Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 523 Corrupted Paladin

Chapter 523 Corrupted Paladin

Villain Ch 523. Corrupted Paladin

'Once a traitor forever a traitor, huh?' Allen thought, a wicked smirk gracing his lips. As he observed the unfolding chaos, a sense of twisted satisfaction enveloped him. He hadn't anticipated the event to be this entertaining, and the drama unfolding between Sophia and Elio was like an exhilarating spectacle to him. He relished the unfolding scenes, the revelation of Sophia's true colors before Elio, and the evident agony of betrayal in their eyes.

To Allen, the situation was like a captivating play, with each character experiencing their own betrayal and shattered expectations. Elio felt the sting of betrayal, believing Sophia had turned against him, while Sophia was left feeling deceived by Allen. But, in a cruel twist, their own hopes and trust in each other led to their downfall.

Throughout the chaos, Allen found a sense of dark pleasure in the final outcome. He reveled in having orchestrated the event, manipulating their trust and unraveling the intricate web of their relationships, all for his own twisted enjoyment. In the end, it was Allen who held the reins, observing the fallout of his carefully crafted deception and savoring the chaos he had instigated.

Elio couldn't conceal the deep disappointment that welled up within him as he overheard the conversations between Sophia and the emperor. It was a hard pill to swallow—seeing Sophia effortlessly turn away from him, abandoning the bond they once shared. The pain of her betrayal was sharp, but a peculiar coldness had settled in his heart, distinct from the raw hurt he initially felt. Perhaps it was due to the repeated warnings from the emperor that had planted seeds of doubt, or maybe his own feelings for Sophia had gradually faded away. Another possibility lingered; he might have finally grasped the weight of Allen's emotions and the accusations he had flung his way. Elio's perspective shifted as he reevaluated the situation, recognizing that Allen had every right to refuse giving Sophia a second chance.

The realization was a bitter revelation for Elio. He grappled with the understanding that perhaps his own convictions and judgments against Allen had been misplaced. Reflecting on the events that had transpired, Elio felt a tinge of remorse for the assumptions he had made.

Sophia found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her heart pounding fiercely within her chest. The chaotic situation had taken an unexpected turn, leaving her reeling in turmoil. She understood the gravity of the deception—the emperor was toying with her, manipulating her feelings and exploiting her vulnerabilities.

'I have to make this right!' she resolved, a surge of determination flooding through her. She knew what she needed to do to salvage the situation, at least in Elio's eyes. Despite the imminent danger and the ominous grip of the emperor's claw at her neck, she gathered her courage, preparing to act.

With the emperor's menacing grip still pressing against her, Sophia planned to use her Healing Light skill on Elio, aiming to heal his wounds. Her hope was that this selfless act would serve as a gesture of sacrifice, allowing Elio to escape. She hoped that by saving him and pretending to put herself in harm's way, Elio might find it in his heart to forgive her. She planned to tell him that everything she had spoken to the emperor was a falsehood, an elaborate ruse woven to manipulate the situation.

The plan had its risks, but Sophia was desperate to rectify the situation. Despite the fear that gripped her, the idea of reconciliation with Elio fueled her actions, propelling her towards this daring and dangerous move.

Sophia's hand trembled as she attempted to activate her skill, aiming to heal Elio. Yet, before she could complete the action, the emperor swiftly tightened his grip around her neck, his overpowering strength canceling her skill. She found herself being maneuvered, used as a shield to block her attempt to help Elio. The emperor's cunning manipulation was evident in his deliberate movements, a calculated ploy to thwart her efforts.

"What do you want to do, Lil' Kitten? I thought you wanted to leave that paladin for me yet once you saw him, you tried to heal him. Are you trying to trick me?" The emperor's words dripped with false disappointment, a feigned facade hiding his true intentions. His sly tone unveiled a meticulously planned scenario, a clear attempt to twist the truth to his advantage.

