Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

6-Circle magic . 

By using human blood and flesh, Wick was able to use the magic of an Evil God to summon a golem.

At his level, which was originally only 4-Circle, it was a transcendent magic that he couldn’t have reached even if he worked hard all his life. Nevertheless, he was able to miraculously succeed in casting such a spell by offering ‘everything’ in return.

And…Now that he had become one with the golem, he had nothing more to fear.

An overwhelming power that he had never felt in his life before. It was overflowing to the point where he even felt as if he couldn’t control his whole body.

After clenching and unfolding his fists, he looked at the wolf who had ruined his plan.

“For every action…there is a consequence.”

He walked slowly out of the pool of blood.


Heavy vibrations reverberated in all directions with each step. He walked up to the wolf before stopping in front of it.

The size of the wolf was also huge, but standing in front of a giant about three stories high, it simply looked like a cute small dog.

He looked down at it.

“And you’ll also pay for your actions.”

He raised his thick arm. The intestines twisted like muscle fibers and expanded as if it was going to burst.


He swung his fist with the intention of smashing the wolf into a pool of blood.


However, it had escaped the attack by a narrow margin, and the place where his fist fell had become a deep pit as if a meteorite had fallen.

“Running away like a rat!”



He sent two consecutive punches. They were agile movements that didn’t match his size. 

But both times, the wolf repeatedly avoided his fists.

“Pero was like my hope! If only you hadn’t appeared…If it weren’t for you!”

He threw up an angry voice as he continued his attacks. Everywhere turned to ruin as if it had been bombed.

Then at some point, looking at the opportunity, the wolf began to climb onto his arm that had lowered to the ground.


He wasn’t very worried.

The wolf wouldn’t be able to give a significant blow to his body even if he bit his flesh.

Rather, he thought the moment he sunk his teeth in would be the best opportunity to catch the wolf who had been running away.




A terrible pain that couldn’t be explained in words came the moment the wolf bit into his body.

What was going on here? He couldn’t believe he was feeling pain after having become a golem.

On top of that, the bit area had turned black and was falling apart.

He tried to remove the wolf in a hurry, but each time, he cleverly twisted his body and bit his flesh little by little.

More and more flesh fell off as his whole body became a mess.

If this continued, the golem’s core may be revealed without him even being able to stop it.

It’s dangerous like this.

An alarm sounded in his head.

He ignored the wolf hanging from his shoulder and ran straight toward the pile of garbage piled high.

Digging around chaotically, he began to search for something.

In response to his unexpected behavior, residents hiding in the garbage piles screamed and ran away.

“Hehe, here it is.”

Upon discovering people scattering like a swarm of ants, he immediately began slaughtering the residents. 

“I-it’s coming this way! Run away!”

“Aahh! N-no, dad!”

Like being hit by a wrecking ball, every bone in their bodies were crushed and they died instantly on the spot.

The ground turned red with blood, and the corpses of the dirty residents piled among the garbage piles.

Soon, the dead residents rose as zombies and began throwing their bodies at the golem.

Wick’s waist cracked open like a mouth and he quickly ate up the zombies.

Soon, the areas where his flesh had decayed horribly became filled with new flesh. His size was growing visibly faster than the speed at which the wolf could hurt him.

He smiled leisurely at the wolf.

“Keukeu…Your attacks are useless now.”

Blood golems had the property of absorbing corpses and growing indefinitely.

In fact, in the world where Wick originated from, there were cases where blood golems that had been neglected for a long time had destroyed cities by itself.

As such, he continued slaughtering the residents.

The golem’s appearance became mixed with garbage and carcasses as it turned into an ever increasingly grotesque form.

On top of that, perhaps because he thought it wasn’t enough, he decided to block the narrow road into the garbage town to prevent the residents from leaving.


A garbage pile that was piled up like a hill collapsed, creating a high barrier.

He looked at the wolf with a wicked smile.

“Heuheu, wait a little bit. Once I’ve absorbed all of these people, it’ll be your turn next.”

