Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

161 Chapter 161

161 Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Fall

The next day, on Sparrow, a famous user with a lot of followers made a poll. It was about last night’s episode of [Searching for the One]. 

<Do you liked last night’s episode of [Searching for the One]?>

<Yes, I loved it – 95%>

<No, the show had became stale – 5%>

This poll summarised that a lot of people who had watched yesterday’s episode had loved it and it was mainly because of Aiden. 

A lot of fans thought that he was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise dying sitcom. His character was full of life with interesting catch phrases and theories about love and relationships. 

Though, it was established early on that all he wants is to get laid, the goofy and unexpected manner he goes about to do things made hk. Instantly likeable. 

One more factor was also the scenes and expressions that instantly became a meme. 

Catchphrases like ‘Legendary night’ and lines like ‘People always have issues. It’s how you use them to your advantage. Does that make me a bad person? Yes, I’m one, so what?’ instantly became super famous. 

A lot of people made them into memes and spread them around on the lanes of social media. 

Articles also started to pop up one by one after the episode. Famous websites like ‘Rant on Screen’ who normally do theories on pop culture shows, games and other things were the first one to let out articles. 

<Alan Gellar might be the next big character in sitcom history. At least, he’s the character that had revived [Searching for the One]. But would we see more of him? Sources said yes..

-Rant on Screen.>

<[Searching for the One] ratings seems to have a surge last night. Watched by average 15 million viewers last night at its peak. Becomes the most watched sitcom of the week.

-US weekly.>

<In its quest to aim for a good season finale, [Searching for the One] might have found a way to correct all the flaws the show had made over the last few seasons.

-Weekend Tribunal.>

<Aiden Silvereye has made a big splash in the acting industry in just more than half a year. With a good commercial role like Kai August and now, a character that’s everyone talking about in a sitcom. This along with his movie winning People’s choice award in Toronto. He might be becoming the most sought after rookie actor soon.

-The Box.>


In the cafeteria of the office building of IBC, a lot of people were talking. IBC was one of the most popular TV channels in America, so everyday, the atmosphere in it was always very busy, like people had a train to catch. 

No one could get a proper break as deadlines would hang on their heads. 

In the corner of the cafeteria, some production members of a talk show were talking. It was a talk show that followed the old traditional style but talked a bit more about politics all over the world with things from Hollywood also being discussed from time to time. 

Currently, all of them were talking about [Searching for the One] and particularly Aiden. 

“Aiden Silvereye is pretty good, right? He hasn’t had a failed project in his career yet.”

One of the producers who was eating a burger looked at everyone on the table and said. It was a simple industry gossip as Aiden was considered a new stock who was surprising everyone. 

“Didn’t he fail in X-Star? He wasn’t even in the semifinals.” A production assistant said. 

“Yeah, but he’s doing way better than other contestants. I only remembered Rachel other than him. After that, he just is going up and up in his career. It can’t be all luck.”

Everyone nodded hearing that and thought for a bit before giving their opinions. A woman who was a writer on the program opened her mouth. 

“I’m pretty sure he’s related to someone in Hollywood. His career seems like it’s all planned out like Andrea Hales. She tried too hard to show herself as someone who struggled but she’s been lying to her fans for a long time.”

“I don’t think it’s like that. He drove a taxi for two years. It’s a known fact and a major publicity he got is due to that stabbing incident.”

“Yeah, he’s very lucky but smart too.”

The Producer said, making everyone focus on him. Taking a bite of his burger, he explained why he said that. 

“He’s talented but we all know that’s like the least you need to survive in Hollywood without something backing you.” They all nodded at that. “So, Aiden used it to get roles but he only did those that are basically risk free. If [Black Saints] had failed, Ray Hardy and other veteran actors would have taken the blame. He’s a rookie and had a meaty role, so he would have been praised anyway. Then, his music going viral made him famous, making him get a better chance at roles. I heard music played a big part in the Toronto movie, so it’s a role made for him. Now, the sitcom is just cherry on top.”

“That’s true. But he’s attracting too much attention.”

The female writer said and everyone nodded in their minds. In Hollywood, attention was good but not always. It would bring all sorts of gazes on you. Some good and some obviously bad. 

Aiden’s massive rise has already made people interested in him but there would always be people who he would come across that don’t want him to grow so quickly. 

“Well, he’s a rookie currently, so it’s still going to be fine. Though, I think he will move to a big agency with time as a way of shelter and backing.”

A guy said and another one shook his head. Even if it was a wise decision, Aiden’s actions showed something else.

“He would have already if he was going to. I don’t think he would do that unless he takes a fall. Everything is going well for him, so he won’t feel the need.”

“Yeah that’s true.” The Producer said. “A lot is going to depend on his Toronto movie that will be released in a month. What is its name?”

“[30 days of Happiness].” The female writer answered. 

“Ah, yes that. Eternal life movies are going to be released next month and I heard it will clash with some other movies. So, Aiden would probably take a fall. Although the movie might be good, the box office is too shaky these days.”

“What do you think would happen if the movie really fails?”

An employee who was silent till now asked. He was very curious about this question after hearing the whole conversation. Looking at him, the producer replied. 

“If it actually failed, then Aiden’s momentum would take a big hit and I think it would be a flop. Everyone’s luck runs out sooner or later.”


“Ah, I’m finally at home.”

Aiden muttered, taking deep breaths and feeling the soft surface of his bed. He was living in his New York apartment for just a few months but he had indeed gotten used to it.

Due to being at the festival, he was not able to rest a lot with one interview after another. In the rest of the time he got, he mostly just wrote a bit of his novel and went to watch the screenings of other movies. 

So, he was currently on a week-long break to rejuvenate. 

Aiden felt like he would break down if he didn’t take a break. Before the festival, he was busy shooting of [Searching for the One]. After that, he flew straight to Toronto. 

A human body can’t work without rest always. Especially in the business of entertainment. 

So, Aiden had even refused the interview offers that Wade had received after the last episode of [Searching for the One] had aired. 

He had seen the internet comments but he was not going to bother too much about them. There were still two more episodes to go, so Aiden just wanted to let them release first. 

In the meantime, he was going to just spend time with his uncle and cousins as well as just living a relaxed one week where he didn’t have a schedule. josei

‘I also need to complete my novel and try to see if I can increase my writing skills.’

He thought, standing up from his bed and looking towards his laptop.

At the same time, he opened up his system as he had gotten few system notifications after [30 days of Happiness] had won the award. 

[A movie you acted as a lead in had gotten a prestigious award. Congratulations for achieving such a big feat.]

[A movie you made the soundtrack of had gotten a prestigious award. Congratulations for achieving such a big feat.]

[A lot of experience has been given in both singing and acting.]

[You are close to making a breakthrough in your singing ability.]

[You are close to making a breakthrough in your acting ability.]

Seeing the system notifications, Aiden had only one thought in his mind. 

‘A little more push is needed.’

He was sure that after the movie was released in theatres and if it got a good approval rating from the audience, he would get enough experience to level up, once again. 

But that was still a month away. 

In the meantime, he could just focus on his writing skill and get it to grow. 

‘I should complete the novel.’

Thinking of that, Aiden picked up his laptop and sat down on a chair. For the next hour, the sound of typing filled the room. 

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