Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 277.The Big Reveal

Chapter 277.The Big Reveal

Chapter 277.The Big Reveal

"Where were you and why are we here?"

Wade asked as they walked in the hallway of Titan studios office. Tom was following them with a curious look on his face. He was carrying a laptop that Aiden had given him.

As they reached near the elevator, Aiden replied.

"I was trying to get something. Meeting a reporter."

"You mean Katherine?"

"Yeah and someone else. Anyway, let's go upstairs. I have something to show to Ava."

Aiden simply said that and no matter how much Wade and Tom asked, he just said that they would know it in a while. As Aiden had disappeared suddenly after the interview at Hollywood Weekly, both of them were worried.

He had suddenly asked them to meet him at Titan studios office.

"I don't know what's going on in your mind but you know what you are doing right?"

Wade asked just before they entered the office of Ava. Aiden looked at him and gave him a calm smile, trying to reassure him.

"Yes, I have thought it through. Just believe in me."

"I do." Wade said, taking a deep breath.

They entered the office and Aiden felt surprised, seeing Florence already present there. She had an angry expression on her face as she sat with her legs crossed.

In front of her, a good looking guy wearing sunglasses was sitting. Aiden recognised him as Liam Wilde and was mildly surprised to see him here too.

'I wasn't expecting this but this would be very interesting. Both the main players of the game are here now. Only Hank is missing.'

He thought as Ava's eyes landed on him.

"Aiden, we were just talking about you." She said, wondering what was going on. Aiden had suddenly called her and said that he wanted to meet her to show her something.

Before Aiden could reply, Florence opened her mouth.

"You are finally showing your face after avoiding any calls from us even after you received the contract. There are better ways if you don't agree on the supposed pay."

It seemed like she had assumed a hell lot but Aiden didn't give it much heed.

"It's not about the pay. I am here for a reason."


Florence asked but Aiden didn't look at her but at Ava instead. She raised her head at him, her eyes gleaming a bit, obviously knowing that whatever Aiden was here for wasn't simple enough.

"I have something to show you." Aiden glanced at Tom. "Show her the laptop."

Tom nodded and put it down on Ava's desk. He walked towards it and took out a pendrive and plugged it in. Ava glanced alternatively between Aiden and the drive before whispering.

"What are you doing? You are ruining your impression on Florence. She will give you a hard time on set, you know."

"It doesn't matter. As to what I'm doing, I'm saving… you, I guess."

Aiden said with clarity in his eyes. Ava wanted to say something but she didn't and instead stared at the laptop screen. From the side, Tom was also glancing at it shamelessly, too curious to stop himself from knowing what was going on.

Slowly, both the faces of Tom and Ava changed. They looked stunned, like they had seen something that they never thought existed.

It was the same expression Aiden had when he had first came across the ghosts in [Sherlock of the Shadows].

"Hello. I don't think I have introduced myself. I'm Liam. You must know me, right?"

As Ava was busy going through his laptop, Liam, the snarky guy stood up and introduced himself. He had not bothered to do anything till now and was watching Aiden.

"I do. Nice to meet you."

Aiden said and Liam smiled.

"I'm going to play a part in [Stars on the Ground] too, so we are going to see each other a lot in the next few months."

"I know that but…"

He hesitated for a bit before forming words in his mind and while trying to be a bit polite, he completed his sentence.

"I don't think I will be a part of [Stars on the Ground]."


Liam tilted his head and Florence besides him also has a bewildered expression before it turned into anger. Her face also turned red, like a ripe tomato as she sweared under her breath.

"What did you say? Are you really trying to back off the project after agreeing to it months ago. I should have known it would happen when you were avoiding signing the contract. You have a lot of problems with the script too. Bastard!"

Aiden kept calm under her gaze.

"Calm down. I have my own reasons."

"What reasons? I would love to hear them."

"I don't think you would."

It was not Aiden who spoke but Ava who has a calm expression on her face. After the initial shock, she has calmed down. There was one more thing that Aiden noticed.

She was emitting a bit of a pressure as her eyes were very sharp under her calm expression.


"See for yourself."

She said and turned around the laptop. At that moment, the room froze and not even one breathe was heard.

It was like time had froze.

Everyone's gaze was locked to the laptop's screen. Wade was the first to move as he walked in front of it and squinted his eyes, trying to see if the things displayed on it were actually real.


"We can get them checked but they are very genuine. You can see for yourself. A bit blurry but everything could be seen in them."

"What the fuck?" His reaction was expected by Aiden. "Damn! It's like the biggest cluster fuck I have seen in years. How did you get all this?"

He was still unable to belive it.

"I made a deal. I will tell you about it later. For now, we could see that it's going to be a big deal."

"Big deal? This is going to be the biggest scandal of the year. Fuck! I could see 4-5 known celebrities there. If it's real, Hollywood media is going to be having a field day for months."

Wade laughed and it was only then that Florence and Liam moved. They were shell shocked like their souls have left their body.

Liam was even shaking.

"What the hell is this? What nonsense are you showing everyone?!"

Florence was the first to erupt out of the two of them, a reaction that was expected by Aiden. She looked rigid even if she was angey, shock was too much for her to handle.

"It's not nonsense, Ms. Lamb." Aiden deliberately called her by her husband's surname, making her shoot out a glare.josei

"All these are photosop right? These days, you can do a hell lot with a computer." Liam asked, glancing at Aiden, hoping that he would say that it was photoshop.

"They are not. Belive it or not." Aiden answered. "I got it from a media company that was looking into it. They have better shots. The ones they gave me are blurry. What I saw in their hands was high definition. Rest assured, they don't have videos from what I know but in this case, photos are enough."

"You are just trying to blackmail. Yes, that's what you doing."

Florence said, trying to give herself reasons.

"I don't have a reason to. Moreover, these photos are going to be public soon by the media company that has it. They apparently already sold it to someone and you yourself know if it's true or not. You should have thought more before attending an orgy when you are married."

Aiden frowned and looked at the laptop. On the screen, a few photos were displayed, all naked. Two of them were of Liam and Florence. One more familiar figure was there — Hank Paige.

They were in a position that was better left to imagination. Though Aiden had to say that Liam has a very unique fetish.

In the back, two more married actors were present. All cheating on their spouses together.

Aiden scrolled down on the photos and a few more came up. In one of them, Liam's 'tool' was on full display and seeing it, Tom couldn't help but glance at his crotch and chuckle.

Tom seemed to be the only one who looked like he was having the best day of his life.

'Who would have thought I would come across something like this?'

Aiden thought silently in his mind.

At first, the only suspicion he had was of cheating and that was indeed involved but when he dig further, an entirely different story came up.

Hank Paige and Florence was indeed in a relationship behind the back of her husband but it was more than that. They used to attend orgy parties invited by their friends and in these parties, they have met Liam.

Florence was quickly attracted to him as he was UK's most popular pop icon and a handsome guy, younger than her. He also seemed interested in her and hence, she had started seeing him besides the orgy parties.

Hank had gotten to know it and in an ugly spat, their relationship which was never really moral broke. He was ousted from the next day too as Liam and Florence began a relationship.

Aiden guessed that the reason Hank had given him warning and lied was because he wanted to cause trouble for Florence but it had given Aiden the necessary imagination to think that there was something much more graver going on.

In the end, the only victim was Zavier Lamb, Florence's husband who actually loves her.

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