Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Chapter 157.People's Choice Awards (2)

“Don’t go there, you psychotic bastard!”

As soon as those words left Aiden’s mind, Aaron’s eyes changed as without wasting any time, he swung the bottle of wine in his hands.

Thankfully, Aiden who was already on guard crouched down to dodge it and slammed Aaron onto a wall, holding him against it.


With a thud, the wine bottle fell and broke with the little amount of wine left in it flowing out. Aaron glared at Aiden and tried to get out of his hold but it was for nothing.

“Let me go, you fucking cunt!”

“Keep shouting and someone will come up and see what is going on. You really crossed your lines now.”

“You can’t prove it. I can sue you for assault. Do you know how much money I have? I even know a senator.”

At that threat, Aiden just shook his head, thinking how much of a fool this guy in front of him was. Aside from not being able to control his anger and libido, he also didn’t know how to use his brain.

Sighing, Aiden opened his mouth.

“Raise your head and look at the camera right there.”

Aaron followed his line of sight and saw the camera just above his head. It was easy to guess that it had recorded everything that had happened in the corridor.

It was Aaron who had tried to slam a wine bottle in Aiden’s head first and his actions were just defending himself. It was clear for anyone to understand if they watched the recordings.

“If I just call the festival management and police and tell them what you did, then your career that is going downhill would be crushed. You can’t keep getting work if it comes out that you have a habit of hitting other actors but first, you would be in jail.”

Aiden gave emphasis to each and every word of his and slowly, Aaron’s eyes became a bit clear as he lowered his head, like he was accepting defeat. -ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.

“I’m sorry. Let me go now. I promise I won’t do anything.”

He said that and Aiden nodded, releasing his hold on him but just the next second, as soon as Aaron got released, he again swung his fist at Aiden.

He was probably thinking that he would take in Aiden by a surprise attack but suddenly, Aiden’s atmosphere changed.

He quickly thought of Kai in his mind and his eyes got a strange glint. His legs moved quickly as he dodged the punch coming at him.

Without wasting any time, he punched Aaron straight into a wall as he lost consciousness.

‘Ah, that was close…’

He sighed as he quickly got out of the character of Kai but it left a certain weird and indescribable feeling in his heart, making him a bit sick. But it was something that Aiden had experienced before, so he didn’t think much of it.

It was just an after effect of switching between the characters he had played. Especially a gangster like Kai.

“Now, what to do?”

He thought, taking a deep breath and walking close to Aaron’s unconscious body. He checked his pulse and thankfully, it looked like he was okay and had only lost consciousness for a while.

He was even mumbling things like ‘Bitch’ and ‘Bastard’ from time to time.

But the question was what would Aiden do now.

He obviously can’t just leave Aaron like this.

‘It will be pretty easy to just pass it off as him getting too drunk and passing out by calling security to take care of him. But the security camera must have all the footage already.’ ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ

Thinking of that, he glanced at the security camera.

‘Now, I can’t really let him be as he assaulted me out of nowhere too.’

A plan quickly formed in Aiden’s mind. A way for him to use this situation.


He quickly dialled Wade after thinking of a good plan.


‘Im fucked.’

Aaron Hart’s agent thought as he looked at the screen. A recording of what had happened in the corridor between Aiden and Aaron was playing in it.

In the room, other than him, Wade and Aiden were also present. Both of them were giving smiling glances to each other.

Aside from them, the managing director of the Toronto film festival and other executives were also present.

ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ All of their faces were frozen with shock as they looked at the camera recording. josei

Only one thing was going in their mind.

‘If this goes out, the festival’s reputation will surely be in trouble.’

As for Aaron Hart who had started this trouble, he was already sent to a hospital to do a routine check, just to be sure that he was all okay.

“Aaron Hart, one of Hollywood’s A lister assaulted a rookie actor who he was competing with for the People’s Choice Award. He appeared to be very drunk and tried to attack with a wine bottle. How’s that for a headline in Hollywood Weekly tomorrow?”

Aiden said, looking towards everyone and Aaron Hart’s agent flinched.

‘Aaron’s career might end if something like that really happened.’

In Hollywood, a lot of celebs would get out of very bad scandals and would still get movies. Even If Aaron had assaulted his wife in the past, it could easily be solved outside court.

After all, it was very easy for celebs to handle these things. Even movie studios won’t care a lot about it as there were too many problematic celebrities.

But there was still a line.

If the word got out that Aaron had assaulted Aiden, then it won’t just end as a lawsuit. Aaron might go to jail and might become the next victim of Cancel culture on the internet.

Not only that, he might even lose his movies as actors would think twice before working with him. Studios are getting more and more sensitive towards these things too.

Moreover, the worst thing would be Aaron losing his sanity more and more.

‘I might even lose my job.’

The agent thought, thinking of that scenario and gulping.

“Mr. Silvereye, how about we talk it through? I’m very sorry about the conduct that Aaron did but there’s no need to go to the media right?”

His agent said and Wade who was waiting for this opportunity smirked.

“No need. My actor nearly lost his life. Take a look at the video again. If the wine bottle had hit his head, he would have serious injuries. Do you think it’s something small?”

“I know that but we all are mature people here. A solution would surely come up if we all talk it out.”

In those words, the managing director of the film festival walked towards Aiden. He was a man with hair that looked to be dyed black to make him look young but the wrinkles on his face were easily giving away his age.

Unlike others, he was a bit calm.

“I really think we should have a talk about it. It’s not good for anyone’s reputation if it went public. The festival would be under scrutiny too. Please try to understand and not make a rash decision.”

“What about Aaron Hart? I can’t let him get away with this.”

Aiden asked and the managing director nodded before glaring at Aaron’s agent.

“Obviously, he won’t get away with this. The Toronto film festival would never tolerate an assault of this level. Aaron Hart would surely get his due and I would even talk to the Academy about his actions.”

Hearing that, Aaron’s agent’s face paled.


“Where were you?”

Leo asked as he saw Aiden walking in to sit next to him. He had a worried expression on his face as he had been looking for Aiden for a long time.

Even Wade was nowhere to be seen.

“Were you talking with your uncle for over an hour?”

Katie also asked, curious.

“No, I just got a bit busy. Sorry. Anyway, it looks like I’m on time.” Aiden said, sighing.

The conversation with the managing director and Aaron’s agent has halted due to him needing to attend the award ceremony.

Wade was currently handling it on his own as Aiden attended the ceremony.

“You are just on time. The jury awards are already given and only the People’s Choice Award is left. Next one is that.”

Leo explained, brushing the sweat off his forehead. Even though AC was on, he was so nervous that he was sweating.

‘I thought I would miss the award due to that bastard.’

As Aiden thought that in his mind, the host called the presenter of the next award.

“So, now let’s move on to our next award. This one is very special as it’s chosen by the people itself. Only the films that got the most attention from the public during the festival are the contenders of this award and to present it, I would like to call Chris Grant.”

As the host announced, a very muscular and fit guy, wearing a suit came out to present the award. Aiden recognised him as he was one of the most popular actors in the world.

Thanks to his role in a superhero franchise, he has become a worldwide sensation.

“Good evening, everyone. It’s a wonderful night and we have awarded one of the best movies to come out this year but this award is very special. I do want to talk more but I could see all of you are anticipating it a lot, so I would straight away get to the point.”

He chuckled, then opened up the envelope in his hands. He looked around the audience, smiling at their nervous expressions.

“The winner of People’s Choice Award is [30 days of Happiness].”



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