Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 585 Fat Paycheck

Chapter 585 Fat Paycheck

Villain Ch 585. Fat Paycheck

Allen, sensing Emma's growing concern, threw up a verbal lifebuoy. "Chill, Emma. It's just a gig, okay? Nothing permanent," he reassured her, attempting to ease the tension that had crept into the air. The weight of his recent rise in status gnawed at him, an awareness that this freelance modeling job might raise more eyebrows than he'd bargained for.

His mind raced with the potential consequences. 'Wait... I can't imagine if they found out I was a harem author,' he thought, a bead of sweat forming in the recesses of his forehead. The clash of worlds – the young master of a gaming empire moonlighting as an author of steamy harem tales – threatened to unravel the careful façade he'd crafted.

His internal scream echoed in the hollow corridors of his thoughts. 'I need to keep that thing a secret,' he told himself.

Breaking through his mental turmoil, Emma's voice cut through the fog. "They should pay you for that," she declared, a sudden change of topic, perhaps it could be an attempt to divert his thoughts from the impending panic.

"They will pay me," Allen assured her, his tone carrying a note of conviction. "It's a job, after all," he reminded her, the reassurance intended for both Emma and himself.

"I mean, with a fat paycheck. Seriously, when did being a young master involve showing off your abs for the public?" Emma grumbled, her expression twisted into a pout that could rival any emoji.

Allen winced, a hint of discomfort flickering across his face. "If you think that's over the top, you should check out gym magazines," he suggested, attempting to downplay the situation. In Urban Enigma, his modeling gigs maintained a layer of modesty—clothes on, with the occasional reveal of well-toned muscles. Gym magazines, on the other hand, often featured models flaunting more skin than not, some even posing in nothing more than boxers or speedos.

Emma's eyes widened, a mischievous glint replacing her initial discontent. She felt her cheeks warm at the mental image of Allen striking gym poses. "Nope! I won't allow you to do that!" she declared, the complaint escaping her lips quicker than a boss defeating a noob in a game.

Internally, Allen cringed at the notion of being "not allowed." 'Does she think she's my mother?' he pondered, an internal eye-roll accompanying the thought. But, deciding to sidestep the brewing argument, he shifted gears. "Anyway, you still haven't answered me. Why are you here?" he prodded, steering the conversation back to its original track.

"I'm waiting for you, of course," Emma declared, determinedly shaking off the nervous energy that had clung to her like static.

Allen's brow arched in a playful challenge. "Just to ask why I haven't moved in yet?" he confirmed, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

"Yup," Emma responded, her casual demeanor not quite masking the fact that this question held more weight than she let on.

Allen's confusion mirrored in his expression. "Why don't you just text me?" he questioned, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

Emma, caught off guard, felt a surge of panic. Why hadn't the straightforward act of texting crossed her mind before? It was one of those forehead-slapping moments when you realize the solution was right under your nose all along.

"Uh..." Emma stammered, her mind racing to conjure a reasonable explanation.

"Please don't tell me you don't have my number," Allen quipped, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he made an educated guess.

"I-I forgot to ask Dad, okay? It's not a big deal. I'll ask later," Emma stammered, her voice betraying a hint of embarrassment. The realization hit her like a late-night snack craving—she indeed didn't know Allen's number.

"Right..." Allen huffed, a mock sigh escaping him. "Then does Kafra---" Before he could finish his sentence, Emma interjected, cutting him off mid-thought.

"No, Kafra doesn't know I'm online with this character. And stop mentioning her; she's not your assistant," she asserted, a hint of annoyance coloring her words. The perpetual Kafra references from her dad and Allen had become a source of mild exasperation for Emma. 'Why are they all always Kafra here and Kafra there?' she grumbled internally.

"But she is your nanny," Allen teased, his tone laced with playful mischief.

"No! She's not," Emma declared, her pout emphasizing her disagreement.

