Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 307 [Bonus ] The Meeting’s Conclusion

Chapter 307 [Bonus ] The Meeting’s Conclusion

Bringing his hand down, and watching as everyone followed suit, the Village Chief proceeded, "Let those in favour of disregarding Orion's plans and coming up with a new solution for the newborns raise their hands." To his satisfaction, no one raised their hands, affirming their collective agreement on Orion's solution.

With a firm nod of approval, the Village Chief continued, "Since everyone has collectively agreed on Orion's solution, I expect each of you to handle your tasks exceptionally well. This is not a matter to be taken lightly. You all know what is at stake."

The Caretakers nodded their heads in complete understanding.

Caretaker Ivor contemplated whether to visit the stronghold leaders immediately or wait until tomorrow to inform them about the urgent issue and the solution at hand. In the end, although he was mentally tired from attempting to understand Orion's plan, he still decided it was best to go, as the plan had to be implemented as soon as possible.

Caretaker Zola and Caretaker Nala still found it difficult to believe that Orion was the mastermind behind such a brilliant plan. On the other hand, Caretaker Shani tightened her grip around her child, her heart brimming with hope at the thought of reuniting the newborns with their families and the joy it would bring. As her admiration for Orion reached new heights, she awaited the end of the meeting to supply him with the necessary materials so he could commence his work immediately.

Caretaker Naida too pondered over similar thoughts. However, before making sure that all the materials for Orion's plan were in place, she felt it necessary to visit former Caretaker Hrok and inform him of the upcoming changes in the village. As someone who held the Caretaker's position before, his influence would be invaluable in spreading the necessary rumours and ensuring the plan's success behind the scenes.

Before concluding the meeting, the Village Chief reminded everyone of their roles in the plan and reiterated the details of the strategy they would be executing.

After that, each Caretaker stood up and left the treehouse one by one. Caretaker Ivor was the first to depart, followed by Caretaker Naida. Caretaker Nala cast a brief glance at Orion before heading out, while Caretaker Zola approached him and said, "I have to attend to something first before I can secure the materials you'll need. But rest assured, before the day is over, I'll send someone to fetch you and lead you to my section of the farm."

Though Orion was impressed that she wasn't put down by the fact that she was wrong when she had voiced out her dissatisfaction with his plans, he was equally glad that Caretaker Zola wasn't the resentful type who would hold a grudge. Instead, she chose to address things directly, and he could now see why she was the youngest Caretaker in the room.

He nodded in understanding and replied, "Alright, I'll be waiting for your call then." Caretaker Zola nodded back at him before quickly turning around and leaving.

When Caretaker Zola left, Orion noticed the Village Chief and Chieftess approaching, stopping in front of him. The Village Chief spoke, "My wife already informed me that you'll be busy with your warriors' training tomorrow. I don't want to interrupt that, so I'll speak with your teacher to arrange some days where you won't have to attend the training."

Orion nodded in understanding, "Alright, Chief," he replied. He knew that juggling training with handling such an issue might be tiring, but he also understood the importance of getting stronger for the task ahead.

Even if the Village Chief wanted him to forgo training entirely, he would still try to find a way to go, knowing that he couldn't lead the development of a new village if he wasn't strong and capable. While he doubted anyone would willingly take his place, the future was unpredictable, and he needed to be prepared for any eventuality.

After getting his response, the Village Chief left, and the Chieftess followed silently, satisfied that her husband had already conveyed their thoughts. Now, Orion found himself alone with Caretaker Shani in the meeting tree house. josei

Gently standing up from her seat with the baby in her arms, Caretaker Shani approached Orion, who was seated beside her. Stopping in front of him, she suggested, "Since I'm currently less busy, why don't you follow me to my section of the farm? You can see the materials you'll need and check if they are sufficient before Caretaker Zola sends someone for you to check hers." She locked her gaze on him, waiting for his response.

Understanding the importance of familiarizing himself with the wood he would be working with and assessing the available quantity, Orion nodded at Caretaker Shani. He stood up from his wooden platform and replied, "Alright, I'll be in your care then."

With a wide smile suddenly radiating on her face, Caretaker Shani turned around and led the way forward as they left the meeting and prepared to head back down to the ground. Without needing further instructions, Caretaker Shani and Orion rode on the platform and descended. Just as they set foot on the grass, Moyla materialized in front of Orion, staring at him intently. "I'll be watching you from now on," she said with a deep frown before flying back upwards and disappearing into her tree.

Caretaker Shani inwardly chuckled at Moyla's actions, understanding that she might have overheard their conversation. Orion also thought the same, brushing off her words as he usually did.

He followed behind Caretaker Shani as she led the way forward. The whole walk took about forty-five minutes, with Orion occasionally stopping and waiting for Caretaker Shani to chat with some of the villagers working on the farm.

This was understandable as she was a new Caretaker, so she probably had a lot of time on her hands to adjust to her new role. Following Caretaker Shani inside her wooden home, Orion entered after she pushed the door open.

He sat down on the floor as she gestured for him to do so, before disappearing into one of the two adjacent rooms, which he suspected was the kitchen.

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