Versatile Mage

Chapter 444 - Solid Evidence!

Chapter 444 - Solid Evidence!

Chapter 444: Solid Evidence!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translator: XephiZ

Editor: Aelryinth

Lingling spoke after a pause, “A body does get cold after the blood has dried, but I thought it’s only like that because we were late getting there... it sounds like that’s not the case. A body’s temperature doesn’t drop that fast.”

“Maybe it’s because of the vampire?” said Zhao Manting.

Lingling shook her head. She glanced at Mo Fan and spoke in a speculating manner, “To be honest, I’m still confused on certain things,”

“What things?” asked Mo Fan.

“Her sister Liu Xian died from excessive loss of blood, why did the report say she died of a sudden heart attack? All the documents were there to validate her cause of death, and not one of them had any part that was suspicious, but that is exactly why it felt strange, as Old Huo would never lie to us, as he had witnessed the incident himself,” said Liu Xian.

Mo Fan suddenly realized something halfway through her speech!

“We shouldn’t have handed Liu Ru’s corpse to the police...” Mo Fan realized that he had made a mistake.

“Mm, but it’s fine. I think the vampire has exposed himself,” Lingling’s eyes flickered, making her look wise.

“Still working at this time? We’re all done for the day,” a relatively gorgeous policewoman asked the young forensic doctor.

The young doctor said with a helpless smile, “A girl was found in the woods at Pearl Institute with holes in her neck. The body was sent here, so I’ll have to perform an autopsy.”

“Isn’t the institute full of Magicians? Why would someone commit a crime there? That sounds rather strange,” mused the policewoman. josei

“Maybe the Magicians are the ones committing the crime. We’ll know once I finish the autopsy,” the young forensic doctor smiled.

After putting on a big white coat, the doctor went to a dimmed room. It had a white tone, and was filled with many forensic instruments. An autopsy table was placed at the center of the room, where a white cloth was covering a slim body.

The doctor was about to close the door when the policewoman poked her head through it and asked cautiously, “Do you need my help? Maybe we can grab supper if we finish it earlier.”

“Of course, I’m a bit hungry now,” a smile surfaced on the doctor’s face.

The policewoman said with a nod, “Then I’ll grab something for you to eat.”

“It’s fine, just stay here,” Nie Dong’s smile turned into an eerie grin.

Nie Dong suddenly pushed the policewoman against the wall upon finishing the sentence.

The officer felt dizzy as she slammed into the wall. She was just about to struggle when cold lips pressed heavily onto her neck.

She had a good impression of the young, handsome forensic doctor, and was planning to take a step forward tonight, yet she did not expect the guy would respond so roughly to her straight away. He could just do it after a meal, she did not like it rough.

Suddenly, a pair of fangs reached out between the lips and poked into the policwoman’s neck. Her body suddenly tensed, with her face displaying a hint of pain.

The man’s throat moved as blood poured into his stomach through the fangs. Nie Dong was greedily sucking away the woman’s blood.

He had only turned into a vampire quite recently. He still could not control the savage nature and lust for blood well, thus he would forget to keep an eye on his prey’s condition while he was enjoying his meal. At times, he would end up sucking his prey’s life dry.

The senior mentioned that it was a bad habit, as it would potentially grab the attention of Hunters. However, Nie Dong thought the senior was making a big fuss over a minor issue. With their capabilities, they could easily twist the Hunters around their little finger. Why would they be afraid of the Hunters?

The Blood Tribe was a stronger species than homo sapiens. Humans were only their toys and food, but the way his senior had taught him, it felt like people of the Blood Tribe were like thieves living in a little dark corner, who had no choice but to hide and conceal their identities...

How ridiculous!

So what if he sucked his prey’s blood dry, there were millions of people living in the city. It would not make any difference if he killed a person every day!

“No...don’t...” the policewoman cried weakly.

If the vampire was simply sucking the prey’s blood at a crazy pace, the prey would not feel any pleasure, only an overwhelming pain.

The woman’s life force was drained rapidly. She never thought her bold move of asking the doctor out for supper after finally gathering her courage, would turn her into a monster’s supper instead. All her struggles were in vain.

Finally, the blood ran dry.

The policewoman’s face was extremely pale, with a slight hint of blue. Her body seemed to have shriveled, the clothes on her were now loose...

Nie Dong finally drew his lustful fangs out from the girl’s neck, before licking the sweetness left on his lips. His eyes were full of disdain.

“Consider yourself unlucky, as I’ll need a huge amount of fresh blood for a ritual tonight. If you didn’t present yourself, I would simply have picked a target among the women who are on a night shift tonight,” Nie Dong laughed. The fangs poking out from his upper lip slowly withdrew.

Even though the police station had surveillance cameras in every room, including the morgue, he had already set the place up, so no one would know the policewoman had been here, or that she had somehow disappeared tonight.

As a matter of fact, it was his first time preying on someone at his workplace. It turned out that he was quite self-disciplined before!

“Liu Xian, you are still back in my hands. Tsk tsk, a bunch of idiots, being twisted around my finger, and in the end, I still got my hands on both the sisters...” Nie Dong did not bother looking at the female officer. Instead, he slowly approached the table with the corpse which was thought to be Liu Ru.


Inside an alley opposite the police station, a wolf-like creature was sprinting at an incredible pace. When some obstacles popped up in front of it, it agilely passed them by running across the wall on either sides.

“Crap, she’s dead,” Lingling, who was riding on the Swift Star Wolf, had her eyes fixed onto her notebook computer.

Mo Fan frowned, too. He initially thought the vampire would avoid taking innocent lives to keep his disguise intact, yet he had killed again after just a short period of time. This vampire was utterly devoid of conscience!

As soon as they speculated on the vampire’s identity, Lingling immediately ran a search in the police’s database and locked onto the young forensic doctor.

Even though he had done something to the cameras, Lingling, a computer whiz, easily hacked into the system and gained access to the surveillance network.

As soon as she got access, she saw the vampire attacking the female officer!

The girl had died a pitiful death, but the recording had turned out to be the most solid evidence, leaving no escape for the vampire!

“Zhao Manting has already handed the recording to the Hunter Union, but we have to take him down as soon as possible. Otherwise, Liu Ru will be in danger!” Lingling said to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan nodded. Time was running out. He had to apprehend the loathsome vampire at once and rescue Liu Ru!

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