Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 526 The Innocent Girl Inside The Succubus

Chapter 526 The Innocent Girl Inside The Succubus

Chapter 526 The Innocent Girl Inside The Succubus

Villain Ch 526. The Innocent Girl Inside The Succubus

"Anyway, what are your plans after this? Should we go hunting?" Alice proposed, aiming to shift the topic away from the intense in-game events.

"I have some work to do, I think I will skip it," Larissa confessed, a tinge of regret in her voice as she thought about the tasks awaiting her in the real world.

"Same," Jane chimed in, sharing Larissa's sentiment.

"Need to arrange tomorrow's schedule," Shea added with a casual shrug.

"Homework," Zoe stated matter-of-factly.

"Alice, you said you wanted to help me write the script for my next ASMR, remember?" Bella reminded Alice, her tone carrying a mix of amusement and expectation.

Alice grinned mischievously. "I forgot about that," she admitted with a playful glint in her eyes.

"What about you, Allen?" Jane inquired with a touch of concern. His well-being weighed on her mind.

"I still have some unpublished chapters and have already set automatic publish. That should be fine. I can take a rest today," Allen assured her, his voice carrying a sense of responsibility.

Jane cringed. "I mean your health, not your stories," she clarified, a hint of amusement playing on her lips.

"Oh right. Sorry, my writer's mind is kicking in," Allen admitted with a quick chuckle, punctuated by a clearing of his throat. "I already feel better. Much-much better, thanks to you guys. But I will take a rest after this," he added sincerely, gratitude lacing his words.

"Good to hear that. You still have to get lots of rest, Allen," Jane insisted, her concern evident. Well, somehow seeing Allen in a weak state isn't bad either.

Well, a strong guy who suddenly became weak because of something had its own charm. Somehow it made her want to 'do something' to him. But Jane decided to cling to the last of her sanity and did not allow herself to do that.

But it seemed, Zoe had the same thought as hers and decided to say it out loud.

"Well, I'm not against the idea of a weakened Allen," Zoe teased with a sly grin. "I mean, it's a refreshing change."

"Zoe!" Alice exclaimed, playfully swatting her arm.

"Just saying," Zoe shrugged, unapologetic.

"Thanks for the concern, guys. I promise I'll take it easy," Allen assured them, his smile reflecting both appreciation and a sense of camaraderie.

"Okay, guys. I need to log out for now. My assistant is waiting, and I don't want to make him work overtime," Shea announced, her tone carrying a blend of responsibility and practicality. "Bye," she bid before seamlessly logging out, leaving a virtual void where her avatar once stood.

"I also need to log out," Zoe chimed in. "I have promised my friends to do group assignments via virtual meetings," she explained, providing a glimpse into the dual life many gamers juggled.

Jane grinned mischievously. "Well, gotta go create some chaos in the real world. Catch you later, Allen!" With a playful wave, she initiated the log-out sequence, her avatar vanishing in a burst of virtual particles.

Alice flashed a cheerful smile. "See you guys! I'm off to the real world now and start my real journey as a witch." With a casual salute, she followed suit, disappearing from the digital realm.

Bella chuckled. "Thanks for the fun, everyone. Until next time!" Her avatar dissipated, leaving only a lingering echo of her laughter.

Larissa, with a sigh, added, "Got some real-world stuff to deal with. Stay out of trouble, you two!" She clicked the log-out button, leaving behind an empty space where her character once stood.

The hall, once bustling with their animated avatars, now felt oddly quiet and vacant. Only Allen and Vivian remained, their figures casting shadows on the floor.

Allen turned to Vivian. "Looks like it's just us now." josei

Vivian nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, it seems that way. What's next for you?"

"Probably some rest," Allen replied with a smile. "How about you?"

But Vivian answered him with something else. "Do you have time to accompany me for a moment?" she suddenly said. She glanced at her side, her fingers playing with a strand of her hair, a rare display of vulnerability.

Allen sensed something amiss. Immediately employing his Shadow Step skill, his imposing form sitting on the throne vanished, only to reappear in front of Vivian, standing protectively in front of her. His hand, usually clad in the ominous black devil emperor armor, now gently brushed Vivian's hair. His eyes bore into hers, revealing genuine concern.