* * * * * * * * * *

After realizing that my attack was no longer useful, I watched him silently.

I began to understand to some extent what kind of power he had.

Huu…This was going to be hard.

At first, I thought it would be easy to finish it with the buff by taking advantage of the fact that he was a giant golem.

However, apparently for this stage, it seemed that simply shredding the boss’s HP wasn’t enough.

I roughly understood the gimmick now…

To prevent his body from recovering, there could be no corpses around him.

However, a large number of residents were scattered here.

In other words, I had to protect the residents from dying in this fight.

Just thinking about it made me feel like a headache was coming.

Before I knew it, he grew big enough to be similar to a five-story building.

If I continue to leave it as it was, even with the skill, I would no longer be able to handle him.

First, I had to stop him from growing.

Shredding his HP was the next thing. 

As I was thinking, I saw the golem raising his fist toward another resident.

Damn it.

I ran straight to the resident.

The moment the golem’s fist was about to hit the ground, I grabbed the resident’s collar and stepped back.


Dust and trash scattered everywhere. I found a safe place to put down the resident that was in my mouth.

“Th-thank you! Thank you!”

Ignoring the resident who had thanked me, I stared at the golem. Its mouth tore open as if it was laughing at me.

“Keukeu…I see. Do you finally have something to protect? Then, I’ll make you feel the same pain as me.”

As if he was teasing me, he wandered around and swung his fists at the residents.

Whenever that happened, I would block him or evacuate the residents and attack him.

However, there was no chance of winning as it was.

His skin, which was already thick, had gotten thicker, and my attacks had become insignificant.

On top of that, no matter how successful my trivial attacks were, the wounds would recover in an instant once he ate a resident…

I needed a countermeasure.

It was no use repeating such meaningless actions.

Should I just give up killing him and hide for two days and clear the Challenge instead?

In fact, that wasn’t a bad choice. I would be able to get a medium-grade box, and rather than taking a risk for no reason, it might give me something better too.

As soon as I thought as such, the children who were isolated in front of the entrance caught my eyes.

They weren’t able to escape when the golem blocked the entrance earlier?

Damn, this was going to change the story again…

Now that it was like this, I had to catch this guy somehow here.

Even if I run away like this, the reward won’t come into my hands if they die.

At that moment, I heard Pumpkin’s frightened voice.


Glancing sideways and checking the situation, an idea popped into my head.

I see…that could work.

After organizing my thoughts, I ran toward the children at full speed.

* * * * * * * * * *

Pumpkin and Pie led the children as they hurriedly moved to carry out Noah’s order.

Unfortunately, however, the golem had suddenly changed its course and collapsed the entrance.

As a result, Pumpkin and the children became trapped in this town without being able to move another step.

And like other residents trapped here, they watched the fight between Noah and the golem with bated breath.

The sacred wolf appeared and saved those in crisis each time the evil monster aimed at the residents.

Pumpkin shed tears as he watched it.

As expected…Noah-nim…

Even in this dangerous situation, he was dedicated to saving others.

What a great character he was.

Pumpkin was convinced that all the saints in the Bible wouldn’t be able to make such a sacrifice and commitment.

Ah…as expected, he’s God.

So Pumpkin watched it blankly for a while, forgetting even his own situation.

Suddenly, behind his back, a groan was heard.

“Ugh…Where am I?”

His father, who had fainted earlier after being hit by falling debris, could be seen opening his eyes and holding his head.


“I see…I remember everything now. You…how dare you treat your father who is as high as the heavens like that?”


He looked at Pumpkin with a murderous look. Then, he beckoned him to come closer with his finger.

“Come here right now. If you don’t want to be beaten up at home.”


“What are you doing?! I told you to come here!”

When Pumpkin heard his father’s irritated voice, terrible memories imprinted on his body every night came back one by one.

He would be hit even when he didn’t do anything wrong, so how many times would he be hit this time?

Regardless of his will, his hands began to tremble.

