Villain Reborn: Netori Harem in an Erotic RPG!

Chapter 80 2

Chapter 80 2: Everdark Burrow [1]


Lucifer didn't head to the east this time, instead circling to the south. He had been putting off the dungeon because of the nice time he was enjoying with Gwen and Lephalia, but tonight he would be diving into a dungeon with Irina.

Because the enemy was weak against divine magic, Gwen was a little out of action tonight because the blood spirits began to torment her.

'Well, I am both happy and disappointed she's not knocked up from all the sex we are having.'

The dungeon was called Everdark Burrow, a horrid place with spiders and many enemies. It wasn't like he couldn't clear it solo, but with all the time he spent with Gwen and Lephalia, he wanted to give some time to Irina, who would tell him how frustrated she was when he saw her at the inn each afternoon for their meals together.

Estella was... well, she would make it into an endless mating session. So he left her to her own devices. Somehow, he wasn't ready to let her into his daily life fully, and they met once a week to drown her in pleasure and leave her satiated.

"Ah, Master!" A cute little saintess wearing a lewd black robe, showing her cleavage and ass perfectly as the material was not cloth but a leather-like fabric that stretched similar to lycra or spandex.

'Wow... Even her little mound is visible. This girl, where did she get this lewd outfit...'

"Estella?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"Mm! She told me to wear this to make you happy, and it doesn't limit my movements in combat! Hehe~ but she said, "Make sure you wear a thick robe above—only let master see this sight." Hehe~ she's so nice now you are sleeping with her!"

At the entrance of the underground cavern, Lucifer and his cute saintess stood at the threshold between the world above and the hidden depths below.

"Hmmm? Did she use to bully you? Should I punish her next time I see her?"

"N-no... maybe? She might like it if you punish her, though, haha."

The air around him grew dense with an aura of anticipation, a mingling of uncertainty and familiarity. A cool breeze brushed against his skin, carrying the earthy scent of damp stone and the faintest hint of decay.

"Does she still bully you?"

His eyes looked at the entrance that yawned like a gaping maw, its dark mouth framed by rugged, jagged rock walls that jutted out in uneven, weathered formations. The walls seemed to whisper of ages long past, their surfaces etched with the marks of time's relentless passage.

"Mmmm, now she just asks me what kind of sex we have and uses a banana to teach me how to make you feel good." Irina didn't hide things from Lucifer since she was a village girl. Once she fell for someone, she fell hard.

'This girl... Doesn't even hide these silly thoughts and things.'

The play of light revealed the faint glisten of moisture, tracing intricate patterns across the rock, hinting at the ever-present underground streams that carved the cavern's subterranean pathways.

"This place is creepy... Master, do we have to go inside? Can't you explore my sticky cave... this isn't a nice cave!"

As Lucifer stepped forward, his footsteps resonated through the entrance chamber, absorbed by the stillness of the cavern's embrace.

The air within was noticeably cooler, a sensation that sent a shiver down her spine, a reminder of the hidden depths he was about to explore. He smiled, enjoying the cavern's atmosphere, which held a sense of reverence, a reminder of nature's ancient secrets woven into the fabric of the underground world.

"It's creepy..."

"Mmmm, it's rather disgusting, all the nasty webbing and filthy mud. However, I need to become stronger, Irina."

Thick spiderwebs draped like forgotten veils across the entrance, hanging in the corners and crevices as if preserving the history of this enigmatic realm. They shimmered with a silken luminescence, a delicate counterpoint to the rugged surroundings, casting a ghostly aura upon the rocky surfaces. The spiderwebs were a testament to the passage of time, their once-vibrant intricacies now softened by age.

"Aren't you strong enough already!? Even the knight captain was scared of your prowess in combat..." Irina tilted her head, clinging to his back as they moved inside.

He looked back, stroking her shoulder, removing some webbing before kissing her forehead. "I wish I could become strong enough to protect you from all sorts of harm, but I lack too much. Will you help support this silly man who wants to become strong to protect his lovely woman?"