Allen chuckled, amused by Emma's childish demeanor. "Ah, you're right," he conceded, deciding to play along with her antics. He moved closer, stopping right in front of her, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Should I be your nanny then?" he teased, tapping her forehead gently in a playful manner. A soft smile adorned his lips, his lightheartedness infectious.lights

Emma's cheeks flushed, a subtle warmth spreading across her face. Her heart raced in response to the unexpected closeness. 'He's your brother, Emma!' her inner voice chimed in, a desperate attempt to impose some semblance of sibling boundaries. Yet, logic often wilted in the face of newfound emotions, especially when they were wrapped in the package of playful teasing and gentle taps.

Despite the rational reminder, Emma found it hard to shake off the fluttery feeling in her stomach. After all, they hadn't grown up together; their paths had converged later in life. The familial bond, while technically there, lacked the weight of years spent side by side.

Allen observed Emma's reaction with a playful glint in his eyes. 'Oh, interesting. She's blushing, but she's not saying anything,' he mused, half-expecting a burst of indignation or a sassy comeback. The unpredictability of their banter was part of what made it so enjoyable for him.

"N-No," Emma finally stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. The subtle flush on her cheeks spoke volumes even if her words were hushed.

"Hm?" Allen leaned in, a mock expression of curiosity on his face. He wanted to hear her response clearly, intrigued by the mix of embarrassment and panic that colored her reaction.

"S-See ya later!" Emma blurted out, the words tumbling out in a flustered panic. Without further ado, she hastily logged out, severing the connection in a virtual blink.

Allen blinked in mild surprise at the abrupt exit. "Well, that escalated quickly," he remarked to himself, a chuckle escaping his lips. It wasn't every day that he left Emma in a flustered state, and the unexpectedness of her reaction added an amusing twist to their usual banter.

Laughter echoed through the hall after Emma's avatar vanished into the digital abyss. It spilled out into the chamber, emanating from behind the hall door.

"Allen, teasing your sis is illegal, you know?" Shea chimed in with a smirk as she, Zoe, Vivian, and Jane made their grand entrance, the door swinging open to reveal the conspirators behind the hilarity.

Allen shot them a mock accusatory glance. "Said the ones who were eavesdropping on my conversation," he quipped, the corners of his lips curling into an amused smile. He turned to face the group, a twinkle in his eye. "Let's be honest, you guys didn't say anything because you also wanted to know how I handled her, right?" he prodded, savoring the camaraderie of their banter.

"Well, she's stubborn, and we don't want to deal with her for too long. So we prefer to hide," Jane admitted with a casual shrug, a mischievous glint in her eyes. The admission hung in the air, accompanied by a chorus of laughter from the assembled group.

Allen, sensing victory in the playful banter, leaned against the wall, a self-satisfied grin on his face. "Ah, the perks of being the teasing master," he declared with a flourish of mock grandiosity.

"Anyway, what about your belongings?" Zoe inquired, a spark of curiosity lighting up her eyes.

"Alex has handled them. The rest will be tomorrow. I've also given him my spare key. So he should be able to handle it while I finish my job. Hopefully, he won't meet Sophia," Allen replied with a matter-of-fact tone. He'd made it clear to Alex about the potential Sophia encounter, trusting the assistant to navigate the situation smoothly.

"Your number one fan followed you to your apartment?" Vivian interjected, raising an intrigued eyebrow.

"Yeah. I let her. I won't stay there anyway, so let her get what she wants once in a while," Allen responded casually, as if discussing the weather. The nonchalant attitude masked the complexities of his relationship with Sophia.

"She's persistent, huh?" Shea chimed in, a playful glint in her eyes.

Allen shrugged, a grin playing on his lips. "Well, you know me, always attracting the interesting ones," he quipped, acknowledging the peculiar dynamics that seemed to weave through his life.

Due to Allen's statement, they exchanged knowing glances, shaking their heads in unison. They couldn't deny that.

"So, what are our plans for today?" Zoe queried, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.josei

"I'm thinking about checking out the famous guilds' preparations and maybe embarking on a hunt to snag some new gear," Allen suggested, his mind already concocting the thrill of potential adventures.

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