I-I’ve changed…Noah-nim chose me…

Pumpkin desperately shook his head. But his shoulders, like before he met Noah, slowly began to shrink.

“Run over here before I count to three. 1…2…”

Eventually, Pumpkin lowered his head and began running toward his father. When he thought about it again, he realized that it was all his fault.


[ Translator – Yasi ]

[ Proofreader – Karane ]

Right, his father was just strict in educating him and had always been a good person who cared for him…

He quickly ran to his father.

“…Three. I told you to come before the count of three!”

“Th-that’s because you’re too far…I was wrong. Father.”

“Are you talking back to your father again?!”



Pumpkin’s head turned harshly. Pie who saw it shouted in surprise.

“Ahjussi! Why are you hitting Pumpkin?!”

“Oh, huh. It’s funny how little brats are holding guns and pretending to be adults. Looking at you punks, I can see what your parents are like.”

“…I’m going to kill you.”

“Shoot! Shoot, you crazy punk! I’ll make you a beehive too.”

Pie held up her gun and glared at Pumpkin’s father. On the other side, Pumpkin’s father had taken Pumpkin’s gun and was aiming at the children.

But if there was a difference, it was that he was hiding behind Pumpkin, so the children couldn’t shoot easily.

Slowly, the fingers caught in the triggers exerted strength. It was a very tense situation.

But at that moment,

“Kuaaak! Wh-what’s this?”

Suddenly, a huge wolf jumped between them, snatching Pumpkin’s father as it was and disappeared.

Pumpkin stared blankly at Noah’s back.


In the midst of such a fierce battle, Noah had run straight to him when he was in danger.

To receive such love and care, he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

What the hell am I doing…

He couldn’t believe he had bothered him over such a trivial matter. He felt his head becoming heavy.

It was all because of my weakness…

If he had been a little stronger. If he had been a little stronger, he wouldn’t have inconvenienced him…

I need to be strong…


He bit his molars tightly. Soon, his eyes began to glow with madness.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Kueaaak! L-let go of me! Let go!”

Pumpkin’s father struggled fiercely. From the way he spoke, he seemed to have returned to his senses.

It was a relief I didn’t have to watch that terrible infant regression sight, but I didn’t like the way he originally spoke either.

“Let go! Let go, you son of a bitch…Keuk!”


I bit down as I held him in my mouth. Salty blood dripped from the corners of my mouth.

After having found a safe place, I spat him out. 


Looking at his breathing, it seemed like he was going to die soon.

I needed to hurry up.

The golem was excitedly slaughtering the residents while I was gone. Zombies revived nearby were diligently running towards him.

Returning to human form, I took enough bombs out of my inventory and added them to the bomb vest Pumpkin’s father was wearing.

I filled his pants with grenades while I was at it. Looking at him like this, he was more like a pinecone than a human.

“Keuk, keu! Kuh…”

His breathing stopped. And as a result, Pumpkin had just become an orphan.

After waiting a short time, the corpse jumped up and mixed with other zombies. Like that, it began to run toward the golem.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

The golem began to absorb the swarm of zombies. Pumpkin’s father had also safely penetrated the herd.

I ran to the golem the moment I saw it.

“Keuheuh…Are you ready to die now? But it’s already late.”

Indeed, he had grown to a size close to a seven-story building. Obviously, with that thickness, I wouldn’t be able to find his nucleus.

But I ran to him and shouted.

“Fire in the hole!”

“That’s…what kind of spell is that?”

He looked back at me with doubts. Then, I pressed a detonator.


The bombs that the Turbak Brotherhood had prepared for their independence exploded magnificently.

Much stronger than I had imagined. The golem’s body scattered in all directions like firecrackers, and rain of blood and flesh poured down from the sky.

A gaping hole appeared in his thick stomach. And deep down there, I could see a mask connected by blood vessels.josei

However, that would only last for a moment. His wounds were regenerating at a rapid pace.

Transforming into a dire wolf, I bit Red Velvet Curse in my mouth.

*One use has been deducted.

*Charges remaining [0/3].

