Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

In Aiden’s mind, composing was kind of like a maths equation. You put together different notes, hoping that they would sound good together and eventually reach an answer. 

But there was a basic difference. 

A maths equation might have one answer but composing has several and a composer needed to know which one was the right one that made the best song. 

Normally, Aiden would rely on one thing to do it. 


That was something special about him from a young age. He was able to pick up sounds and mix them well together and noticing that quality in him, his mom had pushed him to learn about music which would have eventually made him write songs. 

But for the most part of his life, it was just a skill he possessed that might easily impress people. 

That was until he reached America. 

After getting a job in The Rabbit hole bar, Abraham told him that he would let Aiden perform on the stage if he would perform an original song after learning that Aiden was adept at composing. 

Those days Abraham was looking for bar singers who could provide something more innovative for the customers. 

For a few more cents, Aiden had become a bar singer. 

Back then, he used to only compose songs that were easy to sing and write about but after X-Star, he had gotten very serious about composing and had started learning more about it, creating songs like ‘Revolution’ and ‘Lost in the Sky’. 

Now that he was making an album, he wanted to truly elevate his skills. 

‘Firefly’ was a song that he had made trying to elevate his level. He was currently Level 7 in his composing and his goal was to reach Level 8 by the end of the album and Aiden had a feeling that he was very close to it.  .

He had added a special touch that made the whole song seem more like something someone would perform during a broadway act.

The main idea behind the song was two lovers talking to each other about the struggles of them being together and how it was not possible in the long run. 

It was a song in which two singers needed to sing different lyrics at the same time while being completely harmonised with each other. 

It was not something easy and when Aiden began discussing the song with Rachel, she also found the song really hard to execute.  josei

“I’m only looking at the music sheets but this song looks extremely difficult. I don’t think we could record it without extensively practicing it. The whole chorus needs to be sung as a falsetto.”

Rachel had said and to that Aiden had just replied. 

“I always wanted it to be difficult. The theme of the song has a lot of emotions and it needs heavy gravitas. And why are you worrying about falsetto? Your speciality is high notes.”

“Yeah but this might be difficult. I won’t be singing alone.”

“Let’s go at it slowly.”

Like that, they have begun to go through the song little by little. As both of them were focused on working, the awkwardness between them slowly lessened. 

Rachel, who didn’t know how to face Aiden, started to be more comfortable. 

They practiced the song together, tried different ways to sing each verse and tried to only think of the way they could record the song perfectly. 

After only a dozen hours of practicing the song, Rachel entered the recording booth to record it. 

‘The first verse is different for both the male and female parts. Rachel’s part needs a bit more heaviness to it.’

Aiden thought, looking through the music sheets. 

In front of him, Rachel was already standing in the recording booth, wearing headphones and warming herself up. 

“Should we start?”

The sound engineer that Aiden had hired was sitting next to him. He looked up at Rachel who nodded her head and music started flowing through the speakers. 

The soft keys of a keyboard started the song and got added with the strumming of a guitar sing. The sound of them was very low because the song was trying to focus more on the voice. 

For ‘Firefly’, the voice was the biggest instrument. 

It was then that Rachel started singing. 

“I closed my eyes so I could reach.”

“The world that could be mine and yours.”

“Walking the path through the darkness only to reach your door”

“I’m on the path to do something that no one did before.”

For the first verse, Aiden had decided to use the music like a whisper. The highlight was Rachel’s voice which was almost like she was speaking instead of singing but that was also the perfect build up. 

There was a very simple thing when composers would select their singers. 

They would see which song suited whose voice. No matter how much one tries, there are songs that some singers can’t sing properly no matter what. It was because it didn’t suit them at all. 

It was kind of like clothes. 

Some were too big and some too small. Though, it was true that if they have great ability, they could still sing the song but they won’t be able to reflect the soul. 

In the case of ‘Firefly’, it was a song made for Rachel. 

It started off slow and by the end of second verse, it picked up pace and then after that, a rollercoaster ride would begin when a singer needs to shift between low and high notes. 

Due to her special skill, Aiden had chosen her. 

“It was good but can you put more power in it? Like I want to see how it would sound if the resonance is a bit higher.”

Aiden instructed after listening to the first verse and Rachel nodded from the recording booth. 


She started singing again and this time, there was much more weight to the lyrics that Aiden liked more. 

But it was just the start. 

Normally, in recordings, a singer would sing one verse a lot of times. Sometimes, the sound engineer and composer want to add an effect to the voice or need the singer to sing differently. 

As a professional, Rachel knew that kept doing what Aiden said. 

Currently, their relationship was of a composer and a singer, so she needed to be as professional as she could. 

‘Can you focus more on the word ‘doors’? It seems a bit lacklustre.’

‘Rachel, you missed a word. The diction could be better too. It’s coming off a bit weird.’

‘I think that’s pretty good. Probably the best one we got.’

Like that, they kept recording. 


As Aiden was busy recording with Rachel and his book was doing well in terms of sales, a news broke out that excited a lot of people. 

It was a news article by Pop Zap magazine. 

On their website, they posted an article on Aiden. 

<Aiden Silvereye is apparently working on a full blown album. Collaborations with Cyco media and Neu Entertainment confirmed.>

In this article, they talked about how an insider from both Cyco media and Neu Entertainment told them that they would be collaborating with Aiden on his debut album. 

The young singer/songwriter was finally going to come up with a full album and they said how Grey had been confirmed to work on a pop song with Aiden. 

At the same time, Cyco media was going to handle the distribution channels for Aiden. 

After his song topped Melody charts, Aiden was very popular among record labels and a lot of people had already become fans of his songs. 

It was not wrong to even say that he had more fans due to songs than movies because of how accessible songs are due to apps like MeTube. 

When Aiden’s fan group heard that news, they were also very excited. 

[Your future step dad: Did anyone read that Aiden is coming up with a new album? It seems like he’s going to work with top record labels on this one.]

[Stepsister, are you stuck: I did read the news. It broke out just a few hours ago but I don’t think he’s working with record labels on production. They are just going to collaborate on some songs and distribute. Most of the production would be done by Aiden.]

[Playboy Spidey: I am still reading <Behind the scenes> and he’s now coming up with an album. God, he works too much. He’s like my neighbour who my mom would taunt me about saying he works so much and I’m busy making memes.]

[Why is there Pokemon smut: Woah! It says in the article that Aiden and Grey would work on a song and even Rachel (Remember her?) would be doing a song with Aiden. Are they not on bad terms?]

[Koach: I don’t think they are on bad terms. Just because they don’t hang out together doesn’t mean he’s on bad terms. Come to think of it, does Aiden even hang out with someone? He seems to be just working and we don’t know anything about his real life.]

[Depressed Author: My aunt lives in the same neighbourhood as him. She saw him a few times and he greeted her cordially and acted pretty nice. She told me that he’s rarely home due to work and shooting and mostly, only his agent visits him. He seems lonely or an introvert.]

[Skyneves: Guys! Aiden just confirmed the album news on his social media. Apparently it will be released in March.]

[Hollywood Insider: That’s a smart move as articles were already popping up about it. He doesn’t have anything to hide, so it’s a good way to get his fans excited and anticipate the album. The songs still need to be very good to work very well. #Aiden Fan]


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