Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 309 - 309

Chapter 309 - 309: Reaction from All Sides!

Chapter 309: Reaction from All Sides!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The news had even spread to the real world, attracting the attention of some wealthy families and third parties.

The actions of the Mad Dragon Guild had made everyone begin to reassess the boundaries and possibilities of this virtual reality game.

The intersection of the virtual world and reality had shrouded the entire gaming community in a layer of unknown mystery.

In the base of the Mad Dragon Guild, Han Xing had stood in the middle of the command hall, surrounded by cheers.

His gaze had been determined, revealing a kind of enlightenment after defeating a strong enemy.

The elite members of the Mad Dragon Union had worn different equipment and had different expressions, but all had revealed their joy at victory.

This operation had not only been a victory but also a test of the union’s unity and combat strength!

The hall had been filled with the joy of battle achievements. It had seemed as if every member had been bathed in the light of victory!

Han Xing had raised his hand, and the hall had fallen silent.

His voice had been sonorous and powerful. “Everyone has worked hard. We have won this battle, but this is only the first step towards victory.”

“The enemy we are facing is powerful and cunning. They will not give up easily. We must stay clear-headed and be prepared for greater challenges.”

“I want to thank Benevolent Guild and Watercloud Guild for their support. It is their help that allows us to usher in this victory.”

“But the war isn’t over yet. We can’t be complacent because of a victory.”

“1 believe that only stronger unity and more exquisite skills can make us invincible in this virtual world.”

The hall had been filled with applause again. The members had expressed their respect for Han Xing and their expectations for the future.

Han Xing’s gaze had been warm and firm.

The road ahead would have been even more bumpy, but he had believed that every member of the Mad Dragon Guild would have thrived in the storm.

Then, Han Xing announced an important decision. “To better meet the upcoming challenges, we will strengthen internal training to improve teamwork and individual skills.”

“Everyone has to set higher standards for themselves. Our goal is to make the Mad Dragon Guild a Strength that cannot be ignored in the entire game world.”

The members of the Mad Dragon Guild had nodded in agreement, indicating that they would have done their best.

Under the leadership of Han Xing, the Mad Dragon Guild embarked on a new journey.

The storm might have still been ongoing, but they would have already faced it head-on. In order to maintain the dignity of the guild, and also to pursue greater glory!

In the main hall of the Shangguan family, the atmosphere had been heavy, as if the oppressive air could suffocate people.

Shangguan Hai had sat on the main seat. The veins on his forehead had been bulging, and his eyes had been filled with anger.

Murong Yu, the leader of the Murong family, had also been standing at the side. His brows had been tightly knitted together, and his face had been filled with displeasure.

“What was going on?”

Shangguan Hai’s voice was like a piercing cold wind, making everyone present feel a bit oppressed.

“We’re wanted? Furthermore, someone even pretended to be an ally and killed our members again?”

Murong Yu who was beside him also looked furious. “What an insult! We are like the sun in the real world. When have we ever received such treatment? This Mad Dragon Guild is simply audacious!”

The higher-ups of the Shangguan family and the trusted aides of the Murong family had all lowered their heads in unison. No one had dared to answer the questions of the chiefs.

After a moment of silence in the hall, Shangguan Hai sneered and said, “Pass down my order. Investigate the origins of the Mad Dragon Union immediately. I want to know what this Star Rebel was capable of, to dare act so wildly in our territory!”

Murong Yu had given the same order. “Use all our strength. I want them to pay the price. Be it in the real world or the Second World, we can’t let them succeed!”

Immediately, the upper echelons of the Shangguan family and the Murong family began to urgently mobilize their subordinates, preparing to launch a counterattack in the game!

They had never thought that someone would dare to oppose them so openly, let alone in their territory!

At the same time, in the real world, the Shangguan family and the Murong family had also begun a series of investigations and actions.

They had to find the origins of the Mad Dragon Guild, especially the true identity of the Star Rebel!

They had wanted to completely crush this strength that had dared to cross their bottom line!”

“In this process, the Shangguan family and the Murong family showcased their influence and background in the real world.

Whether it was political and business relations or financial strength, they employed a comprehensive approach to protect their dignity and maintain their prestige in the game.

However, just as they launched their counterattack, the Mad Dragon Guild was also making meticulous preparations.

An even more intense virtual war was on the brink of erupting, and the real world would be significantly impacted by the aftermath of this virtual war!

Jiang Han sat in front of the computer in his office, a screen full of data rapidly scrolling before his eyes.

As one of the developers of the Second World, he stood among China’s top engineers.

His job in the real world involved handling various code-based assignments.

In the Second World, he had developed his investigative methods.

Jiang Han tapped away on the keyboard, his gaze fixed on the screen where the once disorganized data was gradually becoming clearer.

Jiang Han had access to Star Rebel’s ID, diverse game records, and interactional data.

He was aware that behind this seemingly ordinary gaming account, numerous undisclosed secrets were concealed.

Star Rebel had made a striking impression in the game, drawing the attention of many.

However, Jiang Han possessed extraordinary observational and reasoning abilities. Amidst what seemed a jumbled assortment of data, he began tracing faint trails.

“This Star Rebel not only ascended in prominence within the game but also wields some real-world influence.”

Jiang Han contemplated.

Star Rebel’s trajectory seemed entangled with significant figures and events. It was through these entwined points that Jiang Han gradually uncovered undisclosed secrets.

He sifted through Star Rebel’s operational records, gradually interconnecting seemingly unrelated pieces of information. josei

A slight furrow formed on Jiang Han’s brow. It seemed he had stumbled upon an unspoken secret, one that could potentially cause a substantial upheaval!

Jiang Han resolved to further investigate. He wasn’t in a hurry to publicize this information, understanding that revealing someone’s past could disrupt the equilibrium of an entire faction.

He wished not to act recklessly until he had gathered sufficient information, avoiding triggering a larger problem.

Behind the seemingly tranquil gaming world intertwined with reality, a more intricate and profound conspiracy slowly surfaced.

As one of the people who discovered this conspiracy, Jiang Han was trying to reveal the truth behind the Star Rebel.

“How does Star Rebel know who 1 am?”

“Who exactly is he…. really?”

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