Villain Reborn: Netori Harem in an Erotic RPG!

Chapter 100 22

Chapter 100 22: Lucifer’s Desperation

Chapter 100 Chapter 22: Lucifer's Desperation

He could feel his flesh bubbling, the feeling of the blood in his veins now transforming into something poisonous and deadly to him, filling him with agony as Lucifer was being torn apart slowly by the tentacles penetrating his body...

"Ugh... Black blood poured from his nose and mouth, as Nortamra blushed, her lips sucking on his and drinking the blood as if it was the most delicious nectar."

"Delicious~~ Darling~ play with me again~" Nortamra giggled creepily, her slimy tongue wrapping around Lucifer's tongue, sucking his blood as he glared at her, his crimson eyes flickering and losing their light becoming dull as he attempted to activate Vampiric Drain one final time!

"Ah~~ Darling~ So rough~~ I am cumming again!" Nortamra moaned creepily as Lucifer managed to suck some of her blight blood, but it was like a drop of water trying to fill a dried riverbed...

His weak arm tensed, trying to build up as much power and punched her face, but the soft slime just wobbled before she began twisting the eight arms inside his body, like drills, as he screamed in agony.

"Darling~~ it's so nice—you are so fierce."

"I'm dying... damn bitch!" Lucifer growled, coughing up more blood as he felt his life fading... his eyes flickered as he looked at Gwendolyn and the others fighting desperately against the deformed abominations!

Ah... they are winning... I can't let them down. Lucifer thought weakly, activating Vampiric Drain one last time, but this time... he used Lord Form!

Using all his remaining mana, Lucifer entered his true form, the veins in his body pulsating with a crimson glow as his eyes glowed brightly, causing Nortamra to gasp in shock!

"How... It cannot be!?" She exclaimed loudly, her slimy body trying to escape, but Lucifer grabbed her core, biting down hard, sucking the blight blood out as he used Vampiric Drain with Lord Form! It took all he had, but this was just an empty response; as Lucifer's mouth began to fill with blood, he didn't use it to repair himself; that was stupid...

I have to do it, even if I lose... this will weaken her enough for Gwen to kill her...

A devastating aura began to wrap around his body, forming inside his mouth—this was his final attack and nothing compared to the one used to kill the orc leader the other day.

Lucifer was putting his everything into this Scarlet Oblivion. The explosive darkness inside his veins began to surge with flames and crackling energy, burning away his blood and melting the blight at the same time as their figures vanished, shrouded in the abyss...

Just as he was about to lose the power to fight back... The girls killed two of the abominations.

?Deformed Abberition Slain?

?Level has risen by 3

?Gained 15 Enhancement Points

His body began to repair, and as Nortamra was about to recover, his strength increased, and he was able to push her down onto the ground.

The red beam doubled in size before a huge grin formed on his distorted face, causing his mouth to open wider, tearing slightly as the huge ball of crimson energy fired towards the diva of blight at close range.

?Scarlet Oblivion?

As the crimson beam engulfed Nortamra's slimy body, Lucifer fell to the ground, coughing up more blood as the blight toxins remained, causing him to curse inwardly before the huge explosion also enveloped his body, the huge explosion almost reaching the town centre where the girls fought, a massive down of red, crackling energy that devoured, drained and obliterated all the walls, monster corpses and trees.

Lucifer lost consciousness due to the blight poison and the explosion...

? Nortamra Defeated ?

? Level has risen by 10

?Gained 50 Enhancement Points

? Lord Defeated!

? Gained 100 Enhancement Points

? Level has risen by a bonus 2

?Gained 10 Enhancement Points

Lucifer's mind was groggy as he felt the crimson destruction destroying his body, over and over, as the levelling up restored it, causing him a tremendous amount of pain before he could only look towards the sky and endure.

Thankfully, it didn't take too long...

"Ugh...." Lucifer groaned softly, his eyes opening to see Gwendolyn crying and hugging him tightly, kissing his cheeks, lips and everywhere as he smiled gently, "My dear, are you okay? I thought you were dead; why did you fight something so strong? Why didn't you tell me it was so dangerous!?"

Gwen scolded him passionately, tears falling down her cheeks as Lucifer kissed her gently, "Shush... I'm fine; what happened?" He asked weakly, his body feeling heavy as he looked around, seeing Irina, Fel, Estella, Marina, Lephalia and Layna standing around him worriedly.

Gwen sniffled, holding his cheek gently, "Luci~ You defeated the blight woman, exploding like a volcano before collapsing... Then the aberrations died when she did, but her stupid slime body now won't leave you alone... and we can't even damage her...

Lucifer turned his head, seeing the azure blue slime and clear core... when he tried to examine her, it made his head hurt...

? Purified Diva of Slime - Nora Level 1 (72nd Lord's Pet) ?

Then, as he tried to move his body but failed, he opened his attributes thanks to the helpful grimoire... when he was in his last moments, it was her who saved him from breaking.

