Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Aiden and Wade talked a bit more about the problem but a solution was hard to find as they didn't have enough power to interfere between big companies like Intra Entertainment and Zero International. 

They just hoped that in the end, they would go with what the public wanted. Unfortunately, politics in these types of big roles was always a constant. 

In the end, he ignored what was going on for the time being and focused on the shooting. After it was over for the day, he sat in Wade's car to go meet Cameron and his grandpa. 

As Joseph Bryce was working closely on the Agnas biopic, he guessed that he would be able to get more news. 

At the same time, it was also a very exciting prospect to meet personally with one of the top film composers of all time. 

On the way there, Aiden received a message from Ava. 

[Ava: You auditioned for Agnas biopic, right? Did you see the rumours spread by Intra Entertainment online?]

[Aiden: I did.]

[Ava: What are you going to do about it? If they are spreading rumours about it, then they are pretty serious about getting him the role. Intra don't often do that.]

[Aiden: I don't really know. I'm still counting my options but I don't think it would be in my hands.]

Aiden typed and a text that made him widen his eyes came right away. 

[Ava: Want me to help you out?]

[Aiden: How?]

[Ava: I can give a few calls to Zero International and some other people. It won't take a lot of time.]

He didn't type for a while as he contemplated those words. He was sure that if Ava vouched for him to get the role, it would help him immensely. 

By the way she hadn't even hesitated to offer help, she must have a plan already. 



'I can't rely on her. I told her I would prove to her that I'm good enough to carry a franchise. I need to do it on my own.'

He thought in his mind and wrote back a reply. 

[Aiden: I will ask you if there's really no option. Thanks anyway.]

[Ava: Good luck.]

The conversation ended after that and until the car stopped, Aiden was in a thought, thinking whether he would really be able to get his hand on the role of Agnas. 

Getting out of the car, he looked at the house in front of him. Rather than a house, it was almost a small mansion. 

'Cameron's really from a lot of money.'

He thought. He had once told him that his family was also in real estate and had tons of properties. 

"Let's go inside." Wade said and walked in with Aiden. There were guards standing outside the main gate and as soon as they saw Aiden, they let him in. 

It seemed like they were already notified of his visit. 

As he walked inside the house, Cameron's image in Aiden's mind began to change bit by bit. From a foul mouthed guy who had matured to someone that could pose as a british noble and he won't be surprised. 

The whole house was filled with servants and it was a bit surprising, considering Cameron didn't live in New York. 

Finally, after a while, he saw Cameron waiting in front of the stairs that led to the first floor. 

"You grew your hair."

Cameron commented, his eyes going towards Aiden's hair that was tied up in a ponytail. 

"Yeah. It's for the movie I'm shooting. What are you doing in New York?"

"I have a few shows here and a meeting for Agnas biopic. I lost the main role."

Cameron shrugged as he gestured towards the stairs, prompting him to climb them. Aiden wasn't surprised that he lost the role. After all, not all singers could act. 

Even the singers who would make their acting debuts would do it in a musical, a genre that they are more likely to succeed in. 

"That's unfortunate." Aiden said and Cameron smiled. 

"I got a supporting role though." Both Aiden and Wade were surprised to hear that. "It seemed like they thought that I would better suit the role of my grandpa because I resemble his appearance a lot."

As it was a biopic, most of the characters were going to be real life people. One of them was obviously Joseph Bryce as he was a close friend and a work partner. 

Cameron playing the role of his grandpa made a lot of sense. 

They walked for a while before Aiden asked the reason behind Joseph wanting to meet him. They have never talked in private before after all. 

"Why did Joseph want to meet me?"

"He has a habit of meeting every musician who impresses him. I think he liked your album and wanted to see you for a long time. When he heard you were in New York too, he asked me to bring you."

They walked to the room in which Joseph was staying. Cameron entered first, followed by Wade and Aiden. 

As soon as they entered, they stopped as a peculiar tune entered their ears. 

'I have never heard of this tune.'

In the room, a piano was there in the corner and on it, Joseph was playing a tune that seemed like something straight out of heaven. The sound of it was mesmerizing and calming. 

At the same time, it felt a bit sad. 

No one disturbed Joseph as his fingers pressed on the piano and his hand manipulated the notes. Experience was clearly visible in his moments and it was a performance that was at a level that was hard to match. 

'He's truly a master.'

Aiden thought in his mind as the performance ended. Even after it ended, the song that Joseph was playing stayed in his mind. 

He wasn't able to remember which song it was. The tune was very unfamiliar and it was good enough to be very popular. At least Aiden was sure of it. 

"You are here."

Joseph looked at Aiden after noticing his presence in the room. He woke up from his seat and walked up to shake hands with him. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"We weren't able to talk during the audition. You have very interesting thoughts about Agnas and I enjoy your music. Anyway, let's sit down before talking."

He gestured towards the sofa and like he was getting a signal, Cameron left with Wade, giving privacy to Aiden and Joseph. It seemed like the old composer wanted to talk to him alone. 

"You know it's very rare to find stories in music these days. Back then, every song used to contain a life story and now, the environment is different. I won't say it's bad but I do miss the old times."

Joseph said as Aiden sat down. He guessed that he was hinting at pop music which was an easier form of music compared to others, simply because musicians focus more on making it catchy than the core of it. 

"That's why, I was surprised when I heard your songs. Although a few of them didn't impress me, some did. You are a good storyteller. How did you come up with 'Lost in the Sky'?"

Joseph asked. That was his favourite song from Aiden and the one that had made him notice him. 

"It was a song for a movie so it was more or less the thoughts of the main character of that movie. I related to him obviously and I wanted to explore topics like the reason for existence and if things actually matter in this world."

Aiden explained and he and Joseph went on to talk in detail about the song. In the first place, 'Lost in the Sky' was very subtle in what it wanted to portray. 

It was more than a love song and the personification of thoughts of a person about the world that a lot of people would connect with. 

Joseph asked more questions from Aiden and even asked about his journey. He was able to see that the old man was a good listener and was genuinely interested in his story. 

He also talked about how his career started back in the 60s and 70s. How he was discovered by a manager from a record label in a cheap pub and how midway through his third album, he shifted completely to making scores for movies. 

It was because he felt like he would be able to tell more stories like that and seemed more interesting. 

Finally, the conversation shifted to the Agnas biopic. 

"I'm pretty sure you have heard of the rumours circulating on social media?"

Joseph asked and Aiden nodded. 

"Yeah, is it confirmed?"

"Not yet. The studio is still deliberating about who to cast as Agnas. In the end, the call is on the head of Baz."

"What do you want though? Is Liam a good choice in your eyes?"

Aiden asked, being very curious about it. Joseph was someone who was one of the closest people to Agnas. So, he would know if Liam suited the role. 

Joseph took a while to answer the question. 

"I don't know to be honest. I don't really enjoy his music. He has a good voice but I don't know if he would be able to do justice to his songs. As for acting, it's not my profession. Though, I would know for sure if I heard him sing 'Joker'."


Aiden raised an eyebrow. Was it a song?

"Yeah, it was the tune I was playing when you came into the room. The last song of Agnas."

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