Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 996 The Tree Of Life

Chapter 996 The Tree Of Life

"Are we always going to keep on doing this?! I don't know if you love to make us hurl after doing that!" Riko protested.

"If you don't want to do it, then don't bother with following my instructions, Riko. Of course, it is not my fault if you get tossed off the mansion after. But hey, who would stop you?" Almira sarcastically said.

Riko can only smile wryly after that. We waited as usual for signs of Almira doing it again and thankfully, Almira didn't immediately do it without warning us. She announced that she would be doing it again so the moment she said so, we prepared to go into position again and when she started counting down, we were already prepared for the same treatment as before.

And just like that...


Multiple sounds that seem like explosions can be heard in my ear but because we are under the pressure of the movement that Almira is doing to the mansion it takes us a bit of time to properly get a proper listen on what those sounds were.

And before we knew it, it was finally over. I felt like I got dizzy after all of those happened. Once we got to get our proper bearings, we took a good look outside and we just saw that we are very close now. Based on the location we are in now...I don't have any idea. I was surprised that I didn't recognize the place we were in.josei

"Where are we now, Almira? This place is nowhere we have seen before..." I asked while trying to figure out whether I was just remembering things or maybe I was right that I hadn't visited this place before.

Queen Tanya then approached while tapping her head. "Based on the surroundings, I can only guess this is the Hidden Valley."

"Hidden Valley? Where is that?" Riko also frowned.

"It's the middle area that divides of Kamikaze Continent and Sandurk Continent. It's a place that can only be properly accessed if you have visited the place before or you have a guide to lead you here. I heard if you follow through this valley and push through, then you will reach another place where it is still undiscovered and even claimed by man. Although I totally doubt it but never properly confirmed it."

Almira then chimed in, "You are half right, Your Majesty. We are indeed heading to the place where it was indeed unclaimed by man but that didn't mean it wasn't claimed by others."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Queen Tanya tilted her head in confusion.

"Although it is true that it wasn't claimed by man as a territory, it was claimed by others."


"Just wait and see and you guys will see what I am talking about."

We continue moving. Although I didn't see anyone else other than us, Almira assured us that we were still moving toward the tree and I could see that as well. In fact, we are even getting near it.

All of a sudden, we got a sudden influx of monsters. Different kinds suddenly appeared and started attacking. As a result, we started dealing with them once they reached us, or we attacked and eliminated them first. For a place that is unknown in the eyes of adventurers and people, this place is teeming with monsters.

After forcing ourselves to reach the place against the other creatures and slaying monsters for quite some time, we suddenly found ourselves in an area enveloped by light. It was brighter than anything and we didn't expect to reach this place. The mansion also stopped moving as well which made me frown.

"Why did we stop?"

No one answered but it didn't take long for me to know why no one answered because Almira left the room and went up to talk to us directly.

"We have arrived at one of the areas of the Tree of Life that we can wait safely until the Tree will acknowledge us to pass through."

"Eh? Then where are the others? Didn't we overtake a few people and creatures coming to the Tree of Life as well?" I asked.

"This is a special place. And one where no one will easily find or be able to enter. Most people will focus on reaching the main area where it will be harder for us to navigate and the danger of being attacked by them is very high which is why we will stay here and wait until the tree recognizes and acknowledges us to bypass through the barrier stopping anyone from entering which is why we stopped in here. This is the golden root of the Tree of Life."

"How did you know all of this Almira? I know that you are mysterious but I didn't know you would be this mystical. I thought you were weird at first but for some reason, you seemed more and more different than I thought?"

Almira shook her head and didn't properly answer Queen Tanya. "It's not yet the proper time to fully say so. All I can say is that I am doing this to ensure that these kids do fulfill what they are tasked to do."

Queen Tanya can only scratch her head after not getting the answer she was hoping to hear.

"Anyways, this is the last time you guys will have a proper gearing up and rest. Might as well eat something hearty as well while we wait, it will take a while," Almira said.

"Wow, I felt the pressure in this man, it feels like we are going to face something big soon. Are we going into a boss fight or something?" Riko for some reason looks excited.

