Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 598 Twisted Sense Of Humor

Chapter 598 Twisted Sense Of Humor

Chapter 598 Twisted Sense Of Humor

Villain Ch 598. Twisted Sense Of Humor

The crew strolled through the corridor until they came face to face with Grimar, the NPC craftsman. Allen approached Grimar. "Hey, Grimar!"

Grimar, with an air of mystique, looked up from his crafting table. "Ah, the emperor, always on the lookout for something new. What can I do for you today?"

With a sly chuckle, Allen reached into his inventory and pulled out a hundred Dark Threads. "Got a little something for you."

Grimar's eyes twinkled with delight. "Ah, Dark Threads! A craftsman's favorite currency. What do you want to make with these?"

Allen leaned in, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I'm thinking of a killer new weapon and some badass armor."

Grimar nodded appreciatively. "A ruler's essentials. Let's see what we can conjure up." He accepted the Dark Threads with a gracious nod and started to dig in his blueprint box.

After a moment of contemplation, Grimar looked back at Allen. "How about this?" He took out one of them and put it on the table. It was a blueprint for a sleek, obsidian blade. "This one's called 'Midnight Reaper.' It's a step above your Nightmare sword, promises a bit more oomph in the swing."

Allen's eyes widened with interest. "Midnight Reaper, huh? Sounds ominous. I like it! And for the armor?"josei

Grimar continued his browsing, finally settling on a set of shadow-infused armor. "This here's Shadowbane armor. It'll give you a bit more agility and some extra defense. Perfect for a devil emperor like you."

With the blueprint for the Midnight Reaper in his hands, Allen couldn't contain his excitement. "Before we dive into crafting, tell me about this Midnight Reaper. What's its status? Damage, special effects."

A list popped up in front of Allen.

Midnight Reaper

Class: Weapon

Description: The Midnight Reaper, a blade veiled in shadows, whispers tales of the void with each swing. Crafted from the essence of the darkest hour, its malevolent aura instills terror in the hearts of those who dare cross its path.


Attack: +450

Critical Damage: +20%

Life Steal: +8%

Dark Resistance: +25%

Agility +5%

Shadow Slash Effect: Enemies hit have a chance to be afflicted with Shadow Slash, reducing their movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds.

Allen's attention turned to the Shadowbane armor's blueprint. He shot Grimar an eager look, his curiosity piqued. "Alright, what's the lowdown on this Shadowbane armor?"

Another list popped up in front of Allen.


Class: Armor

Description: Imbued with the essence of the abyss, the Shadowbane armor envelops its wearer in a shroud of ethereal darkness, bestowing stealth and formidable defense upon the virtual battlefield.


Defense: +400

Strength: +30

Agility: +20

Vitality: +35

Shadow Veil Effect: Grants a chance to trigger a brief Shadow Veil state upon taking damage, reducing incoming damage by 25% for 5 seconds.

'Okay, this is a hard choice,' Allen thought. He needed to choose one of them first, but both of them were crucial equipment.

After a brief pause, Allen turned to Grimar. "Alright, Grimar. Let's forge the Midnight Reaper. But what's the deal with the materials? What do you need to make this beauty?"

Grimar, with a knowing twinkle in his eyes, listed the required materials. "To craft the Midnight Reaper, you'll need five special materials. The catch is, you can only get these by taking down certain players in the game."

Allen's ears perked up at the challenge. "Who's on the hit list? Lay it on me."

[5 Crimson Essence of Gladiator (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Venomous Scales of Assassin (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Thunderforged Plating of Magic Scholar (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Luminous Cores of Priest (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Froststeel Ingots of Knight (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

As Allen scanned through the hit list of players, he couldn't help but cringe when he saw the name "Father^Alex" nestled in there. "Oh man," he muttered under his breath, "I'm gonna feel terrible if I have to take him down today." His conscience poked at him, a guilt trip.

But rallying himself, he decided to focus on the task at hand. Turning to Grimar, he asked, "Alright, what about the armor? What kind of materials are we talking about here?"

Grimar replied, "For the Shadowbane armor, you'll need some unique materials too. Let me pull up the list for you." His fingers danced in the air as he summoned the holographic display.

