Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Dad

Precisely at the moment when Reegan opened his mouth to start talking, a loud neighing of horses echoed through the desert land.

"Buddy? Was I hearing it wrong? Is that the sound of a horse?" Reegan asked with his knitted up.

"Yeah? I think it's really the sound of a horse."

Nix said clutching the dagger next to him on the ground.


Just as Nix got up from his place a roar resounded throughout the whole area and even the ground shook.

"What the hell is that sound?" Reegan said, raising up in a startle.

Nix stared at the distance, where a small silhouette of a woman riding a horse captivated his sight. She was in full broken armor tainted with blood and covered in several injuries while clutching a sword in her right hand and a bag attached to her back.

"Knight Rebecca of Ranrak," Nix muttered.

Followed by her a fifteen-meter-tall monster emerged behind her. Seems like it was the cause of her injuries or probably a monster fiercer than this.

"Buddy is that fucking, Rebecca of Ranrak?"

"It seems so," He said with his eyes locked on the monster that was chasing after her.

"What should we do?"

Reegan asked with a doubtful gaze.

"Well, it's not our business so let's just go towards the Labyrinth."

Nix said nonchalantly and boarded on his Krigon.

"Buddy, Just look at her for a second, Don't you think it's weird. I mean she is terribly injured yet, she is trying to safeguard the bag at all cost?"

[Private ability~ Truth eye activated]

As soon as he used it to observe the bag, he was at a loss for words. Before he could command, Reegan was already approaching the monster.

The monster was a three-headed Cerberus and its body was covered with orange fur, to be precise it had a tint close to the orangish sunrises. 

Just, as usual, doom prediction showed him a vision of Reegan's head getting bitten off but, instead, he used his Krigon as a pawn and jumped on the Cerberus head and tried to stab it with his dagger.


As he stabbed his dagger broke into pieces. It attested how tough the Cerberus's skin was. If it was anybody else, they'd have lost all their hope at the very moment. But, Reegan just smirked and slid under the Cerberus and emerged behind it.

Nix was quite indebted to Reegan plus he cannot find someone like him but, his craving for taking risks was weird to comprehend. But no one can disagree with the fact, he was adventurous than anyone else.

In anycase, Nix rushed his Krigon towards Cerberus to help Reegan.

Rebecca's eyes were brimming with hope at the moment the two of them entered the battle. Her eyes were blurry and she was barely able to use her limbs. All she was doing was following her intuition to escape from the clutch of the Cerberus. 

A Cerberus can be considered as one of the monsters equal to a level six outsider. In that case, she could have easily, judging from a knight's power level but, it seems she was attacked by something else.

"Thank you!"

Rebecca said and fell to the ground.

Nix just looked at her for a second and continued to pursue his route towards the Cerberus.

"Haha, Buddy seems like our weapons wouldn't work out."

Reegan said with laughter and jumped at his back.


The Cerberus roared and pounced on the Krigon. Fortunately, Nix jumped off the Krigon after pushing Reegan.

"Kueek! Why did you jump? You could have rammed it and jumped off the Krigon making it as a Decoy." Reegan frowned.

Nix's eyes were unconsciously drifting towards the bag Rebecca carried. He already had his hands full so he decided to take care of it later.

Though he swung his chain with all his might, it barely made any scratch on the Cerberus.

'Come on Nova manifestation! Fucking act up!'

Nix desperately muttered. No matter what he was still relying on Nova manifestation.

In an instant, he received a blow to his chest which sent him, flying shattering his armor.

Nix spat blood on the ground and clutched his dagger.

'Think! Think! Everything has a weak spot!'

He mumbled and the underside of the Cerberus caught his eye. It was soft and not covered with fur nor seemingly a tough spot to pierce through.

He pushed his leg and slid towards it with his flaming chain and continuously escaped its blows using doom prediction vision until he was caught under its foot since his ankle slipped.

At that moment Nix thought, his head would get ripped off. But to his surprise, a vision opened up where Reegan tore the underside of Cerberus with Rebecca's sword.

[Path- Dynamic Fearless have been attained]

"Haha! We won Buddy!"

Reegan laughed ignoring the message that appeared before him feeling ecstatic about the kill. In an instant, Reegan's eyes gave out a faint grey tint and his body was enveloped by the same grey tone and diminished in a few seconds.

"Haha, You are kinda cool..."

Nix just laughed back at him and suddenly his face turned serious.

"Man, how do you enjoy these moments?"

"How? Well, it's just my habit to enter challenges thanks to my dad. I guess.?"


Seven years ago in the Southern part of India, In an area named Matankuppam, a slum near the port of Marina. 

That month's climate was harsher than ever and on that particular day, it was heavily raining thanks to the cyclone that formed a week ago which was about to cross the shore in two days. It was one of the areas brimming with a high population in Triplicane.

For the record, Triplicane is a domain that's a cluster of multiple areas near the marina beach. In that congested area which was filled with crooked lanes and identical dirty streets was an extremely small house, amidst the closely built houses.

"Reegan, go and search for dad, He wasn't picking up the call."

An extremely lean woman who was probably in her late twenties wearing a bun and a saree asked the thirteen-year-old Reegan. 

There were seven people inside the extremely small room and exempting them both, were five men and in the center of the room was a man standing with a grim expression and a twisted mustache and tall muscular body holding a paper in his hand. There were five more men standing at the entrance of the door.

