Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

46 Chapter 046

46 Chapter 046

After Aiden decided to meet with Wade Spectre, Uncle Sam quickly arranged a meeting between them. Wade wasn’t the type to think too much about something.

As he was out of work again, he didn’t mind meeting Aiden. At least if he didn’t like him, he could reject him quickly.

On the other hand, Aiden just tried to find out more about Wade’s work and if the latter could truly help him in his career. 

After two days, they both met in a cafe, and as soon as he saw Wade, Aiden understood why Uncle Sam told him that the former would have chosen to be a gangster if he was not an agent.

‘He really resembles a gangster character I saw in a Hong Kong action flick.’

Aiden thought secretly in his mind.

Wade had a sharp face with equally sharp eyes, and he was wearing a suit, making him resemble a gangster. His body language significantly amplified this.

Even some of the people sitting adjacent to them were glancing at him.

But despite his looks, Wade was one of the top agents in Hollywood in terms of ability.

‘He passed the Agent exam with the highest grade. It’s still a record. Worked in Red Ant Agency for two years and got his actor to be an A-lister, but due to some dissatisfaction with the agency, he left and never joined another one.’

That was what his Uncle had told him, and it was very impressive. Though, Aiden still had a lot of questions regarding him.

“You are Sam’s nephew? You don’t look… um, like him.”

Wade said, starting the conversation, and Aiden just nodded..

“I am half-Indian. It’s nice to meet you,” Aiden replied, then came to the main topic. “I am sure you’re aware of why we’re having this meeting. I’m looking for an agent to help me in my career, and my Uncle recommended you.” 

Hearing that, Wade couldn’t help but have a slight frown across his forehead. He was still confused regarding Sam’s recommendation.

“I don’t know why he recommended me. Using his connections, it won’t be hard for him to get you into a top agency. He still knows people, in and out. You are better off there.”

“I know that, but I don’t want restrictions. There’s too much internal competition in those big companies, and a contract with them basically means I will be bound to them for at least five to seven years… which is not good for my plans. So this is why I believe I’m better off finding an agent in the free market.”

Wade didn’t remark on it and just thought that there would be a lot of reasons why Aiden was saying that. Otherwise, young actors can kill each other to get into a top agency.

‘At least he’s someone who thinks.’

He thought. It was very important to think a lot about your every move in Hollywood and to take one step at a time. A well-planned step that you’re comfortable with.

“Since you say you are better off in the free-agent market, let me tell you a few things. First, it won’t be easy for you at all. A free agent won’t be able to get you great connections or top movies. Take my example. Even though I have been in the industry for quite a few years, the number of connections I have are pretty limited. Not that I tell this to every actor who comes to me, but you’re a family to one of my close friends, so I think it’s my obligation to at least let you know what you’re getting into.”

Aiden nodded his head, “I have thought of that, but getting an agent on my own means my agent will be able to focus on me fully. In an agency, the focus will be divided.”

“You know a lot about how agencies work.”

Wade said, a bit impressed. It seemed like Aiden had already made up his mind, and anyway, he had already made it clear to the latter what risk he was taking, anything further was not his concern. 

“I did a bit of research on you before coming here.” Aiden looked keenly as Wade suddenly said. “If I’m honest, you are very lucky. You got a bit of popularity from X-Star, and then your song went viral because of that. People now even think it’s unfair on you. You have beginner’s luck, at least in terms of your singing career.”

Saying that Wade stared at Aiden’s face and found him listening to him. Satisfied, he continued on the acting part of it.

“The same can’t be said about acting, though. After struggling for two years, you got your first role, which is actually not bad in Hollywood. But after this role, you don’t have any work, and you don’t know how to get more auditions as there are not many options for actors without agents. So probably because of this, you are looking for an agent.”

“You are right.”

Aiden nodded. Even if he tried to find another open audition or take help from Abraham, there was no guarantee he would get a role, and even if he did get one, the chances of one with dialogues were even lower.

In the [Shadows of War] audition, he had gotten the role because they were especially looking for a South Asian actor.

