Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Checking stats

{Day 1}

They all had two more days left to be teleported. Enduring a day felt like a week for them, so they felt helpless that they had two more days to survive at this damned place.

Sonali was the first one to start talking about their current situation after reading the message.

"What shall we do now? Should we stay here or start moving?"

Hearing Sonali's words Nagendra replied.

"We don't have enough food supply, so I think it is obvious we should start moving now."

Shreya voiced out her opinion with a smile.

"yes, I feel the same way."

Finally, Nix replied.

"yeah We need food supply and we need to explore the environment to find out what type of monsters are around this vicinity."

Sonali turned her gaze towards Nix and opened her mouth.

"That's a good idea but should we leave this place and find a new one?"

Nagendra replied in Nix's place to her question.

"I don't know what to do about finding another place we don't know if there would be any other place just like this one."

Shreya sighed after hearing Nagendra's words because they have to fight with random monsters that reside in the forest so she was reluctant to leave a safe place.

"Hah I hope we could use this place for two more days as this feels safe."

Nagendra started talking again.

"I think staying here would be a good choice after securing the necessary food materials."

Sonali approved Nagendra's idea.

"I had the same thought."

'I think It would be better to move around rather than staying in the same spot. We need to survive. We are not going to live here so it will be good to change position simultaneously rather than staying here.'

Nix had those words in his mind but didn't say anything rather than accepting their idea.

'I guess let's just move along with the situation and see what happens. I must First check their stats and check their potential. I am Curious right now.'

First, he turned to Shreya who was seated at a closer distance to him and activated his truth eye as they were all getting ready for exploring.


|[Name: Shreya Age:20 ] |

|[ Level: 0] |

|[Gender: Female] |

|[ Alias: NONE ] |

|[ Titles: None ] |

|[ Achievements: None ] |

|[ Height- 166cm Weight:54kg] |

|Stats: |

| ∆STRENGTH - 10 |

| ∆ AGILITY- 30 |

| ∆DEFENCE- 8 |

| ∆STAMINA-12 |


| ∆MAGIC- (not invoked yet) |


[Private abilities- None]

[general abilities- None]

[Unique abilities-None]

[special abilities-None]





(True to the people whom the user trust)


(Has a strong desire to rival and be more successful than others."


(The user likes to indulge in an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.)

'What masochist? Well, who cares. But that agility is something else though. it suits perfectly for an archer. State of mind -hopeful? Hopeful to survive maybe?'

After looking at her status window Nix had several thoughts but now he turned his gaze towards Sonali.


| [Name: Sonali Age:26] |

| [Level: 0] |

|[Gender: Female]

| [Alias: NONE ] |

| [Titles: None ] |

|[ Achievements: None ] |

|[Height- 173cm Weight:60kg] |

|Stats: |

| ∆STRENGTH - 12 |

| ∆AGILITY- 22 |

| ∆DEFENCE- 10 |

| ∆STAMINA-15 |


| ∆MAGIC- (not invoked yet) |


[Private abilities- Charisma (Rank: C) ]


(Description: compelling attractiveness and charming ability that can inspire devotion in others.)

[general abilities- None]

[Unique abilities-None]

[special abilities-None]





( Good, Fair, and reasonable minded )


(Pure, free from moral wrong, Is not corrupted yet.)

'Stats are too good and there is a private ability it doesn't feel strange that I felt attracted towards her.'

Next, he checked Nagendra's status window.


| [Name: Nagendra Age:19] |

| [Level: 0] |

|[Gender:Male] |

|[Alias: None ] |

|[Title: None] |

|[ Achievements: None ] |

|[Height- 183cm Weight:80kg] |

|Stats: |

| ∆STRENGTH - 22 |

| ∆AGILITY- 23 |

| ∆DEFENCE- 15 |

| ∆STAMINA-20 |


| ∆MAGIC- (not invoked yet) |


[Private abilities- ELOQUENCE (Rank: C) ]


(Description: Ability to persuade and lead others with their speech.)

[general abilities- None]

[Unique abilities-None]

[special abilities-None]





( Good and reasonable minded )


(Likes in commanding and leading others)


× A Prodigy

( Has an extremely extraordinary aptitude to learn things)

'Hmm, He got leadership qualities and likes to lead people. Most of the stats are in the twenties because of all his sports activities on earth which is helpful here and lastly eloquence huh? Lucky guy, A prodigy huh? I feel envious of him. Okay, I didn't check out my status after merging so let's check it out now.'


| [Name: Nix Age:19] |

| [level: 0 (not recognize as an Outsider yet ) ]

|[Gender: Male] |

| [Height-172 cm Weight-65 kg ] |

| [Alias: None] |

| [Titles gained: None] |

| [Achievements :None] |

| STATS: |

| ∆STRENGTH - 40 |

| ∆AGILITY - 45 |

| ∆DEFENCE - 40 |

| ∆STAMINA - 40 |


| ∆ MAGIC- 55 |





×Short Tempered

(Gets angry easily.)


(Doesn't like to associate with people.)


[Private abilities- Truth eye (Rank: B)

Doom prediction vision (Rank: C)

Nova manifestation (Rank: Enigmatic) ]

[Truth eye]

(Description: Distorts all the lies and shows the True form. Nothing can be hidden from the user's eye.)

[Doom Prediction vision]

(Shows visions of a future where the situation may lead to destruction. Choices can be made out of it to change the future. Can be used as foresight during battles)

[Nova Manifestation]

(A fragment of Nova's time wheel's energy passed down from traveling in time has merged with conscious manifestation. The Will of the Person who traveled back in time will be shared with the person in the present who can use the abilities of the past when the ability is invoked. Other uses are unknown. (Ability invokes at random.)

[General abilities- None]

[unique abilities- None]

[special abilities-None]

'Thanks to the Nova energy... My stats have risen tremendously. I should be currently equal to approximately level3 or something I guess? And I don't know how to use magic power yet. Mana Manipulation? who knows I will check later, so my increase in stats was the reason why when I started attacking the dogs I didn't have a hard time.'

Nix was satisfied with his status window. Everybody looked like they got ready for the exploration as they all gazed at Nix who seemed to be in deep thought.

Nagendra opened his mouth.

"Nix are you ready?"

"yep, let's start moving."

Everyone took their weapons and carried their bags and left the house they were in. After they had left the house, they walked in the same formation in which they last time traveled. The forest was too silent compared to their previous day giving out an eerie feeling to them.

As they walked up to ten minutes, they arrived near the pond so they refilled the water and started walking for an hour.

"shik shiik"

Strangely a bush started shaking and gave out the sound of bushes shaking from a distance.josei

"dak dak dak"


A big boar came out with protruded teeth came out of the bush which had a red glint in its eyes. It was three meters tall with two horns on its head. It had brown thick fur on it.

Everybody gulped and gripped their weapons. Sonali and Shreya started shooting arrows toward the board to distract it from attacking Nix and Nagendra. Nix and Nagendra started to attack it by slashing it from sides while protecting their team archers and after five minutes of struggle, they successfully killed it.

They butchered the boar into pieces to carry it individually; they divided the meat for carrying it comfortably in their bags and started to walk again.

After walking for half an hour they found a girl whose clothes were torn making her naked. Her body was filled with bruises and blood was dripping out from her private part.

They all felt dreadful upon looking at the girl she was struggling to breathe. Her body was upside-down lying on the ground. They all wished that the identity of the girl should not be the same girl they knew. The girl had the same clothes as the girl they all had in their mind.

The female survivors were shivering as they looked at the girl's condition. Sonali walked towards the girl and turned her body around to find the identity of the girl.

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