Villain of my own novel

Chapter 10 09. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (2).

Chapter 10 09. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (2).

The next morning.


A white-haired man in a baggie black t-shirt and baggie black pants was seen hugging the pillow in the middle of a king-sized bed.



I woke up from my blissful sleep due to someone annoyingly knocking on my door. I had one of my eyes closed as I walked towards my room door.


'Should I open it or not... hmmmm'


I don't think he/she will leave if don't answer.... hmmm.


"Woah," I exclaimed unconsciously; that definitely woke me up, I nodded my head, but I'm glad I opened my door because a literal goddess was standing in front of me with black hair to her waist, obsidian black eyes, and a knee-length black tunic top.


"Are you here to bless me?" With one eye closed, I mumbled unconsciously.


She was looking at me as if she was looking at a creep, Guh, I placed my hand on my heart and walked back to my bed with glum expression, so unfair.

"...come in."



"So, why do you want to hire me as your assistant professor?"

"... Straight to the point, huh."

I turned to face her, clenched my right fist and jabbed at her face, which she perfectly dodged to the right. I threw a body blow with my left hand that was heading for her stomach, which she perfectly dodged again, but this time she twisted her body and kicked my head, which I guarded with my right hand, which was pretty strong to be honest. She did a backflip and made some distance between us.

"What are you doing?" she asked while glaring at me.

"You're a mage I presume?"

"... Yes."

"Don't worry, I just did it to test you."


There was no response, but I wasn't offended; I'm sure she's thinking about what just happened. I walked to my bed and sat in the middle of nowhere, a chair of ice starting to form out of nowhere as I sat. I sat on the ice chair and pointed at the bed, she slowly walked towards the bed and sat on it, the bed was still a mess though.

"It's a mess."

"Guh... just ignore it and sit down."

'I'm trying act cool; can't you take a hint and just ignore that.'

"Anyway, you're talented in combat too, so what I'm trying to say is..."

"In exchange of me being your assistant professor, you'll teach me close combat."

She cut me off and continued what I wanted to say, but she missed something.

"But, I'm doin...."

"Right, and I'll be teaching you, how to fight in close range as a mage." I cut her off and continued.

".... what?" She made a confused face.


"Wha... how?"

"As you can see, I'm a mage too." I pointed at my chair. Yes, I'm a mage.

Mages specialize in long range, but many high-ranking spells, hmmmm.... yes, take fire element as an example, if you specialize in fire element your resistance to fire is also very important, one of the fire element's high-ranking spells is 'Fire Spear' whose damage rate is high in close range rather than long range, the more one becomes familiar with their element the more elemental materialization increases, if you master fire, you can materialize a 'Blaze Sword' with the help of your Fire element, thus, many high ranking fire mages prefer fighting in close range, if you observe closely, you will understand it, as they are inefficient at close combat, they will stand a bit closer to their opponents.


Her expression indicated that she did not trust that I'm a mage, so I held my hand and a 12-sided snowflake formed on my hand, as mana in the surroundings turned cold and the air around my hand turned visibly white.

"...Ok, but what's in it for you?" she asked.

"Of course, my life will become easier." I said in an inaudible voice.


"You will know soon enough." I smiled brightly.

She pondered for a minute, meanwhile I ordered food for two in my smart watch and asked the staff if they could bring me a mana contract.

Hotel staff.

[Meal no.3 for two at Room (607) and can I get a mana contract?]


Hotel staff: [Yes sir, it will be charged accordingly, bill will be brought to your room.]

[Thank you.]

Hotel staff: [Thank you for using our services.]

I glanced at her, she was looking at my smart watch, our eyes met.

"What were you doing?"

"I'm hungry, so I ordered some food."

".... Ok then." She got up and decided to leave.

"For two."


"I ordered for two, you can continue thinking."


She stared at me and turned around to properly face me.

".... which one?" she asked in a low tone.

"... Pfft, meal 03."

I tried hard not to laugh because she was so adorable, but I couldn't help myself. She was an unknown girl only a day ago, but I feel like I've known her for years. Well, it doesn't matter, and it's not like I can stop laughing while my face is revealing my true feelings.

"Pfft.... pfft hahahahaha,"

She turned around and glared at me, her ears were red.



I got up and walked towards the door, it seems like the food and mana contract has arrived.


"Here you go, Sir."

"Thank you."

As I opened the door, a man bowed politely and entered the room, pushing the food trolley, removed the food plates from the trolley, set them on the bed, and then walked back to the door pushing the trolley, as he stood outside the door, he turned to face me and took out a scroll.

"Here is your 'mana contract'."


"That will be 350,000 C."

C stands for 'COINS,' which are used instead of money. When compared to my previous life's money, 1 C is approximately 100 dollars; however, the cost of everything has changed accordingly, there is no other currency in this world.

"Here you go."

He handed me a scroll, and as I handed him my card, which has a mana QR code embedded in it and is a single tap pay, he held out his hand and a blue window popped up from his smartwatch, he typed the amount and taped the card on it once, and a notification appeared on my smartwatch as it lit up in blue light.

"Thank you for using our services." He bowed and walked away.


I bought my hand towards my face and checked the notification.

[Dear customer, your account xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 00666 has been debited with 350,000 C.]

'Hmmm, well it's not much.'

I approached the bed, she stood looking at me, food was on the bed and will be hot until it is opened, as it has been covered with a lid made of dungeon materials.

"Food or a contract first?" I asked sarcastically. Actually, a mana contract was not required; a simple contract would suffice; however, a mana contract is more trustworthy.

"Why a mana contract?" she asked looking at the scroll in my hand as she ignored my question.

"..... If you don't want, we can write a simple contract."


I walked over to the bed and snapped my fingers as she pondered.


A table and chairs made of ice appeared in front of the bed; it was a simple table for two; I took the plates and placed them on the table; I sat comfortably and gazed at her as she continued to ponder.

"Eat first, think later; there are still 6 days until the freshmen arrive."


She walked slowly up to the chair and looked at it for a moment before sitting; she had a surprised expression on her face as soon as she sat.

"…. it's not cold." She mumbled and continued to ponder.

I smiled, opened the lid, and began eating the Saffron Risotto with Forest Mushrooms and Chinese Chicken Salad. It was good, but I knew I could do better in the kitchen.

"We can write a standard contract." She said this as she, too, began to eat.


I continued to eat my food after a brief retort, when my smartwatch lit up and a blue window appeared.




Your request to find a dragon has been completed; please pay the fee for the information. 700,000 C.


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