Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 167 - Dungeon Stealing (II)

Chapter 167 - Dungeon Stealing (II)

There were some dungeons in Resurgia that are worth farming for materials and some drops. And then there are those that are Kazuki's guild's target to clear and monopolize. I listed at least ten dungeons that are going to be qualified to be on the list. I have ignored Kazuki for quite a while after he failed to gain a position during the Pioneer quests and I bet that he already cleared a few of those 10 target dungeons with his guild members. But I am certain he hasn't cleared all of them yet even though he has a lot of time.

These dungeons are very unforgiving in parties with large numbers. They don't just allow players in and out without giving them a real challenge. Kazuki only managed to clear these dungeons in the past timeline in 4 months after monopolizing them. If he is still as slowpoke as before, I have found a dungeon he will have a hard time clearing but a great find for us who needed a quick clear and quick grab of materials and experience.

I don't need to clear these dungeons since they are practically useless to me. They don't yield much gold and their materials are not that valuable either and only those who are in the guild will find the value of the drops here. But since I am here to screw up the day of Kazuki, I won't hesitate to grab the opportunity to screw up his perfect plans and already planned out dungeon clearance. We will be doing a dungeon steal. I know you have not done anything wrong to me yet in this timeline but I am not going to wait and let you do your plans come to fruition.

"We are now ready, Bladeheart. Are we going now?" Iron asked.

"Not yet, we still have one member who has yet to arrive. Once she arrives, we will be departing immediately. We can't afford the other players to get the first clear of these dungeons first. And we will be going to clear it as soon as possible that it will be close to impossible for the other players to replace our records."

"Who is this person, Bladeheart? Do we know him perhaps?" Topaz asked.

"Maybe you met her once or twice during your endeavors and adventure but I am not sure so I won't speculate about it."

While we are talking, the last member that we needed to complete our team has finally arrived.

"Sorry Master for being a bit late, I still have some things to attend to the inn for a bit before I went ahead," Lina said while wearing her Battle Maid uniform. I also noticed that her weapon has changed from a sword to a morning star. It was a huge morning star that you would be afraid to be hit on it and die from the spikes protruding on the metal balls."

"Holy crap, that is huge!" Iron exclaimed when he saw the morning star on Lina's hands. If it was my first time seeing her use that, I would be surprised too, after all, if this exists in the real world, swinging this to someone would instantly kill them too.

"Nice to meet you two, I am Lina. The Battle Maid Follower of Master Bladeheart, and I will be accompanying Master and everyone else on clearing some dungeons."

"Glad to have you onboard!" Topaz smiled after seeing a fellow female at the party.

I gave them some of the gears that are my spares in my inventory and some are drops I picked up in Sandurk Continent. They ended up properly geared up to tackle the dungeon and I can tell this is going to be an easy clear with them. I also gave Lina some armor to equip too. But I didn't replace her weapon. Just from a glance, her weapon is already strong enough that replacing it wouldn't sit right. I also hand her some scrolls to use too.

"Remember that you guys should not hesitate to use those scrolls up. If we want the fastest clear without attacking the enemies physically, we can kill them using the scrolls. Achieving victory without doing much sounds good."

I whistled using my fingers and Leona appeared in the air. The two who have not seen Leona were so surprised that the two of them exclaimed when they met her descending to the ground.

"Master, is it just me, or Leona has gotten fatter than the last time I met her?" Lina tilted her head.

"Haha, I don't know but maybe she did. She ate lots of things while we are in Sandurk so maybe this gal has become so plump."

Leona flaps her wings in annoyance. I can tell she was angry when I call her fat.

"Guys, get up there on Leona's back. We will be using the air to go to the dungeons we needed to clear as soon as possible."

The two excitedly climb up on Leona's back. Once they are now comfortable, Lina also climbs up. I also noticed that the Morning Star of Lina has changed to a smaller one and the ball of spikes that has a very nasty look earlier has now turned into a spikeless ball. So the weapon has its change form too.

"Let's depart and clear some of those dungeons!"


Kazuki is busy drafting some of his plans for the upcoming dungeon clearing in one of the level 80 dungeons he already has his eyes on. Due to the situation where he got disqualified in the Pioneer selection, he decided to use this time to manage the guild as he can't just lose against the other guilds.

He already conquered 4 of the 10 dungeons he was eyeing upon and lay claim on them as his guild's private dungeon to use. He was a bit proud of the achievement and he also grinned at the situation his guild members were in.

Since he claimed the dungeons as his guild's property, anyone who is not part of the guild is either chased away or killed by being ganged up on by the players from his guild that are lying in wait in the dungeon. Since he was rich enough, he uses his gold to pay for the fines of the members who managed to kill a player who tried to trespass and give some rewards to that particular player.

As a result, the players who were camping in the dungeon doors are now being hunted by these guild members to gain a bonus from him. He was quite happy to be controlling the dungeons that are essentials to everyone.

"Guild Leader!" one of the players who is someone who has very good handling with enemies and has earned the role of First Officer on their guild.

He raises his head and looks at his First Officer's face who seems to be panicking.

"What are the matter and you have to rush here like a chicken being poured with hot water?"

"Never mind that Guild Leader! The target dungeon that we are aiming to clear once you are done drafting your plans has been raided!"

"Someone raided it? Then, did everyone took care of the raiders?" Kazuki asked while calmly writing his drafts.

"No, Guild Leader. They were wiped out the moment the raiders appeared. As of now, they are already clearing the dungeon!"

"Hmph, I am not worried. The dungeon is pretty hard and will need some coordination and careful planning to clear. I doubt the raiders can clear it without running to problems," he smiled while imagining the outcome the raiders found themselves at the moment they try to challenge the dungeon.

However, his smile froze when an announcement was announced in the air.

[A group of 4 people successfully raided and gained the first clear after defeating the final boss of the Dungeon of the Ex-Machina! Clear time: 3 minutes and 47 seconds! This will be recorded in the Hall of fame!]

Kazuki stood up from his chair the moment he heard about the achievement. Not only the first clear but the raiders also took first place to the record. And the speed of clearing the dungeon is close to impossible to do! josei

"Who are these raiders anyway?"

"I don't know, Guild Master. According to the ones killed, there were no eyewitnesses left behind to tell the tale of who were those people who killed them!"

Kazuki shook his head. If the target dungeon he was eyeing is already cleared, then there is no point creating a draft about it. He will just focus on the other dungeons. Just like the dungeon that was raided by unknown people, he already sent some members of the guild to watch out for the dangers in the dungeons and also to get rid of the guards of the dungeons.

He was about to begin writing his next draft for the next dungeon when another announcement made him drop his mouth. The next dungeon he was eyeing next was immediately cleared and just like earlier, it was cleared at an unimaginable speed.

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