Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 587 Kidnap-Negotiation Strategy

Chapter 587 Kidnap-Negotiation Strategy

Villain Ch 587. Kidnap-negotiation Strategy

The room, still vibrating with the residue of Mila's audacious proposal, settled into an expectant hush.

James, with a perpetual frown etched on his forehead, broke the silence with a thoughtful hum. "Hmm... I think that's a good idea," he suddenly muttered. It was as if a light bulb flickered to life in his head, and he saw a glimmer of hope in Mila's unorthodox plan. Perhaps, getting the answers straight from Allen's mouth was the antidote to their relentless speculation.

Noah chimed in with a mutter, "I think we can do it." His forehead mirrored James' frown as he turned the gears in his head, contemplating the logistics of Mila's kidnap-negotiation strategy. The plan was bold, no doubt, but the practicalities loomed large.

His mind worked through the potential pitfalls. Kidnapping Allen in broad daylight was out of the question; the risk of exposure was too high. The plan could go south in a snap if they were caught red-handed or if some smartphone-wielding bystander decided to play hero and broadcast their plan to the world.

Noah's eyes narrowed as he envisioned the nightmare scenario – police sirens, viral videos, and the entire fiasco blowing up on social media. The mere thought of it made him shake his head. "We gotta be smarter about this."

She slammed her hands on the table, leaning into the shock of their unexpected agreement. "Are you guys serious?" she asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. The absurdity of her idea taking a sudden turn into reality left her utterly flabbergasted.

Both Noah and James swiveled their heads in unison to face Mila, their response in perfect harmony. "Yes, of course," they declared in unison, a shared determination etched on their faces.

Noah couldn't resist a jab, "You were the one who gave us the idea, why are you the one doubting now?" His tone carried a complaint, as if Mila had pulled a fast one on them.

Mila's face contorted into a grimace. "Well, I said it as a joke," she admitted, her confession slicing through the tension. The truth spilled out, leaving her vulnerable in the wake of her own wild proposition.

"A joke? We are in the middle of a meeting, for God's sake," Noah shot back, his disbelief and displeasure palpable.

"I-I mean, not a pure joke. It's some kind of blabbering," Mila stammered, desperately trying to salvage her credibility. "I just didn't expect you guys would accept it," she added, shock painted across her features.

James couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, here we are, plotting the great Allen rendezvous. Who would've thought?" he mused, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

Noah, his annoyance evident in the set of his jaw, cut through the chatter, "So do you want to do it or not? Or do we need to cancel it?" His tone carried a hint of impatience.

Mila, quick on the draw, wasted no time in response. "Since you agree, then we should do it," she declared, her words landing with an air of finality.

Mila couldn't deny the electrifying undercurrent of her emotions. Beneath her playful banter and audacious suggestions, a current of anticipation surged through her veins. Allen had become more than just a puzzle to solve.

Mila felt an undeniable yearning to make Allen her own. It wasn't just about uncovering the truth; it was about unraveling the layers of Allen's persona that intrigued her. The prospect of getting closer to him, even through a seemingly outlandish plan, fueled a sense of determination within her.

James, his gaze steady, threw the proposition onto the table like a challenge. "We need someone who can catch him. We were thinking about using Sophia for this, but it seems it won't work," he stated firmly, his eyes flickering towards Mila. It was a sly inducement, a silent acknowledgment that Mila's involvement could tip the scales in their favor.

As anticipated, Mila seized the opportunity like a kid on Christmas morning. "I will do it! I will do it!" she exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm, her hand shooting up in the air as if she were volunteering for a school project. Her excitement bubbled over, an undeniable eagerness to be a part of the plan.

Noah, sporting a smirk that suggested he knew more than he let on, raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you can do it?" he inquired, his tone laced with a mixture of skepticism and amusement. It wasn't that he liked involving his sister in these schemes, but he couldn't deny that Mila was the perfect choice for the job. Her obsession with Allen, in this particular instance, played in their favor. Noah knew Mila would go above and beyond to ensure the plan ran smoothly.

