Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 577 Bombastic Side Eyes

Chapter 577 Bombastic Side Eyes

Villain Ch 577. Bombastic Side Eyes

Sophia's sudden appearance near Allen sent ripples through the group. Clad in a pristine white robe that marked her as a priestess, she halted beside Allen, her smile directed at Greg. "Hey, I see you have a lot of customers here," she remarked, her tone carrying a mix of casual observation and a subtle undertone of pride.

The contrast between Sophia's all-white ensemble and Allen's shadowy assassin outfit couldn't be more striking. It was as if their outfits embodied the yin and yang of their in-game personas, with Allen symbolizing the shadowy warrior fighting from the depths while Sophia emanated an ethereal light.

Sophia had recently acquired a pair of fairy wings from Greg, an accessory that didn't enhance her attributes but served a purely aesthetic purpose. Despite the challenging material requirements, she had insisted on having them. The wings, a whimsical addition to her ensemble, had become a symbol of her presence in the game, making her easily recognizable wherever she went.

Her request to Greg for the fairy wings stemmed from a deeper sentiment. It was an attempt to stand out, a visible rebellion against the shadows that lingered from the events of the previous guild event. Sophia had a bitter experience from it, and the wings were her way of asserting herself.

Allen couldn't help but release a long exhale, his internal monologue echoing with a resigned sentiment: 'Here we go again.'

The girls at his side shot Sophia a collective side-eye, their expressions ranging from skepticism to thinly veiled annoyance.

Greg, wearing a forced smile, tried to maintain an air of casualness as he greeted Sophia. "Business is good, and I just got a rich buyer here," he mentioned, his words carrying a hint of strained cheerfulness. The effort to mask his discomfort was evident, but Greg soldiered on in the face of Sophia's unexpected presence.

Sophia swiftly redirected her attention to Allen, confident that he was the alleged wealthy buyer. The hood that obscured Allen's face prevented her from discerning his expression or reaction. Sophia was well-aware that extracting visible emotions from Allen was akin to squeezing water from a stone. Yet, she couldn't resist the urge to anticipate his response, even in the face of uncertainty.

To her surprise, Sophia discovered that Allen, despite his seemingly unremarkable guild reputation, possessed significant wealth in the game. Her gaze lingered on the guild name beside Allen's character, confirming that they still shared membership in a guild that held little sway in the broader gaming community. The revelation added an unexpected layer to the interaction, challenging Sophia's assumptions about Allen's standing in their realm.

"You know," Allen interjected, his tone a subtle mix of politeness and a hint of urgency, "I think I should go now. I still have a lot of things to buy." His words hung in the air, a gentle attempt to extricate himself from the unfolding situation.

Greg, his smile now carrying a touch of bitterness, responded, "Come again next time." The words, delivered with a semblance of an NPC's parting line, subtly conveyed Greg's decision to step back and not further involve himself in the current dynamics. The pity was palpable, for Greg harbored a genuine desire to engage in meaningful conversation with Allen's companions. However, the timing was off, and the constraints of the moment compelled him to postpone such interactions for another day.

Once Allen and his companions made their exit, Sophia found herself torn between the impulse to chase after them and the need to maintain a semblance of composure. Suppressing the tendrils of jealousy that threatened to surface, she opted for restraint, unwilling to showcase vulnerability in the bustling market.

Despite the pang of envy gnawing at her, Sophia understood the importance of preserving her image as the most popular priestess in Hell's Gate. Lowering her pride in the midst of the marketplace, with its watchful eyes and discerning players, seemed an undesirable choice. Instead, she chose to feign indifference, masking her emotions behind a mask of cool detachment.

With Allen and his companions putting some distance between them, Sophia seized the opportunity to engage in conversation with Greg.

"What did Allen just buy from you?" she inquired, her tone a blend of intrigue and surprise.

Greg, with a casual nonchalance, revealed the sought-after item. "A Grade S Enchantment Stone," he stated matter-of-factly. Sophia's eyes widened in genuine shock at the revelation. The significance of the purchase wasn't lost on her; Grade S Enchantment Stones were a rare and coveted commodity, the mark of a player serious about advancing in the game.

