Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1287 Valeria's Settlement

Chapter 1287 Valeria's Settlement

The southeastern region of the Dark Daniera Forest was about to bathe in the sun's grace. The dawn break had just arrived on the horizon.

Eren, Marla, and Almera stood in awe as they finally arrived at the first Amazonian settlement within the enchanting Dark Daniera Forest. The bustling city-like place spread before them, vibrant with life and teeming with the nature's energy of the Amazonians.

Marla and Almera took care of the formalities after approaching the settlement. The trio was warmly welcomed by the Amazonian guards stationed at the city walls after their identities were confirmed.

The settlement was encircled by a tall and formidable security wall, an impressive feat of earth-element magic. Crafted from solid rock, it stood as a testament to the strength and ingenuity of its creators. Four giant gates, positioned at the cardinal directions, served as the entrances to this thriving community.

Spanning a radius of 10 miles, the settlement was home to approximately 4000 Amazonians, each contributing to the collective tapestry of their society. As Eren's gaze swept across the landscape, he noticed a harmonious blend of large and small constructions, seamlessly intertwined with the natural elements of wood and earth magic. Lush trees and vibrant vegetation were not merely part of the backdrop but intricately woven into the very architecture and societal fabric of the settlement.

Magical marvels greeted their eyes at every turn. Various elemental pools and meticulously crafted magic arrays dotted the settlement, enabling its denizens to access the diverse facilities available. Among these wonders stood a library nestled within the colossal trunk of a giant tree, its circumference spanning an impressive 300 meters. The library towered above, boasting multiple floors, with the only way to ascend to higher levels being a traditional climb up the tree's sturdy branches.

The settlement exuded a captivating fusion of nature, urban buildings, and magical craftsmanship. Simple yet well-maintained roads traversed the settlement, leading to neat and clean surroundings.

Magical lamp posts were strategically placed throughout the settlement, illuminating the pathways and dispelling the perpetual darkness that lingered even in broad daylight. Towering trees, their majestic presence enveloping the settlement, cast deep shadows, making it a place where sunlight struggled to penetrate.

Yet, this shadowy ambiance only enhanced the mysterious and enchanting atmosphere that pervaded the Amazonian settlement.

As Eren, Marla, and Almera ventured deeper into the settlement, they were greeted by the lively buzz of activity. The Amazonians went about their daily routines. The air was filled with laughter, whispers of conversations, and the gentle rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of life.

In this remarkable blend of nature's embrace, urban structures, and the artistry of magic, the Amazonian settlement stood as a testament to their profound connection with the Great Mother and their ability to harmoniously coexist with their surroundings. Eren could not help but marvel at the beauty and ingenuity that unfolded before his eyes, a testament to the unique culture and resilience of the Amazonian people.

Eren found himself in awe as he explored the first Amazonian settlement alongside Marla and Almera. The bustling atmosphere was filled with the sights and sounds of the Amazonian people going about their daily lives, their unique customs and attire captivating Eren's attention.

As they strolled through the settlement, Eren's gaze was drawn towards the center where a magnificent sight awaited him. Towering over the bustling streets stood a colossal female statue, an embodiment of power and grace. Its presence commanded attention, standing at an impressive height of 300 meters. Crafted from pristine white marble, the statue showcased the remarkable skill of its creators.

Marla, noticing Eren's gaze fixed on the majestic sculpture, smiled and confirmed his thoughts. "That, Eren, is the statue of the Great Mother," she said softly. The statue depicted a woman in her prime, her voluminous hair cascading down below her waist. She possessed a well-endowed figure, adorned in a simple leather blouse and a flowing miniskirt. Her gentle hands caressed her belly, which exhibited a slight pregnancy bump, evoking a sense of motherly affection.

The statue's countenance exuded care and gentleness, mirroring the qualities associated with the Great Mother herself. Its flawless features and mesmerizing face radiated beauty and divinity, capturing the devotion and reverence of the Amazonian people. The divine aura surrounding the statue was palpable, a testament to the abundant faith energy it had amassed from the settlement's members.

Aware of Eren's intrigue, Marla and Almera guided him closer to the statue as they continued their exploration on foot. Eren couldn't help but be captivated by the Amazonians around him. The attire of the residents varied, with some clad in various forms of leather and lightweight armor, while others opted for wrap-around fabrics and animal skins.josei

The male rankers fearlessly displayed their exposed torsos, wearing only a fabric barely covering their groin. Meanwhile, some female rankers wore skin-hugging leather blouses and pants or animal-skin skirts. Eren noticed that for some female rankers, it was considered normal to have their breasts exposed, a display of their well-accepted partial nudist culture within the Amazonian society.

Eren couldn't help but feel intrigued by this open acceptance and the confidence exuded by the Amazonian women. As they passed by, he found himself stealing glances, admiring their natural beauty and the assets they proudly showcased.

With smiles on their faces, the Amazonian women reciprocated his gaze, their comfort with their bodies evident. Eren returned their smiles warmly, appreciating the sense of freedom and self-acceptance prevalent in this unique society. He also controlled his urges so that he doesn't have to walk around with a boner in his pants.

Amidst the vibrant activity of the settlement, Eren observed Amazonian rankers preparing for various tasks. Some were venturing outside the settlement, their purpose clear: to hunt or gather essential resources from the abundant Dark Daniera Forest.

Aware of the dangers that lurked within, the Amazonians organized themselves into combatant and noncombatant teams. The non-combatant teams focused solely on resource gathering, while the combatant teams ensured their safety, protecting them from potential threats.

Some rankers were busy creating weapons, artifacts, and other ranking resources openly. Some others were practicing their ranking techniques in groups inside a specially built array circle.

'Hmm. They don't have good weapons.'

The weapon seller in Eren thought to himself as he explored the settlement with Marla and Almera as his guide. A knowing smile hung on his lips as started seeing profits wherever he looked.

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