.


Only people with legitimate reasons, such as related occupations, can possess lethal firearms.

The effectiveness of France’s gun regulations was questioned after a terrorist attack in 2015, where armed gunmen killed 132 people.

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