Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 539 His Secret Admirer

Chapter 539 His Secret Admirer

Chapter 539 His Secret Admirer

Villain Ch 539. His Secret Admirer

The morning ritual began with a synchronized effort to restore order to the aftermath of their cozy movie night. Vivian and Allen, entangled in the shared duties, swiftly cleared away the remnants of snacks and empty plates, folding the blanket with a sense of unity. The TV blinked off as they bid farewell to their temporary entertainment.

The low hum of the vacuum cleaner followed as they diligently eradicated any evidence of their late-night indulgence. Vivian, with a playful jab, convinced Allen to take care of the sofa, while she tackled the floor, making quick work of any lingering snacks crumbs.

Their next stop was the bathroom, where the pair took turns washing their faces and freshening up. The muted sounds of water running and toothbrushes swishing in unison resonated through the apartment, underscoring their shared the morning routine.

Fully dressed and groomed, they descended to the parking lot where Allen's motorbike awaited. The unmistakable roar of the engine marked the beginning of their breakfast adventure. Helmets in hand, they zipped through the city streets, the wind tousling their hair as they headed to a cafe.

The low rumble of Allen's motorbike faded as they gracefully dismounted, and the soft jingle of the café's entrance bell welcomed them into a new culinary adventure. The air inside was laced with the comforting aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the subtle notes of baked goods. It wasn't a bustling place, but rather, a cozy haven that invited them to unwind.

Vivian and Allen exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging their choice of a new spot. This wasn't their usual haunt, but a discovery prompted by the tempting allure of a social media post. A food vlogger's recommendation had led them here, promising gastronomic delights that stirred their curiosity.

The décor was unpretentious, with warm tones and mismatched furniture that gave the space a lived-in charm. The soft murmur of conversations and the occasional clinking of cutlery added to the ambiance. They found an inviting corner, settling into cushioned chairs that cradled them comfortably.

The menu, an eclectic mix of tantalizing options, beckoned them to explore the culinary treasures the café had to offer.

The server, a friendly young woman with a cheerful smile, approached their table. "Good morning! Welcome to our cozy spot. What can I get you today?" she asked with genuine enthusiasm.

Allen flashed his charismatic smile. "Hello! We'll go for a Breakfast Plates, please. And I'll grab a cup of green tea to kickstart the day," he said, his voice effortlessly blending charm and friendliness.

Vivian followed up, her demeanor sweet yet assertive. "I'll go for the same, but with a side of ginger tea, please," she said, meeting the server's gaze with a warm smile.

The server noted down their order with a quick scribble on her notepad. "Perfect choices! Your breakfast will be on its way shortly," she assured them before heading towards the kitchen.

As the server walked away, Allen leaned in playfully. "Good call on the ginger tea. Always nice to switch things up," he remarked, his eyes lingering on Vivian's.

Vivian chuckled. "I thought so too. Plus, ginger tea in the morning has that comforting kick, you know?"

While they waited for their breakfast, Allen and Vivian engaged in easy conversation, the intimate atmosphere of the café providing the perfect backdrop.

Vivian, eager to share the details of the recent modeling gig, leaned in with excitement. "So, guess what? I just got news for that new model job!" Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, the anticipation evident in her voice.

Allen grinned, genuinely intrigued. "That's awesome! What's the theme this time?"

"It's a dark fantasy shoot," Vivian replied, her words carrying a hint of mystery. "I'll be a fairy, and you, my handsome Demon God, will fall in love with me." josei

Allen chuckled, a deep, rich sound that resonated with amusement. "A Demon God, huh? Last time, I was a mafia boss. I'm starting to wonder if I give off a 'bad boy' vibe or something."

Vivian blushed, her cheeks tinted a rosy hue. "Well, yes, but in the most enchanting way possible," she confessed, her eyes meeting Allen's. "You've got that mysterious, alluring aura that just works perfectly for these roles."

Allen leaned back, a playful glint in his eyes. "Guess I can't escape my devilish charm, then. Embracing the dark side for the sake of art, you know?"

Vivian laughed, the sound like music in the cozy café. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, it adds a thrilling touch to your already captivating presence."

Not far from them, amidst the cozy ambiance of the café, a blonde-haired girl, 21 years old, sat alone. The girl had an air of sophistication that spoke volumes about her affluent lifestyle. Her clothing, though simple, radiated quality, and an expensive bag accompanied her. Despite the evident signs of wealth, she sat alone, a slight pout of annoyance marring her otherwise beautiful face.

The girl's solitude stood out in the cozy café, where most patrons enjoyed their meals in pairs or groups. She sipped on a cup of latte, the warmth of the drink contrasting with the cool expression on her face. An empty plate sat in front of her.

"Noah, you are an idiot!" The words escaped through gritted teeth, directed at her brother, who was apparently the source of her annoyance.

Her grip tightened on the phone, and her gaze fixated on an article from two years ago. It featured a tournament where her idol, a skilled player, emerged victorious in the solo category. Though the article was outdated, the image and details seemed to provide a sense of comfort, a connection to a moment of triumph.

Yet... Her frustration with her brother's antics lingering, she swiped her finger across the screen, closing the tournament article's browser. In search of a distraction, her focus shifted to another website—Urban Enigma. A collection of pictures unfolded before her eyes, and there he was: the same man who had triumphed in the tournament two years ago.

In these images, he posed effortlessly, exuding a newfound level of handsomeness and refinement. His charm seemed to have deepened, creating an air of magnetism around him. As she scrolled through the pictures, a twinge of jealousy crept in. There he was, accompanied by a model-like woman whose presence only intensified her envy.

"Ha... I wish I could meet him," she muttered under her breath, caught in a moment of yearning.

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