Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 518 The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 3]

Chapter 518 The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 3]

Chapter 518 The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 3]

Villain Ch 518. The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 3]

'Oof... That's definitely hurt,' Allen mused, trying to suppress the chuckle that threatened to escape, biting down on his lip to stifle any audible reaction. He was also in the private room, his presence cleverly disguised as the guild emblem hanging on the wall. From his vantage point, he observed the ongoing events, feeling like a viewer in the VIP seat of an entertaining movie.

Using his unparalleled skill in disguise, Allen had seamlessly transformed himself into an inconspicuous game object. He was confident that his camouflage was foolproof, ensuring that he would remain undetected. His initial motive had been to playfully engage with Elio's guild members and gather any potentially useful information, yet the unfolding spectacle had become an unexpected and engaging diversion.

Allen's infiltration of the guild headquarters had yielded more than just a front-row seat to the guild's unfolding drama. He had stumbled upon a tidbit of information that had piqued his curiosity. While eavesdropping on a conversation between Noah and James during his early infiltration, he had overheard them discussing a certain "Jordan", his dad. The context suggested that they were not acquainted with this individual but were interested in Allen, for reasons that remained shrouded in mystery.

Noah and James had been chatting animatedly, and as Allen listened intently, he deciphered that Jordan was a significant figure in this puzzle. The mention of Jordan had left Allen pondering its significance. It was clear that the duo knew Jordan, while Jordan was not someone who frequented public gaming circles.

The conversation he had intercepted had given him a sliver of insight, making it evident that there was more to Noah and James than met the eye. Their connection to Jordan, along with their interest in Allen, hinted at a deeper, unexplored layer of complexity. It was a puzzle that had piqued Allen's interest, and he was determined to uncover the missing pieces.

However, before he could glean any further information, Allen had to disguise as Gil and greet Elio. He returned to the room to continue their conversation, but it seemed that their attention had now shifted to the ongoing guild event.

Allen knew that opportunities to gather more information about Jordan, as well as the true motives of Noah and James, would be limited. For the time being, he would bide his time in the private room, carefully observing the unfolding events and awaiting the moment when the pieces of this intricate puzzle would fall into place.

Elio and Sophia had thoroughly combed through the room, meticulously searching every nook and cranny, but their efforts had yielded no substantial leads. Frustrated, Elio suggested they explore the warehouse, hoping for better luck in their pursuit of the emperor.

"Let's check the warehouse," Elio declared with an air of authority, his voice carrying the weight of command as he made his way towards the exit.

Sophia, however, had noticed a shift in Elio's demeanor. The once warm and approachable Elio now exuded a sense of urgency that was somewhat unsettling. Eager to gauge his reaction and perhaps lighten the atmosphere, she decided to tease him a bit, hoping to draw out the Elio she was familiar with.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Sophia cleared her throat to grab Elio's attention. "Elio," she called out, halting his steps as he turned to face her inquisitively.

"Yes?" Elio responded, awaiting her next words.

Sophia gently reached for Elio's hand, intending to playfully ease the tension that seemed to have enveloped him. Grasping both his hands, she fixed him with a gentle, albeit mischievous, gaze. Her eyes twinkled with a faint, heart-melting smile as she addressed the shift in Elio's demeanor. "I know you're really tense, but your sudden coldness is a bit frightening," she remarked, her tone light yet laced with concern.

"We are at an event. That's normal," Elio's firm tone and unwavering posture hinted at his determination to maintain a professional boundary in the guild.

As Sophia hugged his hand, seeking a comforting connection, Elio's response was resolute, signaling his commitment to uphold the guild leader's role and a certain level of formality.

"I know, but..." Sophia began, her expression a blend of concern and confusion, but Elio didn't let her finish. "No," he interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for debate.

The abruptness of Elio's response caught Sophia off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. As he pulled away from her, Elio articulated his stance with clarity. "I don't know what you want to say. But I want to maintain our relationship as a guild leader and a member. That's all," he asserted, his words reflecting a sense of duty and professionalism.

