Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 136 Unfolding The Truth

Chapter 136 Unfolding The Truth

Villain Ch 136. Unfolding The Truth 

At the same time, but in a different place.

Zoe slumped in her chair, her head thudding against her desk in the university with a dull thud. She let out a heavy sigh, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her like a lead blanket. The classroom buzzed with the chatter of her fellow students, but she paid it no mind. Her attention was fixed on Emma, her best friend, who rummaged through her bag with a look of determination etched on her face.

The morning class had just come to an end, signaled by the shrill ring of the bell and the professor's hasty exit. Most of her friends were already gathering their belongings, eager to escape the confines of the lecture hall and embrace the freedom of the day. But Zoe remained rooted to her seat, unable to shake off the heaviness that clung to her like a stubborn shadow.

Last night's confession to Allen had been a gamble—a moment of vulnerability that had left her feeling exposed and raw. She had bared her soul, pouring out her deepest desires and fears, only to be met with a deafening silence. The weight of his unspoken response had been crushing, leaving her to grapple with a gnawing uncertainty that ate at her from the inside.

'Why did you do that Zoe? Why did you kiss him? Have you gone mad?' These questions played on an endless loop in Zoe's mind, relentlessly taunting her since last night. It was as if her brain had become a broken record, replaying the moment of reckless impulsiveness over and over again. Sleep had eluded her, and she spent the night tossing and turning, grappling with conflicting emotions. Regret or happiness? She couldn't quite decide, but one thing was certain—it was the first time she had ever mustered the courage to speak her heart so bluntly.

Lost in the whirlwind of her thoughts, Zoe was jolted back to reality by the exasperated voice of her best friend, Emma. "Where's that goddamn car key?!" Emma grumbled in frustration, her hand diving into her bag which could hardly be called anything other than a glorified purse. With a huff, she upended the entire contents of her bag onto the desk, creating a chaotic mess.

Zoe's gaze shifted from her own tangled emotions to the scene unfolding before her. Pencils, lip balm, crumpled receipts, and a myriad of random items scattered across the desk. The contents seemed to have a mind of their own, jumping out and scattering across the table like rebellious confetti. Lipstick tubes rolled precariously close to the edge, threatening to take a daring leap into the unknown and a book landed on the floor.

The book captured Zoe's attention. The title emblazoned on the cover revealed it to be a gaming magazine—an unexpected find amidst the jumble of items scattered across the table. Intrigued, she lifted her head from the desk and reached out to get the magazine.

"I never knew you were into games," Zoe remarked, her voice tinged with surprise. Emma, still in the midst of her frantic search for the elusive car keys, stole a quick glance at Zoe.

"Oh, that's not mine. It belongs to my brother," Emma replied, a hint of irritation lacing her words. Her hand continued its desperate exploration of the empty bag, hoping to uncover the elusive keys.

Zoe's curiosity was piqued further as she absorbed Emma's response. "Then why do you have it?" she asked, her eyes scanning the front cover of the magazine. It was then that she noticed something peculiar.

"Wait a minute. This magazine is from two years ago," Zoe exclaimed, her brow furrowing with confusion. She couldn't fathom why Emma's brother would still hold onto an outdated publication.

Emma sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "Well, that particular edition was his favorite because of a 'so unimportant' drama that unfolded at an international gaming championship," she explained, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Meanwhile, her search for the car keys intensified.

"Gaming drama?" Zoe repeated, a mix of curiosity and bewilderment coursing through her. Setting the magazine down on the desk, she decided to delve deeper and explore the pages within.

With a swift motion, Zoe opened the magazine, her eyes eagerly scanning each page. She was met with vibrant visuals and captivating game reviews.

"Yeah, something like that. He couldn't stop talking about it when it happened. It was so annoying," Emma grumbled, her frustration evident in her tone.

Zoe's frown deepened as she listened to Emma's complaints. "What drama are you talking about?" she began to ask, but her words trailed off as her eyes landed on a familiar image on one of the magazine's pages. There, in a vibrant photograph, were the triumphant winners of the international gaming tournament from two years ago. It was a game she knew well—Shadow Cosmic Combat. And among the group of victorious gamers, holding a gleaming trophy, was none other than Allen.

Her eyes were fixated on Allen's photo. The image captured a different side of him, a version that seemed almost foreign compared to the present. The person in the picture appeared somewhat chubbier, with innocence that radiated from his eyes. It was a stark contrast to the current Allen, whose appearance exuded a more rugged and edgy demeanor. But one thing remained unchanged—the warm, friendly smile that had always been a constant feature of his face.

"Oh, so you found the drama," Emma interrupted Zoe's musings, a hint of amusement in her voice. "And guess what? I found my car key. Congrats to both of us," she exclaimed, holding up the elusive key triumphantly. Emma couldn't help but berate herself for her own absent-mindedness. She had unknowingly placed the car key in her dress pocket instead of her bag, completely forgetting about it until now.

Zoe, however, remained undeterred by Emma's interruption. Her curiosity was firmly locked onto the pages of the gaming magazine, as she continued to skim through it in search of the elusive gaming drama. But to her dismay, the pages revealed no traces of the explosive events that Emma had mentioned. Instead, the magazine merely chronicled the match results, scores, and other related information.

Confusion etched across her face, Zoe furrowed her brows in concentration. This wasn't what she had expected.josei

"What do you mean? There's no drama here," Zoe protested, her attention torn between the magazine and Emma's perplexing statement. She glanced at her best friend, an air of curiosity mixed with confusion evident on her face.

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