In the red colored world, I jumped into his stomach. Immediately, the blood vessels connected to the mask were cut off.

“Kkeuaak! N-no!”

He screamed in pain and the skull connected to the mask began to crack rapidly.

Soon, the gigantic body made of corpses and blood suddenly began to melt.


A large amount of blood poured out at once and spread like a tidal wave.

As a result, my nice hair was soaked in rotten intestines and blood. I returned to human form and sighed briefly.

“Huu…I hate getting dirty.”

The wolf sportswear, which was white, had become colored in a dull red. I could also smell a rotten stench from my body.

I would probably hear something from Choi Bokhui about this when I returned home.

Anyway, was this the treasure?

I checked the information on the mask the necromancer had worn.

Classification: Accessories 

Grade: A 

Description: Be careful of the ‘Baba Yaga.’ 

*Can store certain energy. 

*Gain strength equal to the price paid.


Honestly, it was different from what I had imagined.

I had expected an item that would help me more effortlessly. This, however, could make me strong if I paid a ‘price.’

It was very vague.

Depending on the situation, it could be useful, but I didn’t think it had much use right now.

Well…I guess the other effect on it could make it a portable battery.

My chronic lack of mana would be solved to some extent if I ordered Elizabeth to fill it up with mana.

As soon as I thought as such, I began to hear cheers from all over the place.

“Waaah! I’m alive! I’m alive!”

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

Residents hiding in the garbage crawled out one by one. So many were appearing that I started to wonder how there could be so many people.

The damage might have gone beyond Guangcheng District and into Pyongyang if the golem had absorbed all of them.

“Noah-nim! I knew you could do it!”

“Heuk! Noah-oppa!”

The children, who were comfortably watching my battle from afar, began to run toward me with their arms open.

I counted the guys from Hairy’s house first. Exactly 13 people. It was the same.

It was a relief no one died.

I had worked this hard, don’t tell me the Challenge will fail?

The moment I was worried for a second, numerous messages began to come to mind in front of me.


[ Completed Challenge ‘Guide the Lamb.’ ]

[ Gained 1x Random Box (Medium). ]

[ Level has risen.]




[ You’ve reached level 34. ] 

[ Gained a Fragment of Growth. ]

[ Gained Level 30 Skill Selection. ]

[ Gained achievement title ‘Guardian.’ ]

Tendency: Good Deed

Description: What you’re feeling right now after protecting the weak, please don’t forget it.


It was truly an enormous harvest after spending only a day.

I couldn’t believe I had leveled up this much in such a short time…

Admittedly, I had a pretty tough schedule due to the overlapping Challenge and hunt.

But because of that, the reward had doubled. Sure enough, games rewarded you based on how much effort you put in.

While I was at it, should I open my skill selection and box now?

I had a good feeling today. My intuition from my long career as a gamer told me so.

The jackpot was going to explode this time.

I opened my status window while ignoring those running toward me. Then, I used the Skill Selection.

[ Used Level 30 Skill Selection. ] 

[ One of the following skills can be learned. ]

Hmm…Since I had gained an achievement this time, something good should come out, right?

As soon as I was about to check the list,



Something unknown cut through my neck and a message appeared in front of me.

[ Absolute Defense activated. ]

I rolled sideways as soon as I saw the message.


The edge of the wolf sportswear was neatly cut off. And a long sword mark was engraved where I had stood when I looked back.

I quickly pulled out my sword and heightened my senses.

Where did the attack come from?

People around me didn’t seem to have noticed that I was attacked. They just had a confused look as if wondering why I had suddenly rolled across the ground.

The attack was terribly fast and covert.

Wait…I had definitely seen this attack before…

Suddenly, I recalled the mysterious man who had cut the necks of my prey at dawn yesterday. He had certainly used this kind of covert attack.

Could it be?


As if confirming my guess, a man’s voice was heard from the entrance of the garbage town.

“We meet again, boy.”


Wearing a black coat was a giant man with silver-blue hair.

It was the kill stealer who had stolen my experience.

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