Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 120 The Slime King

Chapter 120 The Slime King

Villain Ch 120. The Slime King

The team prepared for battle. Shea stepped forward and used her lullaby skill. The sweet, soothing melody that emanated from her voice was almost hypnotic, and the minions immediately began to droop, their eyes closing in sleep.josei

With the minions taken care of, the team turned their attention to the mini boss. Allen and the others formed a tight circle around the boss, their weapons and skills at the ready. They had been in this position before - it was the same strategy they had used to defeat the ghoul.

The first to attack were the ranged attack. They sent a barrage magic skill at the mini boss. Their attacks whizzed through the air, striking the boss with deadly precision.

Each of them took turns attacking, their skills striking true as they dealt damage to the mini boss. The boss writhed and squirmed, its pudding-like form quivering with each hit. But the team was relentless, their attacks coming in a steady stream.

Allen raised his hand, the black orbs glowing in the virtual light. With a fierce determination, he threw the orbs at the slime king. The orbs streaked through the air, striking the enemy with a force that caused it to shudder.

At the same time, Bella stepped forward, her own orbs crackling with electricity. She threw the orbs at the slime king, hoping that the electricity would have a chance to paralyze the enemy. If it worked, it would give them the opening they needed to land a final, devastating blow.

eαglesnovel`c,om As the team pressed their attack, the slime boss began to show signs of desperation. Its form writhed and twisted, and suddenly, it let out a low, guttural growl.

Without warning, the slime boss opened its gaping maw, and from within its slimy depths, it spat out a barrage of acid balls. The balls streaked through the air, leaving a trail of noxious fumes in their wake.

The team scattered, their eyes wide with terror as they tried to avoid the deadly area skill. But the acid balls seemed to follow them, their trajectories curving unnaturally as they homed in on their targets.

The acid balls struck the team with a ferocity that left them reeling. Even as they tried to dodge with their fly skills, some of the balls grazed their bodies, leaving behind a hissing sound and a searing pain.

Allen gritted his teeth as he felt the acid burn through his armor. He could feel the corrosive substance eating away at the metal, but he pushed the pain aside and tried to focus on the fight in front of him.

He could see that his teammates were also struggling, their bodies wracked with pain as the acid ate away at their flesh. But they refused to give up, rallying together to mount a final assault on the slime boss.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the team fought on, their attacks striking the slime boss with increasing ferocity.

"Bella, trap him!" Allen instructed.

Bella stepped forward and used her earth skill, summoning a massive stone wall that began to rise up around the slime boss.

The boss tried to break free, slamming its slimy form against the wall, but the stone held strong. With the boss trapped, Jane stepped forward and unleashed a powerful poison area skill. The toxic fumes filled the air, causing the mini boss and its minions to writhe in agony.

Allen followed suit, unleashing a barrage of black lances and orbs that rained down upon the slime boss. The black energy seared through the air, striking the boss with devastating force.

When the boss' HP reduced by half, the sound was coming from the minions, who had been put to sleep by Shea's Lullaby skill earlier in the fight. But now, they had awakened, their eyes blazing with fury as they surged forward to attack the team.

Shea's heart sank as she realized that her Lullaby skill hadn't been enough to keep these minions under control. They were no common monsters, and their willpower was too strong to be subdued by a mere lullaby.

Reflexively, Jane stepped forward and summoned her Necromancy skill. With a wave of her hand, the ground beneath them began to shake, and the dirt started to stir.

Suddenly, a host of undead creatures burst forth from the ground, their bones and flesh held together by dark magic. With a loud growl, they attacked the minions. Their strength and resilience bolstered by Jane's powerful Necromancy. They held their ground against the minions, dealing devastating blows and keeping the enemy at bay.

Taking advantage of the momentary, the team sprang into action. They resumed their assault on the slime king, showering it with their most powerful attacks. Meanwhile, Shea and Jane focused on fending off the minions, using their skills to keep the undead warriors fighting at their side.

The battle raged on, the team's attacks took their toll on the slime king. Its slimy form began to quiver and convulse, and its movements grew more erratic by the second. Suddenly, the slime king let out a high-pitched screech that pierced the air.

The team braced themselves for whatever was about to come next, but they were still caught off guard by what happened next. With a sudden surge of power, the slime king's body began to swell and expand, growing larger and more imposing with each passing moment.

Before the team could react, the slime king let out a massive wave of energy that shattered the stone prison that Bella had erected around it. Rocks and debris flew everywhere, as the impact of the slime king's attack reverberated through the battlefield.

The team scrambled to avoid the flying debris; their movements hampered by the sudden chaos that had erupted around them. They watched in horror as the slime king began to wreak havoc, using its newfound strength to unleash a devastating barrage of attacks on everything in its path.

Without hesitating, Alice began to use her Shadow Bind skill. The darkness coalesced around her, forming a sphere of pure blackness that crackled with power.

The shadows coiled around the slime king's form, binding it tightly and preventing it from moving. For a moment, the creature struggled against its bonds, but the power of the Shadow Bind skill was too great for it to break free.

With the slime king held fast, the team finally had a chance to catch their breath and regroup. They quickly took advantage of the opening that Alice's skill had created, concentrating their attacks on the creature and dealing it a devastating blow.

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