Mila, undeterred by Noah's skeptical eyebrow raise, shot back with confidence, "Absolutely! I can do it. No problem." Her eyes sparkled with determination.

Mila's hand descended, her enthusiasm undiminished. "Besides, I've met Allen once in the real world, and he's very friendly. I'm sure I can talk to him nicely. Maybe invite him to a nice place or something," she said with a coy smile. Her heart danced with excitement, the prospect of spending ample time alone with Allen in the flesh injecting a thrill into her veins.lights

"Okay," James responded lightly, his eyes shifting to the logistical challenge ahead. "Now, what we need is how to find out where it is or a suitable location to 'catch' him," he said, his analytical wheels turning.

The task at hand, however, proved to be no walk in the park. Allen, with his non-traditional lifestyle, lacked a fixed schedule. Save for his gym routine, where he was consistently flanked by Gerry and Larissa, Allen's movements were as unpredictable as a roulette wheel. No office hours, no set patterns, and his apartment sometimes doubled as a fortress, further complicating matters.

The team mulled over the challenge. Noah couldn't help but express his concerns, "This isn't going to be easy, guys. Allen's like a ghost – you never know when he's going to pop up. We need to be smart about this."

Noah, leaning back in his chair, scratched his head. "Alright, let's brainstorm. How do we get Mila close enough to Allen to initiate a conversation?" he pondered aloud.josei

James chimed in, "Maybe you could pretend you need his help with something gaming-related. You know, tap into his expertise. Make it seem like it's for a project or something."

Mila wrinkled her nose at the suggestion. "Nah, that's too transparent. Allen's not dumb, he'll see through that in a heartbeat."

Noah, in his skeptical tone, threw his idea into the mix. "What if you pretend to be a journalist or a blogger doing a feature on the top gamers in the industry? Get him talking about himself, and boom, we've got him."

Mila shook her head. "Too risky. What if he checks later and doesn't find out my name? I don't want to risk blowing this on a fake interview."

James, leaning forward now, had a light bulb moment. "What if we set up a fake gaming event? Like, a competition or something, and invite him as a guest speaker. Get him to share his insights, and you swoop in for a chat."

Mila bit her lip, considering the idea. "It's not bad, but it feels too contrived. Allen's not one to fall for the usual gaming event stuff. We need something more personal."

Noah crossed his arms. "What if we just stake out his usual haunts? Wait for him to show up somewhere he frequents and then Mila can casually bump into him."

James raised an eyebrow, "You mean stalk him? That's a bit much, isn't it?"

Noah shrugged, "Call it what you want, but it's the most direct way. We wait for the opportune moment and strike."

James sighed, feeling the weight of the unsuccessful brainstorming session. "I think, none of these ideas feel right. We need something unexpected, something that catches him off guard. A way to talk to him that doesn't scream 'set-up'." The challenge hung in the air, a puzzle waiting to be solved.

"Urban Enigma!" Mila blurted out suddenly, her eyes lighting up with a spark of inspiration.

James and Noah exchanged puzzled glances. "What's with that magazine?" James asked, his forehead wrinkled in confusion. Mila's sudden outburst had them wondering if she'd gone off the deep end.

But Mila, undeterred by their perplexed expressions, grinned like she'd just cracked the code. "I have a connection there. I might be able to find out when his next photoshoot is! The last magazine was a hit because of his fresh face. I'm sure the agency will definitely not waste it!" Her enthusiasm bubbled over, her eyes gleaming with determination.

James nodded in agreement. "Then do it. Ask them when his next photoshoot is. We'll execute the plan soon," he declared with infectious enthusiasm.

"Okay," Mila responded, a sense of purpose driving her actions. She reached for her phone, fingers tapping away as she initiated the connection that could potentially unravel the mysteries surrounding Allen. The plan, once a nebulous concept, was now taking tangible shape, and Mila, fueled by her determination and connection to Urban Enigma, was set on making it a reality.

Noah, wearing a skeptical expression, couldn't help but be intrigued by Mila's unexpected twist. "Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a lead. Let's hope Urban Enigma spills the beans, and we can finally get to the bottom of this Allen-Goldborne connection," he remarked, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes.

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