Sophia's shock was palpable as she struggled to comprehend the sudden shift in Elio's attitude. "You mean I'm not your friend anymore?" she questioned, a trace of hurt seeping into her words.

Elio's response, although firm, held a tinge of empathy. "You are my friend. But friends don't do that. They don't hug each other intimately," he explained, his gaze fixed on Sophia, conveying a mix of concern and a clear message of maintaining professional boundaries.

Without further ado, Elio left and Sophia was left in a state of shock, trying to process the sudden change in their interaction. Bewilderment and hurt began to take root, swiftly transforming into a seething anger bubbling within her.

"How dare you… defy me. I will make you regret it…" Sophia seethed under her breath, her voice laced with frustration and indignation as she stalked after Elio. The unexpected turn of events had roused a ferocity within her, intensifying her determination to reclaim the control she felt slipping away. josei

Meanwhile, from his concealed position, Allen observed Sophia's swift change in demeanor. Her unwavering need for control didn't sit well with him. A sense of disdain toward her personality and a desire to challenge her grew within him.

'She hasn't changed,' Allen mused to himself, disappointment lacing his thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a growing sense of discontent with Sophia's approach, her unwavering need for dominance in every situation.

'Maybe it's time to stir things up a bit,' Allen contemplated. He was all too familiar with the dynamics of the guild and Sophia's personality. He aimed to add an element of unpredictability, playing with the balance of power in the guild, and offering a form of redemption to Elio amidst the unfolding tensions.

The guild members embarked on an exhaustive search throughout their headquarters, meticulously scanning every nook and cranny in an attempt to find Allen. They combed through each room, overturning furniture, inspecting corners, and scrutinizing every possible hiding spot, determined to unearth any trace of his presence. Despite their concerted efforts, Allen seemed to elude them at every turn.

The frustration began to mount as they couldn't track down a single sign of him. The hide and seek game turned into a perplexing puzzle, with each nursery rhythm that occasionally floated through the air amplifying their vexation. It was an eerie reminder that Allen was right within their vicinity, taunting them with his elusive presence.

The guild members' exasperation heightened as they couldn't reconcile Allen's proximity with their inability to locate him. His ghostly rhymes felt like an invisible specter haunting them, creating a sense of helplessness and bewilderment.

No matter how thorough their search, Allen remained hidden, casting an air of mystique and frustration over the guild. The constant loop of the eerie nursery rhythm left them feeling as if Allen was playing a game of cat and mouse, staying just out of their grasp. His elusiveness perplexed them, leaving a growing sense of unease and a lingering feeling of defeat.

[Time remaining: 10:21]

The discouragement began to manifest visibly on the guild members' faces. What had started as a thrilling challenge now transitioned into a bleak and disheartening ordeal. The elusive nature of the hide-and-seek game with Allen had weighed heavily on their collective spirits, reflecting in their expressions and body language.

The initial excitement and determination that had marked their search for Allen now waned, replaced by dejection and a sense of hopelessness. A crestfallen atmosphere settled over the group, their brows furrowed with growing frustration. The pressure of the countdown added an extra layer of urgency, intensifying their distress as the time rapidly diminished.

With each passing second, the possibility of finding Allen dwindled, and the task seemed increasingly insurmountable. The weight of the unsolved mystery and Allen's cunning evasiveness cast a pall over the guild members, sowing seeds of doubt and defeat in their hearts.

Disappointment etched itself into their features, a mix of exhaustion and agitation visible in their slumped postures and weary expressions.

The ticking clock, once a source of urgency and determination, now echoed as a reminder of their struggle against time and Allen's clever concealment. The unrelenting mystery of his hiding place felt like an unsolvable puzzle, fueling their despondency and convincing them that perhaps this quest to find Allen was a futile endeavor. Then the event time was over…

[Time remaining: 00:00]

[The time is up! You have failed to catch the villain!]

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