Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Kidnap


Helina screamed and jumped up from the bed noticing Nix sleeping next to her shirtless.

"Hah, Fuck I am late..."

Nix mumbled and rose from the bed and began to wear his assassin suit.

"Uhmm When did you come?" Helina asked shyly.

"Probably around three in the morning. Well, I need to go now,"

He said walking towards the exit.

"But, don't you need help from me? I mean we are going to make a move in two days right?"

As she asked Nix knitted his brows and stared at her.

"We? Are you kidding me? The mission briefing said that I need to do this alone and I think you are useless for fights."

"What? Useless?" She asked angrily.

"Yeah, Don't whine. I think an illusionist is useless."He said coldly and picked the bag he carried there.

"You! I will show you!"

As she declared Abruptly her pupils turned emerald green in color as she stared at Nix.

[Private ability~ Truth eye activated]

[Illusion attack has been detected...]

[Truth eye has defended the user from the attack]

Nix grew agitated and furious after noticing the messages that popped up in mere seconds. Without giving a damn he pushed his leg forward and grasped her neck and lifted her on the air by pressing her against the wall.

"Tch, I am fucking warning you! If you ever dare try to do something like that again... I will make you go through a terrible torture and mind breaking wishing you'll die!"

He declared looking into her eyes and dropped her.

"Ah AH! Why? I just tried to show that I am useful!... I didn't have any malicious intent."

She said while whimpering and squinting her eyes.

He sat on the furniture opposite for a second and placed his hand on his head and massaged his temples.

"Fuck this world! For one instance a fucking king tests me. Next, a random scumbag asks for a fight. On the other hand, someone wants me dead. Now a bitch tried to break through my mind... I can't catch a fucking break! This is fucking simultaneous. I can't take these shits any more fucking fuckers.... " He mumbled, unable to endure the surging rage and gritted his teeth.

'I am not willing to go through these shitty situations again.'

After a few seconds he cooled himself down and sighed and gaped at her.

"Hah, If I say you are useless! Then you are fucking useless! Don't ever try to do shit to me again!"

In fact, she was really useless for him When he checked her information with the truth eye there weren't any skills that could be compatible for combat.

Moreover, she excels in Mind control and that sort of field. So if he were to take her she will die in vain and he didn't feel the need to protect her. He was badly reminded of the selfish bitch Sara.

"Ahh, I-I-I juz whantet to hehlph" (AHh, I just wanted to help) She said while whimpering like a child.

Noticing her weeping. He frowned at her.

"I won't be moved by your fucking tears. If you want to be helpful try to learn some combat skills. Tch, I can't protect shitheads. If you're so eager to die. Die on your commander's watch, not mine."

He said and continued to go through the things he was compensated for the mission.

'Madness smoke shell? Syringes,...Drug solution?, Suits, Masks, and one Healing potion...'

He mumbled after going through the stuff using Truth's eye. After going through the information he decided to pick up the drug, syringes, and masks and placed them in his inventory. Before leaving he glanced at Helina who was still weeping with a fiery gaze and walked out of the room without saying anything to her while examining the drug with his truth eye.

                [PARALYZER TOXIN]

[DESCRIPTION- A drug extracted from convulsion serpent, An extremely rare species in chaos mainland.]

[Warning-More than one drop of the drug is fatal enough to kill a person in mere seconds. Should be handled with caution. The most preferable usage is one drop in order to paralyze enemies. Takes 5 hours to recover from the paralyzation.]

'Hah, I wonder how she acquired this shit...' He pondered.

He left the inn and walked towards the training ground while skimming through the Mission file given by Rafila just in case to verify a few things.

'Benjamin Nicol-  In affair with Jerina Daneren.A resident of southern Mada street, Bazaar, No.6...'

As he read a smile bloomed on his face. 

'Hmm, Just as I thought! It was him the red-headed guy...'

Muttering inwardly, he walked for a few seconds and arrived at the training ground. He found Reegan practicing his dagger-wielding skills. He took a seat in the corner and observed his techniques for a while without disturbing him.

"Yo buddy when did you come?"

Reegan asked after walking towards him.

"Just now" Nix replied.

"Man, this morning was so messed up!"

"Why, What happened?"

"Someone butchered Daneren mansion's security and threw his limbs and body parts all around the estate... It was messed up.  They are investigating us instead of going for the real culprit... Gotta say Havenkat was so pissed and scared."

'Well, I thought my thinking would be messed up but it sure worked.'

He thought and smiled inwardly.

"I see... So they are doubting you people."

"Yeah, Well Let's ignore that. How many hours did you take to achieve mana control."

"Eight plus hours..." Nix said and rolled his eyes.

"Well everybody's physical condition and aptitudes are different... You are cool enduring the training Buddy!"

Though he said that there was disappointment in his face. That showed he had high expectations for Nix. What can Nix do? He is an average student who withstands in the middle of the road regardless of what he learns or tries to do. A jack of all trades but a master of none that was what he is.