Almira left to tell the others what she knew and Queen Tanya decided that she wanted to go and rest. As for Riko, she wanted to get some good rest as well as she still felt a bit doozy after the incident. As for me, I was still trying to think of what I should do next when the Versatile Weapon buzzed a bit and the Shadow Dragon appeared.

"Hey, wielder. I think it is time for me to consume and devour the Weapon of Wrath now that I am feeling slightly better now."

Hearing that, I went to my room and pulled out the Versatile Weapon and the Weapon of Wrath.

"Are you sure you are good now?"

"Yep. As fit as a fiddle. Also, this will be necessary for later. Take a good look and memorize all of it alright? Everything on this will change the moment I swallow the Weapon of Wrath as I am nearing completion now."

Then, as he said, the popup of the stat panel appeared before me.


[Blood Covered and Sinful Versatile Weapon]

Weapon Level: 55

[EXP: 1,000/250,000]

Type: Weapon Equipment

Rarity: God Tier

Series: Seven Deadly Sins' Weapon Series

Equippable at Level 0

Equippable By: Versatile

STR: +3500

AGI: +3500lights

DEX: +3500

END: +3500

INT: +3500

Special Trait: Blood Mark: Every 20 hits, a Blood Mark will be imprinted on the enemy that cannot be cleansed unless the marked enemy will be killed or 5 minutes have passed without attacking that marked enemy. Marked enemies will lose HP based on the damage done when the mark was inflicted and will heal the user's HP by 100 per stack. Blood Mark will stack 20 times. 

Embedded Skills:

1. Regeneration Level 1(Max: 10) - Every Basic Attack will recover 1% of your mana. The recovery rate will increase at every level.

2. Sharpness Enhancement Level 5(Max:20) - Basic Attacks will have an additional 500 damage. The damage will increase at every level.

3. Physical Penetration Level 4(Max: 5) - Basic Attacks will have a 40% chance to ignore defense. The probability will increase at every level.

4. Defense Reduction Level 3( Max: 5) - Basic Attacks will have a 30% chance to inflict Defense Reduction debuff on the enemies. The probability will increase at every level.

5. Double Pain Level 1(Max: 10) -Physical Attack Skills will have an additional 100 damage. The damage will increase at every level.

6. Berserk Enhancement Level 6(Max: 10) - Damage dealt during the status "Berserk" is active increases by 60% and decreases the defense harshly to 60%.

7. Mana Conservation Level 10(Max 10) - Magic and Physical skills that need mana to activate will have a 95% mana consumption reduction and cooldown decreases by 1 second for all skills. The effect will increase at every level.

Special Skills

1. Devour - can devour weapons and armor to level the weapon. It can change its appearance depending on what weapon is previously devoured. Some items and soul artifacts can also be devoured. Devouring the weapon counts as Amalgamating.

2. Change Form - can change to different forms of weapons currently available.

3. Vampiric Lifesteal -normal attacks coming from this weapon can heal the user's HP by 10 every hit. This skill won't activate if it was a skill used, only normal attacks are counted. It can be used in all forms.

4. Skill Extraction: all the devoured weapons with embedded skills on them can be extracted if devoured by the Versatile Weapon. There is no limit to skills that can be extracted and learned but you can only extract one skill from one weapon.

5. Scale of Defense: Every 1000 mana used by the user will generate one stack of Shield that can block 2 physical and magical attacks. Can stack up to 10 stacks.

6. Electric Defense Reduction: Normal attacks can trigger reduced defense to the enemy for 2 seconds with a 1% chance to activate. It can stack up to 5 times.

7. Curse of the Dead: 0.1% chance to cast the debuff [Corrode] to the enemy. It will last for 4 seconds.

8. Mana Regeneration: Normal attacks will increase the mana regeneration to 1% and will stack to 10.

9. Russian Roullete: In gun form, shoot a random bullet that will inflict one debuff from the following list of debuffs [Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Bleed, Blindness, Skill Seal]

10. Incomplete Rhongomyniad: Fires off a beam of light that inflicts true damage in exchange for half of the HP of the user. (Will change to Rhongomyniad after certain conditions are met)

11. Weapon Attraction: When a weapon from the Seven Deadly Sins series is detected, the Versatile Weapon will resonate and signal the user of the presence of the weapon.