"But, mom..."

Reegan said in a low voice after glancing at the man rogue-looking man.

"Go and call for your dad fast..."

She said desperately.


He said and picked up his umbrella and rushed out of his home towards the shore of the beach where boats were parked at. The wind was blowing up the covers of the boats and there was no one in the vicinity except him.

"Dad! Dad!"

Reegan called out for his dad in a loud voice searching everywhere he could. Reegan's family is a poor fisherman family that works on daily wages. His mom sells the fish which his dad catches. There was not much income relying on the business though considering many people in that area do the same individually.

The government had already announced that no one should take their boats for fishing considering the cyclones approaching. Regardless of that one shirtless muscular man riding his motorboat with a smile in a far distance while enthusiastically chugging down a bottle of liquor.

"Blerphh! Hey, fucker! What are you doing there!"

The man yelled gazing at the extremely unidentifiable silhouette of his own son.

Reegan's father was a drunkard, and a rogue but, out of all those traits he loved taking risks. So, Risk-taker is also one of his main traits.

Now, about why were there that many men waiting for his father? Well, they went there to plunder his possessions. Reegan's father had one additional habit and that was stealing money and spending it for his own ecstasy. Though it can be considered as black money and cause various trouble for his family. It is in fact a mistake of his, that led to this terrible fate of his family.

"Dad! Dad!"

Finally, Reegan's father understood that it was his son's voice and drew it to the shore.

"Whatcha doin' buddy? Wanna go on a boat ride?"josei

"Dad! Some men have come claiming that we owe them money."

Reegan reported with sparkling eyes. No matter what Reegan's hero and inspiration was his father.

"Let's go"

He patted Reegan's shoulder and snatched the Umbrella and lit up his cigarette.

As soon as they reached his mom was terribly bleeding while lying on the floor. The men turned towards them as soon as they heard the approaching of footsteps.


Reegan's father scowled and rushed towards his wife and laid her head on his lap.


He mumbled looking at her teary eyes.

"You are the reason for this Ramu..."

She muttered as tears slowly dripped down her eyes.

It was Reegan's first time looking at his father shedding tears and etched an extremely unforgettable moment in his heart.

"Reegan, take care of your mom," He said and clenched his fist.

"Ramu, place the money on my hand. No, tell me where you hid it and I'll leave without causing any further trouble, or else I'll have to sell your wife for prostitution."

The man with the mustache said coldly.

"Haha, it's fucking Ironic..."

He said with laughter.

Reegan's pupils dilated noticing how many they were. It's something really far from what a normal human can handle but, Ramu was a rogue who kills people taking orders from his boss.

In that sense, he could do a bit in combat but regardless of that he'd still lose.

"Reegan, I'll place a bet just like how we do back those days. If I lose my gun is yours. Didn't you want me to go through extremely hard challenges?"

He said with a smirk and began to punch the man with the mustache. He swiftly pushed his foot off the floor and took a glass bottle and hit on the next man's head and stabbed another guy who approached.

Witnessing it Reegan felt a strange admiration towards his father. He was fighting almost ten men at ease how would he not and moreover it was not a movie. It was happening before his eyes.

"Alright timeout!"

Suddenly a man wearing a white half sleeve wearing multiple cold chains with a dark skin tone and quite short in height appeared through the entrance.


Ramu muttered in shock.

"Ramu I don't have any use of you just die already!"

He said and shot a bullet into his heart and went through his house locker and picked up his possession into his bag.


Reegan yelled and rushed towards his dad and kneeled.

"Haha, That was pretty fun..."

"Where is the gun?"

"Haha, cool down young man... You can have it just let me talk..."

"The gun"

"In the hole of the top shelf...It's loaded if you kill them all You can have the possession I've hidden."

Reegan immediately rushed towards the slab stabbing the man wearing the white shirt with a glass bottle and succeeded in pulling the gun out.

He switched the safety off and then clicked the trigger. At that moment he felt an inexplicable pleasure, the fight or flight adrenaline rush gave him an unfound meaning to his life without stopping; he continued shooting down the men.

Obviously, you might question about holding guns in India. It is mostly illegally imported and only police and few people get the chance to grab a gun and get a license. Reegan's father was truly an exceptional man but, unfortunately, he was a local thug just like the men who tried to kill him. Anyway, the thugs too had Guns and began shooting.


Reegan cursed as his heart began to beat wildly.

Instead of only shooting using his gun he threw various utensils to divert them and used his gun to kill them all and walked towards his dad with a cold expression.

"Don't you ever make a family! If you're going to have a life of adventure? I don't regret this though. We are in for a good time not a long time remember this. I've never been a good dad for you huh?"

Ramu said gulping his saliva and then continued.

"Well, fuck those daddy sentiments and emotional drama. Have fun young man. Now that I've gone, go to the backside of the lighthouse where I've kept the things I have stolen and enjoy your life. You fucking piece of shit... Haha, that was cool to witness,"

He said with a smile and closed his eyes.

Within a few minutes, Reegan was arrested by police and after going through certain trials he was mentally not right which lowered his sentencing in juvenile thanks to his uncle who pulled the strings from the back.

After coming back he uncovered his Dad's possession and went to various places and learned the business from his uncle and his loyalty towards Ramu. He had quite a happy and peaceful life until he was transmigrated and began to face crazier adventures.

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