Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1296 Pushing For An Arms Deal

Chapter 1296 Pushing For An Arms Deal

Eren's satisfaction was further enhanced by the understanding that a portion of his payment would consist of rare high-ranking resources.

Over time, he had gathered a considerable number of high-ranking entities under the White Raven Guild's umbrella. The acquisition of such resources was no easy feat, even with substantial funds at one's disposal. However, with the deal struck with the Amazonians, Eren knew that his needs, as well as those of the rankers under his control, would be somewhat adequately addressed.

As the meeting drew to a close, Eren felt a renewed sense of purpose and accomplishment. The alliance between the White Raven Guild and the Amazonians had been forged, promising a prosperous future for both parties involved. The intricate threads of trade, trust, and mutual benefit had woven a tapestry of opportunities and growth.

"This concludes our business with you, Eren," Valeria said with a smile, her voice laced in satisfaction. "I'm happy that we reached an agreement and looking forward to a consistent cooperation between us for years to come."

Evelina also gave an approving smile at Eren before speaking up "hehe. Our business may have been concluded. But we will not let you go without giving us a chance to show our hospitality. Why don't you…"

Evelina was about to complete her sentence when she saw Eren pursing his lips and raising his hands. "Not so fast, Matriarch Evelina," Eren said before fixing his gaze on Valeria. "Matriarch Valeria, are you sure the potions are the only products you want from my guild? We have a lot to offer to you apart from that."

The atmosphere in the room shifted as Eren boldly questioned the Matriarchs' decision to solely rely on potion supplies from the White Raven Guild. Valeria's smile faded slightly, replaced by a furrowed brow as she processed Eren's words. The confusion on Evelina and Seraphina's faces was evident as they exchanged glances, trying to comprehend the meaning behind Eren's statement.

"What do you mean, Eren? If you want to provide us with hired help from your guild, then we'd have to decline…"

Before Evelina could finish her sentence, Eren swiftly intervened, raising his hands and pursing his lips, indicating that he had more to say. His gaze shifted from Evelina to Valeria, his eyes determined as he addressed the Matriarch directly. The pro-business smile returned to his face, a subtle hint of anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

Valeria leaned forward, curious yet cautious. She questioned Eren, seeking clarification on his intentions. Her inquisitive voice filled the room, searching for the meaning behind his cryptic statement.

"No, Matriarch Valeria," Eren spoke, his voice firm and resolute. "I would never offer hired help from my guild for border disputes against the Asikha Empire. That would be a reckless decision for my guild. That's not what I meant by offering more than just potions."

Eren's eyes sharpened, his voice taking on a deeper tone as he continued, his words filled with conviction. The gravity of his statement hung in the air, capturing the attention of the Matriarchs. His gaze swept across the room, his words resonating with a mix of concern and urgency.

"Let me be frank with you, Matriarch Valeria," Eren stated. "During my journey here, I observed the artifacts used by the average Amazonian rankers in your settlement. No offense, but your artifacts are outdated for the current times. They lack the necessary edge to compete with rankers from outside the settlements, particularly in terms of offensive capabilities.

You should know that we also have various arms deals with different organizations. So… I know you understand where I'm going with this."josei

Eren's words painted a grim picture, highlighting the potential consequences of relying on outdated weaponry in battle. The severity of the situation weighed heavily in the room as the Matriarchs absorbed the implications of his words. Recognizing the importance of the topic, they silently agreed to discuss it privately.

Eren maintained his composure, patient and composed, displaying no signs of haste. He understood the delicate nature of the topic and allowed the Matriarchs to reach their own conclusions, knowing the gravity of the decision they were about to make.

It had to be noted that Eren deliberately avoided mentioning the involvement of the half-blood clans and concealed the identities of his clientele who had signed arms deals with him. Although there was no direct conflict of interest between the Amazonians and the half-bloods, Eren preferred to keep the two sides separate, ensuring a smooth and focused approach to his dealings.

In the room, a brief pause hung in the air as the Matriarchs exchanged glances, their expressions serious and contemplative. Eren's proposition had initiated a shift in their perspective, forcing them to reconsider their reliance solely on potions.

Valeria remained silent for a while after listening to Eren's new proposal, her expression thoughtful and contemplative. The proposition of an arms deal put forth by Eren intrigued her, but she remained unconvinced of his credibility in the field of mass weapon production. As the Matriarch, she held the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of her people, and she couldn't afford to make hasty decisions regarding their defense.

The Amazonian settlement was well aware that their current arsenal of weapons was outdated and in dire need of an immediate upgrade. Valeria and the other Matriarchs had already begun considering equipping their best fighters with top-tier offensive and defensive artifacts. They understood the importance of up-to-date weaponry in order to stand a chance against external threats.

However, doubts lingered in Valeria's mind regarding Eren's ability to fulfill their weapon requirements. She was not aware of Eren's presence in the field because most of his previous weapons deals had been conducted under the table, in clandestine black markets and through shady channels. Eren's reputation in the weapon manufacturing business was yet to be established, especially when compared to renowned names like House Derringer, with whom the White Raven Guild had an alliance.

Eren and House Derringer were in alliance. However, Valeria pondered over the fact that if someone desired a direct deal with House Derringer, they would most likely approach them directly, bypassing Eren altogether.

Why would they involve a middleman when they could strike a deal with a prominent weapon manufacturer themselves? It was a valid question that raised concerns about Eren's capacity to deliver on their specific weapon requirements.

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