"What?" Sophia exclaimed, unable to conceal her astonishment.

Greg, recognizing the impact of his revelation, expanded on the unexpected transaction. "Yeah, I was also surprised. He bought it like it was nothing. He's quite rich, even though his equipment looks simple. Maybe he's aiming for the middle to end game," Greg speculated, offering his insights into Allen's gaming strategy.lights

Sophia's mind churned with thoughts as she absorbed the information.

lightsΝοvel Greg, sensing Sophia's anxiety and inner turmoil, took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on her uneasy expression. With a touch of candor, he broached the subject that lingered in theair.

"Why don't you chase him? Is this your plan too?" Greg asked, his words carrying a mix of curiosity and perhaps a hint of concern for Sophia's intentions.

Sophia, endeavoring to maintain her composure, responded with a dry smile. "It's none of your business. I just want to stay here for a while," she deflected, attempting to divert the conversation away from her true motives.

Greg, however, wasn't one to let things slide easily. A bitter and somewhat scornful smile played on his lips as he teased, "I thought you had changed your mind and liked me more than him." The words, delivered with a touch of mockery, hinted at their past sexual encounter.

"I mean, you moaned like crazy when I grinded you that night," he added nonchalantly, his tone devoid of any subtlety.

Sophia's glare in response spoke volumes about her displeasure at Greg's audacious comment. "Watch your mouth!" she retorted sharply, attempting to quell the discomfort that his words had stirred.

Greg, undeterred by Sophia's rebuke, raised both hands in a placating gesture and shrugged. "Just saying," he quipped, a sly smile playing on his lips. The exchange, while laced with tension.

Sophia, her patience exhausted, shot Greg a menacing glare that could freeze even the most fearless players in theirtracks. The threat that followed was laced with a venomous promise that hung in the air like an unspoken storm.

"One wrong word, and I will share that video with your family and take it to the police," Sophia warned, her voice dripping with the cold determination of someone ready to exact revenge. Her fairy-like appearance, usually synonymous with innocence, now served as an ironic backdrop to the ominous menace she projected.

"I want to see how it destroys you and Darren," she added, the weight of her words underscoring the gravity of her threat.

Greg, feeling the weight of his own actions bearing down on him, could only snort in annoyance, casting his gaze in another direction. Regret, like a bitter aftertaste, swept over him. 'Yep, this is what I got for making a pact with the devil,' he mused internally, acknowledging the consequences of his past decisions.

Undeterred by Greg's dismissive response, Sophia turned the tables. "You better go after your prince, or he's gone too far. He is an assassin, remember?" she advised, a note of concern woven into her words.

Sophia's icy stare lingered on Greg for a moment, her anger simmering beneath the surface as he casually referenced a sensitive aspect of her past. The tense silence between them was palpable, a testament to the unresolved tensions that lay beneath the veneer of theirpersonas.

However, as quickly as the storm had gathered, Sophia pivoted, turning away from Greg and redirecting her focus in the direction Allen had gone. The determined click of herfootsteps echoed in theenvironment as she navigated through the bustling market, her white robe swaying with each step.josei

Sophia quickened her pace through the vibrantmarket, chasing after Allen. Luck seemed to favor Sophia as she navigated through the bustling stalls. Allen appeared to have separated from his companions, wandering alone through the market. His lone figure weaved through the colorful array ofshops, eyes scanning each stall with an intensity that hinted at a purpose known only to him.

The ambient sounds of the market, the lively chatter ofplayers, and the occasional clinking of in-game currency provided a dynamic backdrop to Sophia's pursuit. She closed thedistance between them, her gaze fixed on Allen's avatar as he moved through the eclectic marketplace.

Sophia pondered the motivations that propelled Allen forward, speculating on the nature of his quest or the specific item he sought. She knew she had to make an excuse so she could get closer to him naturally, but the question was, how?

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