"Did something happen at the event? Tell me," he urged, his palm tenderly pressed against the side of Vivian's face. The touch was a stark contrast to the menacing appearance of his devil emperor form, and yet, it felt strangely fitting. His eyes, usually fierce and commanding, softened, reflecting a sincere worry for Vivian.

Vivian turned her gaze toward Allen, her eyes searching for answers. "How do you know it's because of the event?" she asked curiously. The possibility lingered in her mind, and it was the most apparent explanation. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that Allen had intuited something beyond the surface. She had shared the event's happenings with the group, and they had all shared laughs together. Yet, Allen seemed to sense a different undercurrent.

"Because when the others laughed, you didn't. You understand that they consider it just an unlucky incident in the game, and with your role as the succubus, you also think that the players' reaction is normal. But deep inside, you feel disturbed by that. Am I right?" he said, each word a precise probe into her feelings.

Allen's words hung in the air, and Vivian felt a twinge of surprise mixed with a hint of vulnerability. She hadn't expected Allen to perceive her inner conflict so accurately. A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of Allen's lips as he continued, dissecting her emotions with an insight that caught Vivian off guard.

Vivian was an attractive girl. Even though she had a beautiful face, a body that could be said to be perfect and a job that attracted the attention of many men, Vivian had a lot of sweet sides and that was just in front of her. She was the type of woman who could attract the attention of many men, but she remained exclusive to a man she loved. Allen found that so sweet.

Vivian shifted uncomfortably, her gaze momentarily diverted. Allen's analysis was surprisingly accurate, cutting through the fa?ade she wore even in the virtual world. She was surprised, caught off guard by Allen's uncanny ability to unravel her thoughts. "You're right," she admitted, her voice carrying a blend of surprise and relief. Tentatively, she leaned into his embrace, seeking comfort in the gesture. "I know it's normal since I am a succubus, but that kind of attention… I don't like it," she confessed, her vulnerability exposed.

Allen tightened his hold, providing a virtual haven for Vivian's emotional unrest. "Did something happen before in the past?" he gently probed, sensing there might be a deeper layer to her unease.

Vivian hesitated, her lips pressed into a thin line. The memories seemed to resurface, unwilling to stay buried. "Yes. There was something that happened in the past… I've tried to forget it, but somehow I can't…" she trailed off, her admission lingering in the air.

"Tell me," he demanded in a gentle voice.

Vivian hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share this intimate part of her past with Allen. The gentle support in his embrace encouraged her to open up, to let someone else into the depths of her personal history.

"I... I got a lot of attention from guys back in high school and university," Vivian started, her voice carrying the weight of memories. "It wasn't easy, you know? The constant stares, whispers, and the rumors that followed me everywhere. People assumed things about me just because of my appearance, my body."

Allen listened, his avatar standing patiently as Vivian unloaded the emotional baggage she had been carrying. He didn't interrupt, allowing her to continue at her own pace.

"But... it wasn't just the attention. I faced bullying too," Vivian admitted, her voice tinged with pain. "Jealous girls targeted me. They spread rumors, called me names, made my life miserable just because guys noticed me. It was terrifying, Allen. I felt so alone."

As Vivian spoke, the hall seemed to echo with the weight of those past struggles. Allen's presence provided a sense of security, a safe space for her to unravel these hidden chapters of her life.

"It got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore. The constant judgment, the whispers behind my back. So, I moved here, to this city, hoping for a fresh start. I thought the anonymity of the gaming world would give me a chance to be someone different, someone not defined by appearance," Vivian confessed, vulnerability coloring her words.

Allen tightened his embrace around Vivian, offering a silent gesture of support. His voice, sincere and comforting, cut through the virtual silence.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that. No one deserves to be treated that way," Allen said, genuine concern lacing his words. "But, Vivian, you're not alone anymore. I've got your back."

"You don't have to face those feelings alone," Allen continued. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here. And don't worry about what happened in the event today. It's just a game, and we know the difference between fiction and reality. Your feelings are valid, and I'm here to support you."

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