[5 Soothing Auras of Paladin (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Astral Shards of Rogue (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Radiant Plumes of Hunter (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Soulforge Steel of Blacksmith (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[5 Mystic Vellums of Priest (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

Again, as Allen scrolled through the player list, he couldn't help but roll his eyes when he spotted the name "Father^Alex." "Seriously?!" he griped to himself. It was like the universe was playing some twisted joke on him. "I guess I can't avoid this. Sorry, Alex," he muttered under his breath, mentally bracing himself for the inevitable showdown.

It was a weird mix of annoyance and guilt. Father^Alex was now on the hit list. The game algorithm had a twisted sense of humor, throwing them into these awkward situations.

With a resigned sigh, Allen shook off the internal conflict and muttered, "Alright, Alex, let's make this as painless as possible. In and out, no hard feelings." It was the equivalent of preparing for an uncomfortable family reunion, only this time, it involved sword fights and bloody scenes.

Allen, taking a deep breath, finally made up his mind. "Alright, count me in. I'll accept the quest for the Midnight Reaper. Let's do this."

Grimar, with a twinkle in his eyes, nodded in approval. "Great choice! The realm await your prowess. I'll be right here, ready and waiting for your return."

With a determined nod, Allen squared his shoulders. "Right... I'll gather those materials and bring back the loot. The Midnight Reaper is as good as mine."

Grimar offered a parting piece of advice, "Remember, the path may be tough, but the rewards will be worth it."

[Quest accepted!]

[Collect The Midnight Reaper's materials!]

After accepting the quest from Grimar, Allen turned to the girls with a mix of anticipation and mild dread. "Alright, ladies, what did you get from Grimar? Any surprises?"

Vivian, engrossing in checking her newly acquired quest, looked up with a confused expression. "Get what?"

Allen cringed a bit, realizing he was the bearer of potentially awkward news. "The player list, Vivian. I got Father^Alex on my hit list. Looks like I've got to... you know, take him down." He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ease the tension.

The revelation hit the group like a bombshell. A collective chuckle rippled through the party, accompanied by a few 'Oof' remarks. Larissa couldn't help but point out, "That's so ironic. We were just hunting with him, and now you're supposed to hunt him."

Bella, trying to stifle a laugh, chimed in, "I should feel sorry for him, but somehow I couldn't help but laugh. This is too good."

Jane offered a sympathetic nod. "It's just a game, right? He'll respawn or whatever. No hard feelings."

Zoe, looking at the humorous side, added, "Imagine if he knows it's us. He'll probably rant and yell at us before we take him down, talking about creating a new enemy."

Allen, though amused by the girls' reactions, couldn't shake off the irony of the situation. "Yeah, yeah, it's a game, but still, it's gonna be weird. We were just strategizing with him, and now I've got to strategize against him."

Amid the laughter and banter, Jane chimed in. "True, true. Who would've thought our friendly buffer would turn into our target?"

Alice leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Hey, speaking of targets, anyone got Sophia's name on their hit list?" Her tone hinted at a playful curiosity.

Allen, with a wry smile, confirmed, "Yep, she's also on my list."

The revelation hung in the air, and the group's reaction shifted from laughter to surprise. Bella, who had been taking the news in stride, now raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? You've got her on your list too?"

Allen nodded, trying to suppress a smirk. "Seems like the game wants me to spice things up a bit."

Bella, with a chuckle, remarked, "Looks like the game wants to make all the healers your enemies, Allen."

The teasing vibe hung in the air until Shea, who had been silently contemplating, finally spoke up. Her eyes were fixed on her hit list, and there was a thoughtful glint in them. "You know, guys, I've been thinking. It seems like the game algorithm wants to solidify our position as pure villains. It's giving us target players who are close to us, creating some drama."

Without further ado, Shea, with a smirk, revealed her list. "Check this out. I also got Father^Alex."

The others, intrigued by Shea's revelation, swiftly navigated through their interfaces to inspect their own hit lists. The discovery brought about a collective realization. Each of them had Father^Alex's name glaring back at them, a bizarre twist in the game's narrative.

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