"You are lying! You were the one who tried to trick me!" Sophia protested vehemently, attempting to break free from the emperor's hold, her hands grappling with his in an attempt to release his grasp. She desperately sought a glimpse of Elio, the only hope she had of using her skill within her range.

lightsnοvεl "Fool you?" The emperor echoed the accusation, a flash of unrestrained fury igniting in his eyes. He raised her forcefully, an undercurrent of rage seething in his voice. "When did I trick you? You are the one who said you will leave him and change in another second once you see him. It didn't even last a minute!" His snarling tone dripped with malice, the tips of his claws pressing against her neck, eliciting fresh droplets of blood.

Sophia writhed in agony, her attempts to break free proving futile against the emperor's formidable grip. She coughed, struggling to catch her breath, feeling utterly helpless in her healer's role.

The emperor's voice surged with anger, a blend of disdain and betrayal. "I knew it! I shouldn't have believed in mortals! All of you are liars! No, I shouldn't have trusted you guys in the first place. How stupid of me! All of you are the same!" His once seductive demeanor transformed into a chillingly lethal glare, devoid of any mercy or compassion.

"I— I…" Sophia stammered, attempting to defend herself, but her words were cut short as the emperor swiftly seized control. His harsh interruption and cold demeanor signified an end to any chance for reconciliation or forgiveness.

"Soul Siphon…" The emperor's voice dripped with cold finality, signaling his intent to inflict severe harm without the slightest consideration for mercy. It was evident that his decision was firm, devoid of any willingness to show clemency.josei

The sensation was eerie, like a part of her being torn away. She felt a pang of sorrow and helplessness as she weakened, the energy that defined her draining away. It was a moment of both fascination and horror.

"NO!" Sophia exclaimed out loud, her voice cracking with desperation.

Elio's eyes fixed on the scene in front of him, the once vivid color drained from Sophia's being as the emperor absorbed her energy with his devastating Soul Siphon skill. The sight brought forth a flood of memories, a painful recollection of the first time he encountered Sophia's selfless attempt to heal him when he was just starting out in the game.

Back then, witnessing Sophia's sacrifice had shattered his heart. He remembered the turmoil and despair he had felt at the time, watching her die while trying to save him. It had left an indelible mark on him, a sense of loss that lingered in the depths of his soul. But as he gazed upon the tragedy before him now, there was a stark contrast in his emotions.

Elio found himself experiencing a numbing effect on his emotions. The empathy he once felt had been replaced by a desensitization to the pain of others. His heart, once filled with a desire to help and aching for justice, was now icy and detached. The scene of Sophia's life force being drained held no grip on his emotions, a troubling revelation that signaled a change within him, one that wasn't merely about growing accustomed to the harsh realities of the game, but a more profound alteration in his very being.

Instead of the expected sadness, empathy, or the instinct to help, he felt a cold. It wasn't because he had grown accustomed to the grim and often brutal nature of the game; it was more profound than that. Elio realized his feelings had undergone a drastic transformation. It was as though the emperor had succeeded in corrupting the very core of the paladin he once was.

A few seconds later, her body finally fell to the ground. Her HP dropped to zero, signaling her defeat.

The Emperor stepped over Sophia's fallen form as if she were nothing but a discarded pawn on the chessboard of this kingdom. His cold, calculating eyes fixated on Elio. Elio didn't react, his gaze steady but tinged with a mix of determination and fear.

"You heard what you should have heard, Paladin," the Emperor sneered, his voice oozing with an eerie confidence. With a menacing air, the Emperor lifted his leg, a gesture that sent shivers down Elio's spine. There was a moment of eerie anticipation, a second that felt like an eternity.

In one swift, merciless movement, the Emperor brought his foot down, stomping upon Elio's head. The impact reverberated, and Elio's health points plummeted to zero. The screen flashed the grim notification.

[Time remaining: 00:00]

[The emperor has succeeded in annihilating the Order of Valiance guild!]

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