Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 146 You Better Recruit Him!

Chapter 146 You Better Recruit Him!

Villain Ch 146. You Better Recruit Him!

Amidst the shock and awe that gripped Yora and the others, Gil made his way toward Mac, his gaze fixed on Allen with a mixture of admiration and envy. He leaned in close, whispering urgently, "Mac, you better recruit him. He's a pro player, I'm telling you." The envy in his voice was palpable, as he hadn't expected to stumble upon such a gem. Initially, Gil had assumed Allen was just an average player seeking some casual fun. In fact, he had worried that Mac and their team might be disappointed by Allen's seemingly ordinary appearance.

Mac nodded, his eyes also locked onto Allen's every move. He had already sensed the exceptional skill radiating from the enigmatic player. Deep down, Mac knew that Allen was not just on par with him—he was something more.

Taking a deep breath, Mac turned to face Gil and the rest of the group. "I'm well aware of his potential," he admitted, a determined glint in his eyes. "But convincing him to join won't be an easy task."

INeedAHotGF, never one to mince words, chimed in without hesitation, "Then give it your all, Mac. Leave no stone unturned. We need someone like him in our team."

Mac shrugged, his uncertainty evident in his response. "Well, we'll see how it goes at lunch. I just hope I can convince him," he muttered, his mind already churning with ideas. Maybe he could entice Allen with the benefits of joining their guild, or deliver an impassioned speech about their ambitious plans for the game, about having a grand headquarters and dominating the leaderboards.

Meanwhile, Allen couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes of the group, their curiosity practically palpable. He inwardly cursed himself, regret gnawing at his thoughts. 'Ah, crap! I should have hidden my abilities instead of revealing them,' he chastised himself silently. But the truth was, Allen's instinct had overridden any desire to conceal them.josei

Feeling the weight of their stares, Allen took a deep breath, trying to maintain a composed facade. "I think it's best if we keep moving," Allen interjected, his tone neutral but firm. "Staying in one place for too long might make us vulnerable to ambushes."

Mac nodded in agreement, appreciating Allen's vigilance. "You're right. Let's not take any chances. We need to stay alert and keep pushing forward," he declared, rallying the group with his words.

They ventured deeper into the dense forest, their footsteps echoing in harmony as they navigated through the labyrinth of trees. The air grew thick with the scent of damp earth and the distant cries of unseen creatures, further heightening the sense of adventure that enveloped them.

With each step they took, the number of goblins seemed to multiply exponentially. The forest floor became littered with their grotesque forms, their menacing eyes glinting in the dim light. Allen, true to his initial intention, became more observant, his senses attuned to the slightest movements and sounds that could indicate an imminent attack.

However, being vigilant didn't mean Allen remained silent and inactive. On the contrary, he moved with astonishing speed and precision, his daggers flashing like streaks of lightning as he swiftly eliminated any goblins that dared approach Yora.

Yet, his focus remained divided, as he both protected Yora from imminent danger and studied her every move. Allen's intent was not to criticize or judge her, but rather to identify any potential flaws or vulnerabilities.

Gradually, Yora became aware of Allen's watchful gaze upon her. She sensed his unwavering scrutiny, his discerning eyes tracing her every movement. While initially self-conscious under such scrutiny, a fire ignited within her. Determination surged through her veins as she resolved to prove herself worthy of Allen's attention.

Refusing to be hindered by doubt, Yora tapped into her own reservoir of power. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a series of potent buffs, enveloping Allen and their entire team in a radiant aura of strength and resilience. She poured her energy into each incantation, ensuring that they would fight at their fullest potential.

No longer allowing guilt to cloud her judgment, Yora moved with newfound agility and precision. She became a beacon of support, swiftly casting her Healing Light whenever a teammate faltered or was wounded in the heat of battle. Her skills were executed flawlessly, mending their injuries and revitalizing their spirits.

But, despite her best efforts to find an opening to heal Allen, it seemed that he was always one step ahead of the enemy's strikes. His agility, honed by his choice of the dual dagger class, granted him a distinct advantage in combat. Allen's swift reflexes allowed him to deliver a swift and decisive first strike, often incapacitating foes before they even had a chance to retaliate.

Fifteen minutes had passed. The intensity of the battle subsided for a brief moment, the team collectively decided to take a much-needed breather and replenish their dwindling energy reserves. With the wave of a hand, they summoned their inventory screens, a shimmering window materializing before each player.

One by one, the team members rummaged through their virtual inventories, retrieving vials of shimmering blue liquid—Mana Potions. Yora's fingers deftly grasped a potion, feeling its cool glass surface against her skin. She twisted off the cap and swiftly downed the elixir, relishing the rejuvenating surge of energy that coursed through her veins.

Across the party, the sound of clinking glass filled the air as each member indulged in their own revitalizing concoction. Mac gulped down his potion with a satisfied sigh, while Gil let out an exaggerated "Ahh" as the invigorating liquid cascaded down his throat.

Yet, amidst the flurry of replenishment, Allen stood apart from the rest. His gaze remained fixated on their surroundings, his sharp eyes scanning the area with unwavering vigilance as if waiting for any sign of danger that may lurk nearby.

Yora's gaze shifted from the Mana Potion in her hand to Allen, her brows furrowing in concern. Doubt gnawed at her, and a wave of empathy washed over her. Perhaps Allen had run out of Mana Potions, and she couldn't bear to see him unable to fully participate in the upcoming battles.

With a determined resolve, Yora approached Allen, her footsteps silent in the virtual realm. She extended her arm, offering a Mana Potion to him. "Allen," she began, her voice tinged with genuine concern. "I noticed you didn't grab a Mana Potion. Here, take this one. I have an extra."

"Nah, I'm good. My Mana is still three-fourths. A dual dagger user doesn't really rely on his Mana after all," Allen replied, his tone casual and nonchalant. It was a statement that caught the attention of the entire team, causing a collective moment of disbelief.

Yora's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her mouth agape. "You're kidding, right?" she blurted out, unable to contain her incredulity.

Gil, never one to shy away from expressing his thoughts, chimed in with a mix of curiosity and disbelief. "Hold up, man. I'm a dual dagger user too, and I swear, I need Mana to keep using my Backstab skill. How do you manage to get away without it?"

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