12. Vanagloria: (Pride Exclusive Skill): the user will forcefully transform its weapon into a Shield and Spear form and applies [Taunt] to self. Once attacks are received, the user will receive Invincibility for 3 minutes but cannot move from where they activated the skill and will be forced to remain in position. Once the damage that has been received has been accumulated, it can be used to fire back to the enemy with a 2x multiplier on damage dealt. It can only be used once every 48 hours. (If conditions are met, will transform to The Fallen Star's Pride)

13. Blood Weapon: The weapon will be covered in Blood that will last for 5 minutes. It has no cooldown but it will consume 99% of the user's HP. Double the weapon's current stats and increases the weapon's [Devour] damage.

14. Devouring Hunger(Incomplete): (Gluttony Exclusive skill): Summon the incomplete Devourer of the Abyss that will allow the user to utilize and fight using the Devourer of the Abyss. Has a 35% chance to devour the target whole while fighting a low HP enemy which will result in either a permanent increase of the Versatile Weapon's stats or heal the user's HP. Since it was in an incomplete state, the user can only use this skill 5 times a month. (Once conditions are met, will transform into Hunger of Beelzebub)

15. Mammon's Curse: (Greed's Exclusive Skill): Absorb the enemy's permanent stats and convert them as temporary buffs to the user. The stronger the enemy, the bigger stats can be devoured. Some of the devoured stats will be permanently lost to the enemy and the user will gain the devoured stats permanently. You can gain the devoured stats once every month. The other effect will remain the same. Additionally, every kill will now double the bronze, silver, and gold gained from killing enemies.

16. Song of the Sloth: (Sloth's Exclusive Skill): Plays music that calms the nerves of the enemies who can hear the melody. Allies will be buffed in various effects depending on how long the song has been playing while enemies will get debuffed more the longer the song plays. The enemies will enter a passive state that even normal attacks will not cause them to activate their lethal phase, allowing for a safe attack process. However, playing this song will make the user vulnerable to attacks and the music cannot be stopped until the piece that has been playing has ended. Ensure the user has a backup when fighting.

17. The Pain of Love: (Lust's Exclusive Skill): Every damage dealt to an enemy will inflict a special status called "Love Stack" that can be stacked up to 20. Various effects will be applied depending on how many stacks are currently present to the enemy. Can be activated and deactivated at will. Can bypass immunity to special conditions against monsters once the "Love Stack" has been properly stacked.

18. Love is a Beautiful Pain: (Lust's Exclusive Skill): A comprehensive list of effects that can be triggered depending on how many "Love Stack" has been accumulated to an enemy.

[Further special skills are not yet discovered, please let the weapon devour a few weapons with abilities]

Note: A weapon forged by an unknown material from an unknown civilization. Can devour and change form depending on the wielder's will. Said to be a weapon made for the gods that hold tremendous power but it ends up in the hands of the mortal.

Second Note: Because it has devoured and digested a weapon that belonged to the Seven Deadly Sins, the Versatile Weapon can now be considered to be part of the Seven Deadly Sins' weapon series. The sleeping beast of the weapon has now partially awakened.

Third Note: After devouring and imprinting itself from the blood of the Pendragon, the weapon has partially unlocked the sealed powers hiding deep beneath. 

Fourth Note: Devouring another weapon that belonged to the Seven Deadly Sins increased its power. The Sleeping Beast is getting developed and it's already recovering a partial amount of its powers.

Fifth Note: Requirements not met. Will reveal it once the requirements are fulfilled.

Special Note: After the restrictions have been lifted, its true power has been slowly unleashed. Even the creature sleeping inside is starting to grow stronger as well. No one knows whether it is a bad thing or a good thing. One thing is for sure, the weapon is getting stronger before we know it.

Restriction: Cannot be dropped, cannot be sold, cannot be traded. Bound to the Owner

Bound: Manato Tsukasa

Durability: Null


"Uh...I already knew all of this though?" I frowned. Nothing changed whatsoever for me to remember anything here? Why did the shadow dragon opened this panel up?

"Be patient. As long as you have that panel remembered, then good. Now, let me devour the weapon. Time to change things up."

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