Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Awakening (4)

Chapter 186 Awakening (4)

I feel like I’m being overprotected because of my young body.

It wouldn’t be a big deal if there weren’t many people around.

It’s nothing to go a few meters away and buy a bread.

It’s embarrassing to move together.

“We can go by ourselves. Right?”

Cha Si-hyun whispered in my ear.


I think I know why Bang Tae-ho is worried.

To others, I or this guy would look like children left on the street.



I have to endure a little from now on so that Grandpa and Bang Tae-ho won’t have a hard time.

“Four, please.”

Bang Tae-ho ordered eclairs.

While waiting a step away, Cha Si-hyun asked me.

“Did you want to eat this?”

“There’s chocolate.”

“Doesn’t it make you full?”

“It digests quickly.”

The good thing about having a healthy and young body is that anything I eat digests quickly.

I never feel bloated no matter how much I eat.


“Thank you.”

Bang Tae-ho handed out an eclair each. I felt the soft texture through the wrapper.

How does it taste?


I took a big bite and the dense chocolate mousse stuck to my mouth.

How soft is the bread?

It melts as soon as I chew.

Now I see that it’s a bread with a long cream and chocolate mousse on top.

Under the soft texture of the moist chocolate and cream, whipped cream bursts out.

“It’s delicious!”

Cha Si-hyun also shone his eyes with emotion.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Someone spoke to me.

I turned around and saw a girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old.

She wore an apricot-colored blouse with a green ribbon and a pleated skirt of the same color. She had a confident expression on her face.

Her bright blonde hair, almost white, caught my eye.


“Yeah. You.”

I looked around and pointed at myself to confirm. She glared at me with displeasure.

“Blanche Fabre.”

Cha Si-hyun seemed to know her.

“Do you know?”

“You showed me yesterday. Oh, you fell asleep.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about and looked puzzled. Fabre approached me.

“Blanche Fabre. I’m an artist.”

She introduced herself as an artist proudly.

She’s quite eloquent for a child.

“Go Hoon.”

“I know.”

What does she want?

Blanche Fabre stared at me and said.

“You also came out because you didn’t want to listen to Henri Marso’s speech, right?”

I came out because I wanted to eat eclairs.

“No. I eat this.”

“What kind of thinking do you have to say that? You seem to be close with that guy. Don’t hang out with him.”

We’re not on bad terms, but we’re not close either. Everyone seems to think we’re close.

Maybe it’s because there’s no one around Henri Marso.

“You entered the Art Nouveau contest, right?”

“I did.”

“Show him what you’ve got. He’s not the only one who does art.”

She speaks quite sharply, aside from being a bit bossy.

“Of course, I have that in mind. I’ll definitely win and show France that there’s not only Henri Marso but also Blanche Fabre.”

“Good. Cheer up.”

I cheered for the child who didn’t lose heart and even aimed for Henri Marso, who had established himself as a world-class artist.



“You can’t cheer. You entered too.”

What does entering the contest have to do with cheering? I wondered for a moment, and she narrowed her eyes.

“Or are you sure you’re going to win?”

“There are a lot of famous people, so it might be hard.”

I haven’t seen the works, but I heard that successful writers like Damien Carter also participated.

“What are you talking about? How can you do anything without that confidence?”

She’s a bit tiring to talk to.

“Okay. Let’s both try hard.”

“That’s how you should be.”

She crossed her arms and snorted.

As I turned to go back to my seat, Bang Tae-ho smiled faintly.

“She looks different from the image.”

“How do you know?”

“She’s getting attention in France for publishing unique works at a young age.”

She’s amazing for her age.

“What kind of works does she do?”


Cha Si-hyun pulled my clothes.


“She’s following us.”

I turned my head and saw Blanche Fabre staring at me. If she was following us, she would have looked flustered, but she looked confident, so Cha Si-hyun must have mistaken.

“Maybe we’re going the same way.”

I didn’t care much and asked Bang Tae-ho again.

“Do you draw?”

“Should I call it a picture? A broad semantic picture. Of insects.”

“Look. He keeps following us.”

This time, Cha Si-hyun turned me around. I met eyes with Fabre again.

I guess he was bothered by that kid, so I suggested he go first.

“Do you want to go first?”josei



I wondered if Cha Si-hyun’s guess was right and asked him.

“Do you have something to say?”


It was just a guess.

“Sorry. It feels like he’s following us.”

“That’s right.”

“What is?”

“Following us.”


“I lost it. The way.”