? Lucifer Status ?

Title: Don Juan, Hero, Champion of Celestia, Bane of Celestina, Father of Slimes.

Level: 64

Vampire Lord

Bloodline: Crimson Eclipse

Seat: 72nd

Guild Rank: D

Enhancement Points: 125

Race: Crimson Eclipse Vampire

Status: Healthy

STR: 122

AGL: 120

STA: 120

VIT: 760

INT: 120

CHA: 50

It looks like I only survived due to my Vitality being so broken...

Lucifer thought calmly, sighing in relief as he realised that he had nearly died...

But Gwen said the slime woman wouldn't leave him alone...

"Gwendolyn... explain Nora," Lucifer asked softly, stroking Gwen's cheek gently as she blushed, smiling shyly, "Well... umm... when you destroyed her jelly body, she merged with you... at first, we attacked, thinking she was destroying you... but it seems that she helped to restore and... improve your body, and then she just seemed to become a little jelly sleeping under your head as a pillow...

"Puru!" (Darling~ I was a bad girl... I will behave; don't beat me anymore.... the red light hurts...)

Nora's adorable voice echoed in Lucifer's mind, causing him to frown slightly, hearing a cute slime talking to him telepathically.

"So... she is safe to keep?" Lucifer asked Gwen curiously as she nodded gently, kissing his cheek, "Yes... but she is very strange... I think she is attached to you~" Gwen said sweetly, but her eyes weren't laughing... another woman came, and she seemed to be angry due to the fight. Lucifer sighed gently, looking at Nora, "Hey, slime woman..."

"Puruuu!" (What's wrong, Darling?) Nora responded excitedly, causing Lucifer to frown slightly, "Why did you merge with me? And what do you mean purify?" Lucifer asked seriously as Nora began to vibrate excitedly, "Peru!" (I was corrupted... I wanted to do bad things... then I found a home... you tasted so good, so I got addicted to your flavour, Darling)


"Puru..." (Your blood and sperm!)

I really don't want to know why you know the taste...

He felt tired; even lifting his arms was too much, but Gwen's tears forced him to endure to wipe them away... "Did the city survive..." Lucifer asked weakly as Gwen nodded gently, "Yes... but many civilians and knights were killed... surprisingly, Rembrandt died protecting the village hall." josei

"Hmmm... I see..." Lucifer responded quietly, closing his eyes as Nora wiggled cutely, "Puruuu" (Darling, I want to play!)

"Not now... sleep, Nora..." Lucifer whispered tiredly, causing her to vibrate sadly, "Puruuu..." (Okay, Darling...)

Lucifer closed his eyes, resting quietly as Gwen stroked his cheek gently, "Luci... please rest... We'll protect you..." Gwen said lovingly as Lucifer smiled faintly, nodding gently before he drifted off to sleep...

Nora wiggled happily, becoming his pillow, cushioning his head as she vibrated excitedly, "Puruuu" (Darling loves me!)

In the meantime, Gwendolyn became like a seasoned officer, or maybe it was her royal blood that awoke during this tragedy as she helped countless trapped and injured villagers with her magic and power—Irina, Estella and Layna all helped her with their healing and first aid abilities, while Lephalia was making soup, water and hot cleaning water for the wounded and those in need.

All of the women around him were seen as Holy Maidens as they worked non-stop with Serena to try to recover as much as possible. The battle was over, but there was too much to do still.

A few hours before nightfall, Serena was sitting by the fire and speaking with Gwendolyn and the other women, "He may not look like one, but he truly is a hero... that woman... the goddess said we might lose the entire town when she first mentioned the attack... yet thanks to your husband; we only lost the outer walls... and a fraction of what she estimated..."

Gwen was quiet... because her beloved was still sleeping, and he was still constantly being damaged and repairing himself, the gentle light of his grimoire shining constantly since he lost consciousness.

"But that was one of the weakest..."

"I don't want him to fight like that anymore... Irina, Estella... Lephalia, you saw today what kind of man our master and husband are, right? You too, Layna.. he was always a stupid old man risking his life for an injured cat or person..."

The women all looked at Gwen, who drank a cup of red wine and held it out to them—as all women touched glasses, she asked a question that would change their relationship, becoming true sisters from this point.

"Will you please help me support and love him for the rest of our lives?"

"If you cannot dedicate everything from your body and heart to him, please don't accept the hero task and return to your homes... Only those who are willing to do this much will I accept as my sisters..."

"Now... if you are willing. Please drink with your eldest sister and swear our oath to support our stupid husband."

Before she could take a breath, all the goblets clanged together as every single woman started to drink...

The Sisterhood of the Hero's Wives was formed on this lonely night in the destroyed village of Rinvale... the first wives of the hero all smiling together as Marina also joined in, with the green-haired Fel blushing as she too tapped her glass.

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