He just fit the bill.

He was not counting Leo’s movie as it was still a script getting written.

If he really wanted to make a conscious effort to get a good role, an agent was necessary for him—someone who could get him auditions.

Thus, after a moment of thought, Aiden said. 

“I want to do a lot of roles, but those aren’t going to come to find me, so I need an agent, and my uncle said that you were one of the best he knew.”

When he heard that, Wade couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He might be good at what he does, but many things were better left unsaid about him.

“I know my job. But I don’t think your Uncle told you, but I’m good at punching actors too. Most of the actors I know don’t last more than a year on average. You might not even last that long.”

Aiden wasn’t unaware of this. He had also done his homework on the former.

“I know about your temper and personality. But those aren’t big issues for me. I just want a good agent at my disposal.”

Wade thought for a moment and then added, “I can leave any day, any moment if I feel like I can’t work with you anymore. This clause will be on the contract.”

“That’s okay with me.” Aiden nodded.

From what his Uncle had told him, the only reason Wade would punch actors or leave was when they had annoyed him to a degree and weren’t focused on their work.

It was a common occurrence, and Wade was already tired of it.

“Let me ask you something then. What kind of star do you want to be?”

“I don’t want to be a star,” Aiden replied quickly, not even thinking about his answer, and when Wade made a confused face, he replied. “I want to be an actor, and it’s on people if they want me to be a star. Acting is the only thing in my control.’

He thought of a famous line from a book that said that all actors were stars, but all stars weren’t actors.

“That’s a good answer. But even in actors, agents try to normally get an actor into two categories – Commercial and Art movies.” He said before adding, “You need to choose one.”

Aiden went silent hearing that. Art movies were generally done to work with a certain director or just to hone your own skills, but they are nearly always bad at the box office.

Some of them would work, but many actors these days do it just to get nominations for awards, such as at the Oscars.

Commercial movies, on the other hand, were big blockbusters on an epic scale, and they normally earn a lot of money.josei

But actors can get type cast in the same roles for several years. Fans might love it, but the actor’s growth becomes stagnant. And it takes a long time to get back to playing different roles.

Though, a commercial actor was very rich.

“I won’t limit myself to one thing,” Aiden answered after thinking. “I want to do movies that interest me. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“But you probably won’t be able to pull it off. No actor has ever had… maybe one, but he’s not someone we can use to compare.”

“I will try to do my best. Rest is in the audience. Currently, I just want to move on to another movie, so I genuinely want you to be my agent.”

Aiden sincerely asked, and Wade began thinking about it. Although he didn’t have any actors, he didn’t want to say okay just because of that.

At the same time, he knew that Aiden was not an idiot. He was smart and ambitious. Come to think of it, most of his family was.

Moreover, in his eyes, Wade was able to see the passion for becoming the best, so he thought a lot about it.

‘It will be another bet against luck. And this time it’s a Silvereye. How bad can things go?’

Wade thought inwardly. Movies and getting actors to the top were some of his joys in the world, and he was happy to see Aiden show those desires under his eyes.

The desire to reach the top.

It was hard to see it in people because they get embroiled in money and girls after achieving a bit of success. Not realising what they could achieve more.

“Okay, I will be your agent, kid but trust me, I will leave the moment you get ahead of yourself after tasting success.”

Wade narrowed his eyes but Aiden was already smiling. He had finally gotten an agent, though he looked more like a gangster.

As for his warning, Aiden was sure that he wouldn’t change a lot. He just wasn’t the type to.

“Thanks, you won’t regret it.”

“I hope not. We will sign the contract tomorrow, and I will start looking for work for you.”

Aiden nodded with a smile. 

He wondered what his next role was going to be. Maybe an actor one or just a supporting character to the lead. 

Whatever it was, Aiden would be pretty happy to get just another role.


Hi guys, sorry for the delayed chapters, it’s took long time to finish this one because of the number of breaks I had to take. Anyway, here it was. I hope you liked it. Don’t forget to vote with power stones and golden tickets! 

We still have 10 more bonus chapters for this month~

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