Villain of my own novel

Chapter 101 100. An Impossible Existence.

Chapter 101 100. An Impossible Existence.

"Good luck, cause you'll need it." The white haired man in front of Vassogo said.

'He isn't getting damaged by my fire? He should! Why isn't he? It no normal fire, it is the 'dragon' fire! A fire of a higher being! How is he not burning? This fire should incinerate everything! It's stronger than the 'authority of hellfire'!!!' Vassago thought while seething in fear.

".... How are you not burning?" Vassago decided to sound his curiosity and mumbled.

"Hm? Let's just say...." He replied with his brows raised.

[I'm making them mine.] He voice rang in Vassago's mind as the man in front of him grinned savagely which sent shivers down his spine.

'Th-This is telepathy? This!!' Vassago bit his lower lip in rage and glared at him.


Suddenly, something snapped inside Vassogo, and he grinned widely as he realised what it was. Vinny, his host, had gone into a slumber that he would be unwilling to wake up from, setting Vassago free from the restraints of the void he rested in. Now that the restraints that bound him are restraining someone else (Vinny), he would be free to do whatever he wanted, and the body would be completely his as time passed, but.....

"My authority is back!" he mumbled out in delight, involuntarily.

[Authority of Kindness.]



A bright golden hue enveloped his body, an angel-like halo appeared behind his head, and a bright golden hue slowly spread throughout the training chamber, enveloping everything in it, with warmth while Vassago smiled so warmly that it could melt a block of ice in an instant.

'My authority causes one to lower their guard while their fighting spirit subsides as if it was never existed in the first place.' Vassago grinned inwardly.

'..... And, his soul....why is his soul is covered in pain and rage... somehow, something pitch black is sealed inside him, by someone...' Vassago looked at the man in front of him with curiosity and pity.

"....." The man stared at Vassago with a nonchalant expression on his face, while his killing intent subsided completely.

"Yes, no one should be able resist my 'kindness!'" Vassago said with a wide grin.

Vassago slowly approached the man with kind smile as if that expression was plastered on his face, halting in front of the man before placing his hands on his shoulders, which the man didn't seem to reject.

"Please, allow me to rip you apart." Vassago said with a kind smile.

"Haha." The man chuckled before nodding his head.



"Uck???" Vassago groaned and flew back from the impact.


"Ack??" He collided with the wall before slumping down on the ground, raised his head and stared at the man in disbelief.

'What? Why? I am sure my authority is in effect! Why did he attack me? Authority is not something, no can simply resist! His killing intent has subsided completely, I'm sure that he should be under the effects of my authority, then why?' Vassago looked at the man in disbelief.


The halo behind his head cracked, which released the man in front of him from the effects of the authority.

"Sh*t!" Vassago cursed at his bad luck.

The only weakness of his authority is his halo behind his head which is too frail and because of his authority of kindness, nobody had ever tried to break it or broke off from the effects of his authority, it was like a hypnosis spell that will affect anyone and everyone, because he was kind, everyone 'helped' him with whatever he needed.

He could ask anyone for anything and they would grant him that without a second thought, he was aware of the consequences and how the authority affected him; he couldn't ask for everything and use it for himself because that would be manipulating and using the other, which would result in the authority being sealed away.

As a result, he would only ask for what is absolutely necessary. Now he asked if he could kill the man in front of him because he was a threat to his 'existence,' which was acknowledged by the conditions for using his authority.

'Did he resist my authority? No, that should be impossible!' Vassago thought before standing back up with a confused look on his face.

"Hmm?" The man in front of him appeared too baffled to have countered his authority, which made Vassago even more perplexed.

"You! What did you do?" The man glared at Vassago who had a dumbfounded look on his face. The man released his killing intent once more, but this time it did not cause any ripples; instead, it shot up into a pillar-like vortex of pale purple with streaks of dark red, light blue, and black in it, which was slowly fading away while spinning at high speeds.


Pillar gradually transformed into a snake, a massive snake that coiled around the white-haired man, with scales that were a mix of pale purple, dark red, light blue, black, and some with a mix of all, and eyes that were bright orange and blood red at the ends with vertical black slits. It wasn't just any snake; it was a 'King Cobra.'

Everything in front of Vassago was made of killing intent, but that was far too 'pure' to be killing intent.

'Wh-what? What is this intent? Why and how is it so 'pure'? It's like I angered 'nature'?' Vassago was dumbfounded.

'It's like a compressed version of world's mana(?)'josei

World's mana refers to the massive amount of mana that surrounds any magical world; it can only be sensed, slightly, by those with high mana perception and efficiency. World's mana or world's energy are the small streaks of mana that humans feel when they concentrate on it or try to absorb into their core with their respective mana breathing techniques.

They cannot feel the immense amount of mana that the world contains because they are incapable of handling, even the feeling of the overflowing world energy. Imagine 'air,' what if all the air in the world condensed before a being, the being would have all the air in the world just before them but they couldn't breathe, if they breathed it they would explode from the pressure, now imagine all the mana in the world being condensed in front of a person and that to inside of another person. THAT 'PERSON' WOULD BE AN IMPOSSIBLE EXISTENCE.

'I-I cannot feel his killing intent! I can see it, right before my eyes, bu-b-but I cannot feel it....' Vassago shuddered at the unknown.

'Fear,' this feeling can only be properly 'understood' in front of the unknown and the emptiness.


Suddenly, an emerald-y coloured hue flickered on the man's arms, gradually forming some strange letters on his arms that couldn't be read properly because they were only flickering before disappearing completely.

"Answer me!" the man said.

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