He crossed his arms again and snorted.

“Do you want to see the works? Let’s go together until dad comes to find us.”

It was a mess that I didn’t know where to start.

“You can just call your father.”

Blanche Fabre shrugged her shoulders.

“I lost it.”

“What’s your father’s phone number? I’ll lend you mine.”

“I saved it on my smartphone.”

I could tell that this young lady had no plan.

“Where did you lose it? Wouldn’t it be better to go back to where you were?”

“That’s right.”

He stood there blankly.

“Not going?”

“I don’t know.”


“I know it’s a crowded place.”

I thought it was inevitable from the child’s point of view, since it was full of tall adults, but he seemed like a terrible road-loser.

“If you stay with us, your father will worry. I think it would be better to be with the police officer in his mind. How about it?”

Bang Tae-ho stepped up like an adult.

The platinum-haired child nodded his head.


“Okay. Just a moment.”

Bang Tae-ho was about to look for the police who came out to control the opening ceremony of the Art Nouveau competition, but he stopped him.

“I’ll be sure to thank you.”

“Haha. It’s okay. It’s nothing.”

“While I’m asking you.”


“Can I eat that bread?”


Fabre pointed to the éclair that was Grandpa’s share. Bang Tae-ho hesitated for a moment and handed over the éclair.

“Okay. Eat this and stay with Hoon for a while. Hoon, Si-hyun. Don’t go anywhere and stay here, okay?”


Bang Tae-ho left his seat.

Blanche Fabre looked at the éclair with curiosity and bit it.

He ate it big after tasting it.

He must have been very hungry, but it was amazing that he had no expression change after eating that delicious thing.

“I’m a little scared of that sister.”

Cha Si-hyun stuck to my side.


Alex, who runs an art specialty YouTube channel and has secured 500,000 subscribers, visited Paris.

He was conducting outdoor broadcasts for a week, shooting videos related to the Art Nouveau competition.

“You must have seen the opening ceremony. I’ll go to the nearest place first. Can you find them all? The Cité Island is not as wide as you think. Wouldn’t there be multiple works in one building? I think I can find most of the works in a week.”

Alex looked at the chat window and groaned.

“Hey. How do you get them all right? I’ll try, but it’s impossible to get them all right, because there are unknown writers among the 1,700. 100? I think 100 is possible.”

└[Little Cat has donated $10.]: If you get 500 right, $500. If not, two videos a day for a week. Call?

“500? Hey. Why are you doing this? How do I get 500 right and how do I upload two videos a day? I’ll die.”

└[Little Cat has donated $10.]: $1,000.

“I’ll do it! It’s just a matter of not sleeping for a week.”

Alex, who received a big-money mission, was excited and filmed around.

“This place used to be all restaurants. But now it’s all small galleries. It doesn’t seem hard to find the works.”

Most of the buildings that stretched along the road had SNBA logos on them.

As soon as he came out of Notre Dame Cathedral, he followed the big road and the galleries were connected, so he could find the works easily.

Alex entered the first gallery and exclaimed.

“It’s a huge work from the beginning.”

His mouth was wide open.

The gums, tongue, tonsils, and nipples were realistically depicted, but the molars were dark and the front teeth were gradually painted lighter as they approached.

The tongue was also clear on the inside and faded as it came out.

“This is Lucas’s work. It seems to express how the intention changes the moment we spit out words. Hey, it’s obvious. I’ve seen Lucas’s works so many times that I can recognize them right away. The relationship between ideas and language is always Lucas.”

As Alex looked at the next work, the next work, he felt at some point that people were not moving.

It was hard to believe that people stopped in front of one work at the Art Nouveau competition where he had to find as many works as possible.

“There are too many people right now, so it’s hard to check. Thank you for waiting a moment. I’m curious why everyone is fascinated by what work.”

└Francis Bacon, isn’t it?

└Are you trying to guess who’s work it is?

└I’m sleepy.

└I’m frustrated. Let’s go see the next one.

└Where is Damien Carter’s work?

“Damien Carter’s work might be in a wider place. Installation art needs to secure space anyway. I don’t think it’s here. I’m sorry, but please wait a little longer. Oh, right. Max, you live in Chicago. It must be dawn. Oh, it’s moving. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

People started to move slowly and Alex squeezed in and almost dropped the camera.

‘What is this.’

He felt a momentary illusion that the picture was swirling and at the same time an inexplicable longing came over him.


Alex stood still with his mouth open, forgetting the broadcast.

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