Nix gave a smirk towards Reegan as though he knew what he was thinking about him.

"I need something more than just a mana control man, Is there any other thing I could learn more quickly?"

Reegan nodded his head and said

"I have a method for using stealth with mana integration but, I don't know if it'd work for you..."

"Well, we won't know until we try. Don't we?"

"Yeah, but, it will also take a long term to achieve. So, I will give you another lesson. As an assassin, you shouldn't solely rely on mana. Take your environment into the account. Rely on your surroundings. There are always things that are easily noticeable yet, people ignore those types of places so choose those types of areas."

"Hmm, your theory is good...." Nix replied and waited for his explanation.

"Moreover, a human vision can horizontally notice things within the range of 210 degrees angle and vertically 150 degrees. Meaning there is always a blind spot. Likewise, there are also several elements... Like If you choose to stealthily enter a quiet place. You'll have to be calm so that even your breathing that your breathing doesn't cause suspiciousness."

"Hah, Man I need some practical examples..."

Nix said indifferently.

Reegan gave an evil grin and pointed to a woman who was practicing archery. By her side was the arrow case filled with twelve arrows inside it. It seemed expensive.josei

"I'll steal her arrows and my skills," Reegan said with a proud face and a grin.

"Sure," Nix said and sat on the bench with his hands crossed. 

Reegan quietly walked towards her and acted like he was watching her practice. In a mere instant, he took her arrow case and quietly walked out of the area as though nothing happened. His body language didn't change much and he acted like it was his own. Even though there were a lot of people around yet, no one gave him much attention. 

"My arrow case! Did someone see it?"

By the time Reegan walked away from there. The woman noticed that her case is nowhere to be found and enquired. Some people began to search.  The arrow case was attached to the top of a towering tree. It couldn't be called a blind spot because anyone could notice it as it was left hanging by the branch. Instead, everyone searched for the case around their vicinity and didn't see the need to look up for the case in a tree. 

Reegan walked towards Nix and sat next to him with a proud smirk.

"It was simple and so dumb but, people didn't notice it?"

"Yeah think why?...Because I was calm. I walked towards her without emitting any suspiciousness. Moreover, My face and my body language were relaxed. First don't have any second thoughts and have confidence in doing the job. No second thought! if they were to notice you, you'll have to face it later on but don't give a damn before they notice you."

He stopped and stared at Nix for a few seconds and asked.

"You know what? The moment they notice you, their instincts and body won't act quickly at least most people wouldn't be able to. They will first try to confirm. I'd say it is the most advantageous situation. Make use of the shock!"

"What you said is understandable but, what does it have to do with what you said?"

"Anyway, they will find the arrow case within a few seconds. These petty tricks work only for a few seconds and they are not permanent. Do you get it? I placed the case before getting suspicious... Be quick-witted."

"I see but, What am I supposed to learn from this?" Nix asked again while scratching his head.

"Buddy, don't take me wrong, but You are almost asking me to explain everything... Just guess man! What I am saying is...adapt quickly and take every decision quickly as possible. Like how I placed the case on the tree after taking it. Critical thinking and decision-making skills are the essence of an assassin. No! it' is an advantageous skill to anyone."

"Well, I understand. Be quick-witted, Adapt, make use of the situation and environment. is that right?"He asked doubtfully.

"Yup, These are the fundamental skills both thieves and Assassins should possess. It won't be easy to master those skills in a day. Those will be acquired as you practice it practically. But, If you at least remember these even if you are not skilled you will remember those points and act on your instincts."

Nix nodded and said.

"Okay, I can't become out of the blue. I will train regularly. I don't have time right now. So, Let's leave it at that."

He stopped for a second and said.

"You know the southern street, right? Where do the local people live?"

"Yeah, why are you asking it?"

"Let's go there."

Nix said and opened his inventory and took out a small glass vial that contained greyish water in it.  It was one of the things he received from Rafila for the compensation of the mission, The Paralyzing drug.

She lent these useful things for the mission. Why? Because she needed to get to the good side of him in order to use him as a pawn for her revenge schemes like Cinzia and others.

But, Nix took this job to kill Havenkat instead of getting killed. He had his own reason. They were both in a win-win situation. Another cause for him to choose that job is he wanted to grow dynamically and learn to be more strategic.

He handed the vial to Reegan who looked at him with anticipation and sparkling eyes like an excited kid.


Before he could speak Nix intervened.

"It's a drug. A drug which paralyzes senses."

"Why did you give that to me?" 

As Reegan asked, Nix quietly pulled out a hidden gauntlet and gave it to Reegan since he smirked, unable to understand what he was trying to convey.

"We are going to kidnap someone."

Nix said casually and wore his gauntlet with a smirk. Reegan smirked back at him.

"Are you fuckin serious?" Reegan asked excitedly.

Nix nodded and said.

"Yeah, Buddy let's fuckin' go."

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