Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 112 The Game Of Groans

Chapter 112 The Game Of Groans

Villain Ch 112. The Game of Groans

Soon, they could hear the players clearly.

"I didn't expect that we could defeat the orc," said one male voice.

"I'm sure no other guild would dare to hunt on this map besides us," replied another confidently.

"We'll be the strongest guild in this game, mark my words," said the last one.josei

The noise grew louder and louder, the sound of leaves rustling and the occasional clang of weapons clashing in the distance. Allen's heart began to race as he realized that the voices he had heard earlier were not just a group of players, but an entire guild. He estimated that they would be facing somewhere between twenty to fifty players.

The team exchanged worried gazes as they heard the noise getting closer. Allen asked, "Do you want to beat them in this form or use our disguise?"

The girls shared a quick look before Zoe spoke up. "I say we beat them in this form and turn this into another slaughter," she said with a determined look on her face.

Bella nodded in agreement, "We have the advantage of surprise and they don't seem to expect us to be here," she said, looking around at the team. Shea, Vivian, Larissa, Jane, and Alice also nodded in agreement.

"Then prepare for the blood party. After this, we will slay the slime boss." Allen smiled at their confidence, "Let's get into position and wait for them to come," he said. The others followed suit, preparing their skills and taking cover behind nearby trees.

His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the area, his senses on high alert. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body, his excitement growing with each passing second. The sound of the approaching guild grew louder, their voices filled with confidence and arrogance. The bloodlust in Allen's veins was now undeniable as his face twisted into an evil grin.

The once friendly and relaxed atmosphere among the team had now transformed into a battlefield. The girls had taken up their battle stances, their eyes now glimmering with fierce determination. Even Zoe had taken up her tentacles, preparing to drag one of them and her stance unwavering.

The anticipation was palpable as the sound of footsteps drew closer. Allen knew that the guild members were only seconds away from coming into view. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he could feel the surge of adrenaline growing stronger with each passing moment.

Soon, the group of about forty players from "The Game of Groans" guild approached. They were well-equipped and moved with purpose, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of trouble. The guild leader, a muscular man with a stern expression, marched at the front of the group. His nice-looking armor gleamed, and his weapon was at the ready.

Rather than a swordsman, the guild leader was a skilled archer. It was slightly out of step with the usual guild leader position being a tank. But his fighting skill allowed him to easily immobilize tank-type players.

Despite their seemingly silly guild name, it was clear that these players were not to be underestimated. Most of them had above-average levels, and many of them had achieved pro-player status by dueling with the guild leader or one of their high officials. They were a force to be reckoned with.

This was their first guild hunt, and they all looked excited, especially since entering this map was their first time.

As the group of players traversed the forest, their eyes searched the area for any signs of lurking orcs. They walked in a tight formation, each one ready to attack at a moment's notice. Their movements were precise and calculated, indicating their experience and skill. The forest was eerily quiet, save for the rustling of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional sound of an owl hooting. The players seemed to be on edge, sensing danger lurking around every corner. They moved cautiously, their eyes constantly scanning the area for any signs of danger. Despite their confidence, they knew that even the slightest mistake could prove fatal.

The guild leader walked bravely in front of his members. He held his bow tightly, and his gaze scanned the area for any potential threats. "Be careful, everyone," he warned his members. "We don't know what we're going to face here, so we need to be alert at all times."

One of the higher-ups in the guild also warned them to stick together. "Don't separate," he said. "We don't want anyone to get lost or caught off guard. Remember, strength in numbers."

The guild members nodded in agreement, their expressions serious and determined. They were aware that the orc forest was dangerous, and they needed to stay focused if they wanted to succeed.

Suddenly, the guild leader spotted movement in the distance. It was an orc, lumbering through the underbrush with a fierce determination. He exchanged a quick glance with his two companions, communicating their silent decision to attack.

Without hesitation, the three warriors leaped into action, launching a surprise attack on the unsuspecting orc. With a quick flick of his wrist, the leader unleashed his Arrow Strike skill, sending a deadly arrow hurtling toward the orc's chest.

Two mages quickly joined the fray, casting the powerful Ice Spike combo to freeze the orc in place. The other mage, seeing an opening, unleashed a thunder spell that delivered critical damage to the frozen orc.

The orc stumbled, disoriented and vulnerable. The guild leader took advantage of the moment and released another arrow, perfectly aimed at the monster's heart. With a sickening thud, the arrow penetrated the orc's thick hide, piercing its heart and killing it instantly.

"Piece of cakeā€¦" muttered the guild leader. A smile of confidence was evident on his face.

"AH!!!" They were suddenly startled by a voice from behind them. The guild leader quickly turned to face the direction of the voice, as did the rest of his members. What they saw was a player being dragged into the bushes by an unseen force.

"Prepare for an ambush!" shouted the guild leader, preparing his bow.

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