Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 358.POV Of A Hollywooddisbeliever (2)

Chapter 358.POV Of A Hollywooddisbeliever (2)

Lisa was still wondering about her cousin when the movie began but given minutes in, she felt herself focusing more on the screen. 

She knew that Aiden was very passionate about his craft but on the screen, she only saw Kai. 

She had watched the first part, so she was familiar with the character. Still, she felt like Aiden's acting had improved a lot since the first part. 

'Had he been trying to improve himself regularly? He became famous a few years ago but it seems like he had not gotten lazy.'

She felt like there was a different kind of sharpness to Kai this time. At the same time, there was a sense of vulnerability especially in the scenes that depicted the past of Kai. 

The vulnerability was nowhere to be found in the parts where Kai was already dead and it was clear that the character had become something else after all this time. 

When she noticed it, Lisa felt impressed. 

It was another mark of her cousin's talent. Something she felt like she lacked. 

As the movie progressed, it focused more on Kai's mentality and his state of mind. In a way, it was something that Lisa had also experienced. 

Feeling discontent with the world and the hunch that something was lacking. That you are not chasing what you are supposed to chase. 

A lot of others in the theatre seemed to think the same. 

All of them looked to be in some sort of a trance as they watched the movie. With every unexpected scene, their expressions would change to shock before they focus on the movie again. 

It wasn't a big experience movie but it seemed to have a certain effect on the audience. 

Half an hour into the movie, Lisa had also joined them in a trance-like state. 

It was because Kai before becoming a criminal was very much like her. A man with no purpose or passion and someone who was surviving. 

One of the lines he said early on was something that she fully agreed with, "In this world, there are people who survive and those who live. The latter lives by making sure that the former only thinks about surviving."

It was a very powerful line and it showed a shift in Kai's thinking. 

Halfway through the movie, she wondered something. 

'It's weird that I have a lot of similarities with a psychopath.'

She looked at her cousin while thinking about that. 

A part of her wondered whether he would understand her more because she was somehow similar to Kai. The thought only lasted a second before she turned her head towards the screen. 

And she had to say that the next hour was one of the best experiences of her life. Even if she was following the story of a psychopath, chaos and anarchy was weirdly attractive to normal people. 

It was because they have been shackled by society for their whole life that watching something like that was exhilarating. 

A lot of people cheered at a scene where Kai killed his boss and they were mesmerized when Kai danced through a street because he found his purpose. 

After that, it was just the journey of a guy who built himself in a way to become a god even after dying. 

His every plan was genius and even though he acted like he was just spreading anarchy, everything was always in his control. 

That's why, in the climax scene, when Kai finally became the god he always wanted to be, there was a scene of his cult members spreading chaos in his name and a person in a mask was watching them from the sidelines with the iconic smile of Kai. 

Lisa knew that it was not as simple as Kai being alive. The last scene was more of a perception of the cult members that their god was with them. 

'It was a pretty good movie.'

She thought as the credits started to roll. She had liked a movie after a long time and throughout it, she could feel that Aiden had given it his all. 

Around them, other people also praised it. 

"It was one of the best experiences I have had this year."

"Damn! I should watch it again. I feel like I missed a lot because time went by very fast."

"I really loved it too. People were right when they were labelling it as the best movie this year."

"I feel like this will be a cult movie in the coming years."

"The main lead wasn't crazy to be overconfident about the movie after all."

"I feel like I should cosplay as Kai for Halloween this year."

Smiles were all around Lisa as people began to walk out of the theatre, satisfied with the experience they had. Some even wanted a repeat of it. 

It was then that she heard her father patting Aiden's shoulders. 

"I actually believe that this movie could get 500 million dollars, Aiden." He said. "I'm very proud of you."

"That's the first time you have said that."

"Because you never did a movie like this till now. This is probably my favourite in your filmography."

They talked like that for a while before her father turned to her. 

"How did you like it, Lisa?"

"It was good." She said without taking any time. "I liked it a lot."

Her eyes stayed on Aiden as she said that. He smiled towards her as they left the theatre. 

Thankfully, no accident happened as they came out. No one recognised that Aiden was in the theatre watching the movie with them. 

Lisa was glad about it as if someone had found out, she was sure that people have swarmed them for a long time going by how much they liked the movie.

They decided to have lunch at her father's restaurant and sat in the car. In the entire way, her father kept talking about the movie with Aiden and she chipped in from time to time. 

It looked like she was in some thought of her own the entire way. 

When they reached the restaurant, her father said, "I watched a good movie today. So, how about I cook you some seafood today? I think I have all the ingredients ready."

"Are you sure?"

Aiden asked as Uncle Sam rarely cooked but whenever he did, the food was excellent. Apparently, he had learned it to impress his aunt and it had worked too. 

In his words, there's nothing better than a man who could cook in the woman's gaze. 

Looking happy, Uncle Sam went to the kitchen to cook lunch, leaving Lisa and Aiden alone. 

Now that they were alone, Aiden asked something that he was wondering for a while. 

"Did you not like something in the movie? You seem to be thinking about something for a long time."

"No, it's not that." Lisa shook her head and hesitated as to how to talk about it. "It's just I felt a little jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?"

"You, your passion for acting and how you try to do everything for a role. I lack the sense of purpose that you have and watching the movie made me realise just that."

She said, looking a bit disappointed. Then, she added, "I even thought that I'm similar to Kai in the initial phases of the movie. Though, I won't make being a god a purpose."

Hearing that, Aiden widened his eyes a bit, taking in her words. He always knew that Lisa was very laid back but he never thought that she felt inferior to others because she lacked passion and purpose. 

"I think you are better than Kai." He said, making Lisa confused. 

"What do you mean?"josei

"I mean that even if Kai seemed right in a lot of things, he had mental health issues and his life didn't have any empathy or kindness. His purpose was dark because of that and it appeals to the dark side in humans. You are better because you have good people around you and trust me, passion isn't everything in life."

Lisa clicked her tongue hearing that. 

"It's easy for you to say that."

"Maybe it is but even with passion, I will eventually get tired. That's human. A passion might drive you but it doesn't mean everything."

Aiden recalled a conversation he had with Jeremy, the actor he worked with in [Sherlock of the Shadows]. 

He had asked him what role he would remember as the best part of his career when he eventually retires. The old man had answered immediately and it was something that Aiden had not really expected. 

He had taken the name of a movie called [Gary Brook's Crazy Night]. It was an average rom com that had only done average business at the box office. 

No one would remember it as one of Jeremy's highlight performances either but he told him that it was the best because he had the most fun with the cast while shooting. All other movies and roles, no matter how good, just didn't have great memories. 

Humans remember fond memories in the end. Not the highest point of their careers. 

"I feel like you should focus on little things. Look around and relax. Life moves too fast and you need to see the things around you that are there."

"So, you mean I don't need passion? Not even in movies like you?"

Lisa asked after hearing that. 

"Yeah, you are not me. Nor are you like Uncle Sam. You are you and you should be happy. You can hate movies and I doubt Uncle Sam would be bothered. I won't say he won't be happy with you doing something in a creative field but it's not the point where it's a necessity. I'm pretty sure if there's something you are meant to do, you will find it."

Lisa was about to reply to that when Uncle Sam appeared from the kitchen.

"Any of you would like to give me a hand?"

He looked at the two of them and Lisa stood up to follow him inside the kitchen. She wanted to continue the conversation but she felt like it could be shifted for later. 

Moreover, her father rarely cooked, so her helping him in the kitchen was a good addition to the little things that Aiden just mentioned. 

In the end, she was happy that she got to watch a good movie today.

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