Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

204 Chapter 204

204 Chapter 204

<According to reports, Seth Douglas had a fight with Jesse Ross on the sets of their upcoming movie [Disconnected]. Producers were not happy due to the fight, and the shooting had stalled.>

<What was the reason behind the fight? An insider who was on the set talked to our newspaper about it. Apparently, Seth Douglas was on the wrong side.>

<A major blow to the movie [Disconnected]. The drama movie might get delayed, or a major change could happen on the set. When we talked to one of the producers in Black Line Cinema, he refused to even acknowledge that a fight happened on the set.>

“All this is bullshit.”

Seth said, going through the articles that were on the table in front of him. He had been going through them, and they had left him very angry. 

Apparently, someone had opened his mouth and talked in detail about the incident, probably for a small amount of money. In the story written by tabloids, they blamed him. 

‘Jesse was the one to insult me. How am I the perpetrator of this?’

He thought in his mind, and at that moment, one of his managers entered the room. 

“What did Franco say?” Seth quickly asked. 

“He will come to LA tomorrow to deal with the whole mess himself. He’s in Korea currently on a business trip. Something about SGA trying to invest in the global K-pop wave.”

“Did he look to be in a good mood? What does he think of all this?”

Seth asked with hesitation evident in his voice. He was hoping that Franco would side with him in this situation and he would not lose out his support. 

After all, the other actors he was handling were already eyeing better resources from him. 

“He wasn’t happy. It blew out of proportion, and a lot of PR would go into burying it. As for Jesse, there’s going to be a meeting with Black Line Cinema producers Franco and him. You need to be present there too. I don’t think he would agree to sack Jesse off the project.”

“Why? Doesn’t he have that much influence and power?”

Seth squinted his eyes, frowning. 

“He does but try to understand, it’s not a good method.” The manager picked up a newspaper and pointed at the headline about him. “These headlines are insider information, but there are no reliable facts. Not like the whole production team has spoken about it. If everything is solved between you two, then these rumours will die down. Try to understand.”

“… Okay.”

He wasn’t able to say anything back to that. The manager was just speaking logic, and he would be a fool if he went against this. 

But a part of Seth didn’t want to let go of the whole matter. 

‘If I can’t do anything to Ross, then at least I need to make sure my authority as the lead of the movie is intact.’

He thought as the face of one of his co-stars came to his mind. 

‘Don’t start a fight like a fool.’

Those were the words said by Aiden to him, and it really angered Seth. Even before that, he was very annoyed by him because he never got the criticism from Jesse that he got. 

Seth wasn’t someone who couldn’t properly see things. 

He had seen the scenes later on, and in every second that Aiden and he had appeared together, he was overwhelmed by his presence. 

His own eyes kept darting to him, and the whole production team was thinking the same thing. It was almost impossible for him to beat Aiden’s charisma currently. 

As the lead, Seth had certainly not liked it. 

“Would Franco say anything if I try to do something to a co-actor?” Seth looked up at his manager, who didn’t show any expression and just asked. 


“Aiden Silvereye.”

The manager thought for a bit before nodding. 

“He’s not from a big agency, so pretty easy target, but I don’t think Franco would appreciate you doing anything before the shooting finishes. We are short on time here, and it’s not time for personal conflicts.”

“I know that, but don’t worry, I am not going to do anything during the shooting. I’m just going to get a worse reputation like that.”


The manager raised an eyebrow, and Seth smirked. 

“I have a plan.”


As the fight between Seth and Jesse stalled the shooting for a few days, Aiden had nothing to do. The actors had been asked to stay in LA as the shooting would start any moment. At least that’s what was told to them. 

So, he had a lot of time. 

Dustin apparently wanted just to enjoy these few days and rest, but Aiden didn’t have that luxury. 

He needed to work on his album. 

[Grey: The sample is pretty good. I feel like this song could be great. Try to complete it by the end of your shooting, and we can get to recording.]

[Aiden: When are you going to come back from Spain?]

[Grey: Around in three weeks. We could start the recording straight away in my studio. I’m excited to work with you again. People love ‘Lonely’ here a lot.]

Currently, Aiden was texting with Grey, who apparently was in Spain, doing concerts there. He had a big following in Spain due to a few collaborations with Spanish singers. 

So, it was mandatory for him to do a few concerts there every now and then to maintain his stardom in the country. 

[Aiden: Okay, I will send you the full track soon. After listening to it, can you write the lyrics of your part? I feel like you would be able to do it better.]

A reply soon came. 

[Grey: Sure, leave it to me. Bye!]

Like that, the conversation ended, and Aiden let out a deep breath. Currently, he was working on two songs at the same time. One was with Grey, and another was a solo. 

While the song with Grey was pretty much just a pop song with many electronic beats and something you could dance to at a party, the solo one was a pop and soul song, mostly about Aiden’s fears as a celeb. 

It was an interesting topic for him to make a song about, so he decided to go with it. 

“I should finish up the Grey song first.”

Aiden thought, looking at his computer screen and clicking on the audio file titled ‘Shiver’. That was the name of the song that he was making with Grey. 

The tune of it was kinda retro, and Aiden had randomly got it on his keyboard and had decided to follow it up. 

Thankfully, Grey had liked it. 

‘I should add some bass and electric guitar to it. Kinda like a wave.’

Aiden formed the idea of the song in his mind and tried out different things in the audio sample. A pop song didn’t have to be too complicated as people remembered them more for their catchy music. 

They were also widely popular on short video sites because of that. It was because these tunes make up for a 30-second dance video quite nicely. 

‘What could be the theme of it… Umm, probably better to go with just a relationship…’

Like that, Aiden worked on the song nonstop during his short break.josei


A few days after the fight between Jesse and Seth, a meeting was held with both of them alongside the executive producer Rishi Suman and Franco Li, who were trying hard to mend up things. 

In the meeting, Jesse cleared it that he understood he didn’t have a lot of power during the casting process, but on the set, the director’s authority was something that couldn’t be questioned. 

If the movie was a ship, then Jesse was the captain, and he was going to be angry if he felt like his actors weren’t giving their hundred percent. 

Surprisingly, during the whole meeting, Seth was only apologising for his behaviour and swearing that he won’t try something like this again and how he had reflected on his actions. 

He was obviously not saying all this with his heart. 

Franco Li had already handled him before the meeting and told him to apologise for no matter what so that the shooting resumed. 

Seth also understood that if this fell through, then SGA won’t be trusting him again. They had spent a lot on this project to give him a solo hit before he moved on to claim a leadership role in a superhero movie. 

It was all pre-planned, and he knew how important it was to follow it. 

When he’s big enough, he would have more control over this, but as someone on the lower spectrum of power, he could just do as instructed. 

After the meeting, Jesse was satisfied and agreed to return as a director. 

Just after it, SGA’s PR Team was already active as a lot of articles popped up one after another. 

<Rumours about an alleged rift between Seth Douglas and Jesse Ross are a lie. Our sources have claimed that the pause in shooting is due to the rewriting of some parts of the script.>

<A photo of Seth Douglas and Jesse Ross appeared on his Skygram profile today, instantly making all the rumours about a rift die down.>

<It’s not the first time such a rumour has started because of some false statements. Seth Douglas’s agent said, “There’s nothing between Jesse and Seth that is not good. They are very serious about the movie and are excited to present it to the audience.>


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