Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 369. Dreams Of Society

Chapter 369. Dreams Of Society

The premise of 'Project Dream' was truly bizarre. It wasn't a simple love story like [30 days of Happiness]. It was more complex and was basically about a time in the future. 

A time in which humans have invented machines that lets one explore what they are dreaming about. Dreams are not just things that humans forget after waking up. These machines could even influence dreams and make it a great, enjoyable experience for someone. 

It is used by people to have a great sleep and have fun in them. Some people even use it as an adrenaline rush by influencing their dreams to be more exciting. 

Although there wasn't much explanation about these dream machines, the story revolves around a guy who meets a girl in his dreams. 

The girl like him was surprised to see someone and although for a while, both of them see each other as imagination, the confusion eventually gets cleared and a weird relationship forms around them. 

When Aiden had first read the premise and the script, he had gotten a weird feeling out of it. 

Not exactly because of the idea. 

But because of the vibe he got from the story. It looked less like a Hollywood movie and more like an anime movie. As it was common knowledge that Hollywood romances are very grounded. 

They barely had any romance of epic proportions but whenever it had happened, it had been a huge success. But directors tend to still go for realism over a spectacle. 

Whereas in anime love stories, anything was possible. Aiden had even watched a story that was going pretty fine till the halfway stage about a high school couple but suddenly, the girl would be revealed as a robot and then, a whole plot about aliens would start out of nowhere. 

Even with this, the movie was greatly enjoyable. 


Just in anime, the directors let the creativity flow and see where it will go without trying to restrain it. 

'Project Dream' followed that as in dreams, anything was possible. Maybe that's why Aiden wanted to be a part of the project. 

"I thought it's a really fun project. I realised it on my second read of the script but I felt like I would regret it if I don't become a part of it."

Aiden said after thinking for a bit but it looked like a generic response to Timmy. He decided to push for a better response. 

"I showed the script to a couple of actors before you. People who have worked with me before and they weren't ready to be a part of the movie as a lot of it felt silly to them. I made the main character younger because of that as no older actor wanted to be a part of it and it was easier to persuade a younger actor. You know what those big time stars told me that the movie won't earn much on the box office and would be termed unrealistic."

To that, Aiden smiled. 

"Someone recently told me my movie won't earn much money. I'm pretty sure you know how that aged."

"I do." Timmy chuckled. "Still, those actors thought the same thing.  What made you look at it differently?"

Aiden didn't reply straight up. Wade looked at him, knowing that Timmy was trying to test him by asking this. To know if it was really his love for the script or just because of the reputation of Timmy Button. 

Wade looked confident that Aiden wouldn't mess it up and after a while, Aiden opened his mouth. 

"There's one thing my father once told me. It was probably the best perspective I ever got on movies."

"What is that?" Timmy raised an eyebrow and even Wade looked interested. Aiden seldom talked about his father. 

"He was telling me about his most favorite movie and told me that people say that movies are the mirror to society and they should be reflective of what's going on in society."

"That's true."

Timmy said. That was probably the most said quote by budding filmmakers. And it was extremely true too. Movies were an essential part in making societies better by showing them what is wrong in them. 

"But my father said that he believes in something else. I asked what and he told me that his favourite movie is a children's film about a young wizard and his pet dog who can talk. He said that it's a good movie but it didn't win any awards. But it stayed with him because the movie was like his dream coming true. He said that he imagined going on such adventures before in his dream. He then told me that aside from a reflection to society, movies should also be the dreams of society. The script is like that."

Aiden liked realistic movies but if he was going to make a movie, it was always going to be something that's different from our world. Because that way, he would truly be able to show off his creativity. 

'Project Dream' was pretty much that as it explored the untapped potential of the Magical realism genre. 

Timmy blinked his eyes and thought about Aiden's answer. He repeated the sentence 'Movies should be the dreams of society' and felt like it was a great quote. 

He also liked that his story made Aiden think of the quote because the script was written with that essence. 

"You have a pretty great sense of movies."

"Thank you."

Aiden smiled and it looked like Timmy had already decided that he was going to be his male lead.


<Aiden Silvereye signed his first project after becoming a top star. He is going to be the lead of Timmy Button's next.>

<A rom com had been finalised by Red Ant studios that would be handled by Timmy Button. The studio is going to invest 70 million dollars in the movie, making it one of the most expensive rom coms of the last decade.>

<Red Ant studios head said that they want to revive the genre of epic romances and they are going to do it with their next movie which would go on floors at the last quarter of the year. The studio head called it one of the biggest upcoming projects of theirs and praised Aiden Silvereye who had been signed up for a whopping 5 million dollars.>

Articles came up within a week of Aiden's meeting with Timmy Button. Some of it was revealed by Red Ant studios themselves while some details like Aiden's paycheck was just found out by journalists. 

Red Ant studio head officially talked about it and confirmed every detail that was out. Though, they were keeping a lot hidden as they didn't want anyone to know about the premise. 

After meetings with Timmy Button, the acclaimed producer realised that Aiden and his thoughts were pretty similar. Though, he did provide him with some great ideas for certain parts of the script. 

As a writer himself, Aiden could know what the script needed and Timmy told him that he would make a few changes in the next revisions. 

As the filming almost had a year left, there was a lot of time to make the script even better. Most of the casting aside from Aiden was also left to do. 

That's why, the production team started focusing on that, leaving Aiden to choose his second project of the year. 

The next meeting was for that with Alberto. 


When the announcement of Aiden's next project with Red Ant studios came out, his fan group was one of the best to rejoice. 

[Ho Li Sheep: So, Aiden is going to be in a rom com. He hadn't done that a lot in his career right? I can't remember any if I'm being honest.]

[Karl Max is my daddy: He did [30 days of Happiness]. The movie did great in awards shows and box office but got forgotten after the initial few months. It's one of those movies that you enjoyed but didn't last with you.]

[Stepdad, I'm stuck: Yeah, Aiden ain't much of a romantic lead. He does have the face for it but I'm too used to seeing him in different things and after Kai, I wanted him to go for another villain role.]

[My pet's name is voldy: That would be easy. And they are actively releasing it in theatres, trying to make it an epic romance. Those types of movies need a lot of charisma that Aiden has. Just I doubt if his charisma is suited for romance.]

[Skyneves: You all think too negatively. I'm pretty sure Aiden will nail the role. I'm extremely glad he's trying out new things and not restricting himself.]

[I became a Meme: Is it only me who thinks that Aiden forgot that he's a singer too? I've been craving some good music for him for a long time now. I love that he's doing so well in movies but I want some songs too.]

[Hollywood Insider: Yes, that's only you. I'm craving 2-3 movies from Aiden in a year. Build that filmography thick just how I like it.]

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