Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 138 Urgent Message

Chapter 138 Urgent Message

Villain Ch 138. Urgent Message 

Zoe: Guys, can I meet you now? I have something important to talk about. It's about Allen.josei

Larissa's eyes remained fixed on her phone screen, her eyebrows knitting together in a perplexed expression as she read the mass message that Zoe had sent her. The words before her eyes caused a swirl of thoughts and questions to flood her mind.

'She wants to talk about Allen?' Larissa mused aloud in her mind, tingling with confusion. It had only been a short while since Allen had managed to make her confess her feelings, an unexpected turn of events that had left her both exhilarated and apprehensive. To her surprise, he had responded with a surprising level of maturity, refraining from teasing or over-flirting with her. It was an unexpected calm that had settled over her, easing the anxiety that had threatened to consume her.

Larissa's plate sat empty before her, a mere trace of her drink remaining in the glass. Allen, seated across from her, had already finished his meal, the empty plates serving as a testament to his appetite. Their short meeting at the restaurant was drawing to a close, but before they could part ways, Allen had mentioned that he was about to meet Gilbert and engage in some online gaming at a VR game café.

With a quick swipe of her finger, Larissa tapped out a response to Zoe's message, her fingers moving swiftly across the screen.

Larissa: What happened?

As she hit the send button, a surge of anticipation coursed through her. She couldn't help but wonder what lay behind Zoe's urgent message. It was evident that Zoe wanted to discuss something confidential, something she didn't want Allen to know. She guessed this might have something to do with the conversation between Zoe and Allen last night. And of course, Larissa wanted to know what happened.

Zoe's prompt response flashed across Larissa's screen, accompanied by an attachment—a map pinpointing Zoe's home address. Larissa quickly scanned the message, absorbing the information.

Zoe: Just meet me at my place in half an hour. I have shared the location with you.

Larissa's heart skipped a beat at the sense of urgency conveyed in Zoe's words. Half an hour. That gave her just enough time to wrap up her current engagement with Allen and make her way to Zoe's residence. Without a second thought, she swiftly composed her reply, assuring Zoe of her presence.

Larissa: Okay, see you there.

Again, she hit the send button.

Out of sudden, Allen's voice broke through her thoughts, his curiosity evident in his furrowed brows and focused gaze.

"Did something happen?" he inquired, his tone laced with concern. His genuine interest in her state tugged at Larissa's heart, causing a fleeting sense of guilt to wash over her.

Larissa flashed him a reassuring smile, masking the underlying turmoil within her. She swiftly pocketed her phone, concealing the messages from view.

"Nothing to worry about," she replied, her voice exuding a casual tone. "Just an old friend of mine. She wanted to catch up with me and asked me to meet her now," she stated, hoping her shabby excuse could divert Allen's suspicions.

She watched as Allen's frown softened, his curiosity momentarily satisfied.

"Oh, that's cool," he responded, his expression relaxing.

Larissa nodded, relieved that her explanation seemed to have appeased him. She finished the last sip of her drink, placing the empty cup on the table. Despite the calm façade she projected, her mind was racing with questions and speculations.

On the other hand, from her response, Allen knew that Larissa was hiding something from him. But this time, Allen's intuition told him that Larissa's evasiveness had little to do with their previous conversation or her feelings toward him. It seemed like something else entirely, a personal matter she wasn't ready to share just yet.

As much as he wanted to dig deeper and uncover the reason, he respected her boundaries. Allen realized it could push her further and would only strain their budding friendship. So, he chose to trust her judgment and let her have her space.

"Go ahead and catch up with your friend. We can meet up next time, all right?" Allen added, keeping his tone nonchalant. "Well, if you need a ride to meet your friend, just let me know," he offered, wanting to be of assistance in any way he could.

Larissa shook her head with a gentle smile. "No, thank you. I brought my car," she declined graciously. In truth, even if she hadn't brought her car, she couldn't allow Allen to drive her.

"All right then," Allen responded, acknowledging her choice. He stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I need to go now. Don't want to hold you back from meeting your friend and make Gilbert wait for me," he said, his voice filled with genuine understanding. "See you later in the game," he added, bidding her farewell.

"See ya," Larissa replied, offering a small wave of her hand as Allen turned to leave. Her mind buzzed with anticipation and concern, eager to unravel the mystery that lay ahead. With a final glance at Allen's retreating figure, she quickly gathered her belongings.

But rather than heading toward the exit, Larissa's gaze lingered on him for a moment, her mind filled with a mix of curiosity. She watched as he made his way to the parking lot next to the restaurant, where his motorcycle awaited him. There was a certain rugged charm about him, with his leather jacket and helmet in hand. She couldn't help but admire his confident stride and the way his dark hair tousled in the wind.

He swung his leg over the motorcycle and started the engine, the roar cutting through the air. With a quick glance back at the restaurant, he revved the throttle and sped off into the bustling city streets. Larissa's eyes followed his departure until he disappeared from view, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

With a sigh, she shook off her momentary distraction and refocused her attention on what was on her mind.

'Zoe, whatever you want to tell us… I hope it's not bad news about him,' she prayed.

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