Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

52 Chapter 052

52 Chapter 052

The next few days for Aiden could be best described with the word ‘hectic’. It was as if the days were passing by too fast, and he was just running around from one place to another, doing shows.

Wake up at 7 in the morning, put on makeup, practice singing, doing shows till 4 in the morning before getting some sleep. 

They needed to perform the song at various places and promote it so more people could hear it.

From tv shows to smaller events, they moved from one place to another. Neu entertainment even hosted autograph events where even Aiden got asked to give autographs which became an extraordinary moment for him.

His throat felt dry from too much singing, and the only good thing was that he was getting a lot of experience. Aiden was hoping his skill level could increase again.

But as he had climbed upgrades, he had noticed that it was getting harder and harder to level up.

After a week of living the life of a singer, Aiden finally understood how hard a singer’s life could be. Wade told him that the schedule being so hectic was one of the reasons he never tried to become the agent of a singer.

Even though he was finding it tiring, Grey was pretty used to it, saying it was nothing compared to an album release.

He had taken a two-year break, but he was still someone who had lived a mainstream singer’s life for more than a decade.

“What’s next on the schedule?”

Aiden asked before taking a sip from a bottle of water. He and Wade were currently sitting in the van as another show had just ended. Grey was still outside, taking photos with his fans.

“Another small event at a mall. We have this stuff till tomorrow before participating in Song night.” Wade replied in a monotonous voice.

“At this point, my throat will give up before these events end.”.

“That’s how a singer’s life is. An indie singer might not get a lot of events, but someone like Grey is very different. It’s good that you got to work with a mainstream singer to see the lifestyle. And, it’s better to get an idea for the future.”

Aiden nodded, hearing that. If he was going to make singing a major part of his career, then it was not wrong to say that he was aiming to be a mainstream singer. Although such a singer without a major label was unheard of, having a system was not something sane either.

If anyone could do it, it was him.

“Which position are we in the music charts?” Aiden asked, changing the subject.

“7th in Melody hot 100, 8th in Musicbox, and 12th in Chartbuster.” He said before adding. “On every chart, we are behind Forever.”

Aiden frowned hearing that. They were doing a lot of shows to promote the song, but it was still behind Rachel. Somehow, it irked him, maybe because he had lost to her before.

“They are doing a lot more promotions than us.”

“Yeah.” Wade nodded. “It seems like Cyco media are betting everything on her and are very confident in her potential. But, unfortunately, we can’t do the same.”

The main reason Rachel’s song was higher than theirs on the charts was because of the aggressive promotion strategy of Cyco media. They were pushing her song to become number one.

On the other hand, Neu entertainment was already happy with the comeback single of Grey. It had done well without too many promotions.

They were pushing all their resources into Andrea’s album next month, so even if Aiden wanted the song to do better, he couldn’t do much.

“You should not worry about it too much. You are already doing a lot better than I thought.” Wade said, seeing Aiden’s expression. “How many people with no company backing them up could reach so high up on the chats? Grey is popular, but the song is yours.”

When he heard those words, Aiden felt like someone had poured cold water over his head. He realized he was being too hard on himself for no reason.

‘I forgot to enjoy my success due to thinking too much about beating Rachel.’

He thought, shaking his head and smiling a bit.

“I think I was acting too hard on myself for no reason.” He muttered, and Wade nodded.

“Yeah, after we finish all the shows, we should enjoy ourselves a bit for doing a good job.”


“I can’t think of any words…”

Joseph Quinn frowned, looking at his PC where a blank document was opened. He had been trying to write for two days now, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t think of any words to write.

Before, he would be able to type out hundreds of words, but he had been suffering from writer’s block for a while now.

‘My deadline is near.’

Joseph thought. He was a very popular author who even had a bestseller in his resume. But for a while now, he was not able to write well.

Currently, he is in the middle of writing the next volume of his most popular work, a fantasy based in a dystopian world. The first three volumes were very popular, especially among young adults and teenagers, and people were anticipating the next volume.

But the truth was that Joseph had not been able to write even a single word till now. 

His editor was calling him every day to ask about the progress, and he could only give an answer that disappointed him.

“I won’t be able to do even a single chapter like this.”

He sighed, rubbing his eyes and getting up from his seat. He walked around his house for a few minutes before slumping down on the sofa, anxious about his novel.

Not knowing what to do, he took out his phone and decided to listen to some songs. Opening up Melody, he saw some advertisements for some of the newly released songs. He was trying to scroll down when he accidentally clicked on one of them.

He normally didn’t listen to any songs from artists he didn’t follow, so he frowned when an unknown song suddenly started playing. It just added to his annoyance. 

But as he was about to click back on the song, the soft melody of the guitar stopped him in his tracks as he immediately felt like it was a very sweet tune.

When the first verse started, Joseph was slightly surprised, but he soon relaxed. At this moment, he decided to listen to the whole song.

As minutes passed by, the first and second verses passed, the chorus started, and another verse entranced him after it passed. When the whole song ended, Joseph played it again.

It was only after the fifth time that he felt he was satisfied.

“Lonely by Grey and Aiden Silvereye.”

He muttered out the name of the song and singer. He felt like he had heard of Grey, but the second name was very unfamiliar. Still, it didn’t matter.

He found a good song today.

Somehow, the song had distracted him from all his worries, and at the same time, he was clearly able to see that the song carried a whole story in it.

As an avid music fan, he knew that songs like this were very rare these days. Only some singers were able to pull it off.

‘I suddenly feel like trying to write again.’

He thought as he felt his stress lessening a little. One of the major reasons for his writer’s block was the stress and the deadline coupled with the anticipation of his readers.

He didn’t want to write a book that didn’t satisfy his readers. 

But the song reminded him of the time when he still used to work as an HR employee in a tech company. He was like the guy in the song, not expecting his life to become like that, doing something every day that he didn’t even enjoy.  josei

No matter how much he tried to like his job, it was not working out, and he would secretly read novels during office time, and those inspired him to write a story of his own.

The problem was that he didn’t have any time. There was no way for him to leave his job as he needed to pay his bills every month.

It was then that he had started to write a novel during the weekends. He had decided to sacrifice his holidays to give his hobby a chance, and it had worked out in the end.

A publisher had given him a contract, and his life changed after that.

He had forgotten about that time when he just wanted to write a good story, not for anyone else but himself. Joseph logged in to his Sparrow account while reliving those moments through his memory.

His account had more than 2 million followers with the profile photo of an onee-san from a popular cultural anime.

He had not tweeted in a while, but he decided to do so today.

[Just got the inspiration for my next volume, thanks to a song. You all should listen to it. It’s called ‘Lonely’ by Grey and Aiden.

Check it out, guys! You won’t be disappointed.

Anyways, back to writing!]

His post quickly attracted a lot of comments, and in the next few hours, many of his followers started logging onto Melody to listen to Lonely.

Not only him but many other people who had listened to Lonely also liked it enough to tell their friends, families, and followers about it.


Don’t forget to vote with your power stones and golden tickets 🙂

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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