"Hehe... strong for me? Then~ protect me well, my hero!"

Lucifer's presence disturbed the stillness, and the delicate threads quivered in response to his movements, sending a ripple through the strands that connected them.

He brushed past the gossamer filaments, feeling their faint resistance against his skin, a subtle reminder of the creatures that had once crafted these intricate designs. The sensation was akin to a whispered echo of life, a thread connecting the past to the present.

"Focus, Irina, these monsters are poisonous, venomous, and some may carry a rotting effect that even I can resist only mildly."

"!!!" Instantly from his serious voice, she sharpened her eyes as divine light wrapped around her body, now holding her deadly mace that weighed a tonne.

"Master, I will protect you as your shield!"

As he ventured deeper into the shadows, the atmosphere shifted, enveloping him in an intimate embrace of darkness and mystery.

"How are the party members with the hero? Have you made any progress clearing the demonic dungeon below the village?"

"Mmm... they are waiting for some noble knight to arrive..."

'She's coming!? So soon! I need to hurry... That woman cannot be anyone but mine!'

He felt the darkness of this cavern was bringing out his dark and possessive side as his red eyes constantly watched the soft back of Irina, flicking his wrists to protect her with his magic and easily killing spiders out of her sight.

'I don't want her to feel inferior, but I will leave enough to challenge her.' Lucifer wanted her to grow beyond the hero and was slowly implementing this plan.

In truth... The hero would die in this dungeon as he is now, but Lucifer would never let her know and become overconfident until she could handle almost anything thrown her way except a lord or champion.

"It's so stinky and dirty... I can see, though, hehe... I am not scared!" Irina muttered to herself as she moved forward; their movement was slow and safe.

'Good girl, don't rush even if you are safe. The strongest can stumble on the tiniest pebble and never stand up again. This world is that cruel.'

The play of light and shadow painted the walls with mesmerizing dance, casting fleeting illusions that seemed to beckon and retreat. The walls themselves seemed to sigh with tales untold, their rough textures a testament to the aeons of natural forces that had shaped them.

In this entrance chamber, Lucifer stood at the threshold of a beautiful and dangerous world where the whispers of the past intertwined with the mysteries of the present. He offered a hand towards Irina, standing with her mouth open.

"It's so beautiful... the webs are like pretty patterned cloths and tapestry..."

"Irina, focus; here they come." Lucifer snapped her out of it. "But you are right, it is beautiful; maybe if we find a strong enough spider. It can be used as a wedding dress."


The air was pregnant with the essence of discovery.

As he took his first steps into the heart of the cavern, the moment a spider appeared, his body holding the long black spear tight vanished from Irina's vision before appearing before a group of spiders.

His right hand thrusting the spear into the face of one, while his left hand was burning with a beautiful flame that exploded, shrouding him in a beautiful red flame, melting and searing the wonderful webbing and spiders in seconds.

"MASTER!?" Irina's body shot forward, smashing the spiders without care, her mace crushing their strong exoskeletons like clay; her fear and worries vanished seeing the flames covering his body.

Only for the gentle breeze to blow them slightly, forming a dancing fire that revealed his handsome face, looking back at her with a self-confident smile.

"...Idiot, I was so worried!"

"Don't lose focus—the main group is coming!" He shouted, before wrapping his arm around her waist, the sensation causing her to blush and gasp before he danced around in several circles; each time they moved, several spurts of acidic green poison were sprayed down onto the ground.

'It seems that they are all ranged enemies...'

On their last rotation, his left arm lifted, swirling with beautiful flames as his hand began to absorb the surrounding magic from his body and the atmosphere forming a wonderful swirling vortex creating a large ball of flames, his hips slightly bouncing as the pair in perfect sync hopped to the right, then back, before forwards dodging their second barrage.

"I'm going to fire Irina! Once I let loose, use your divine ray to finish off that big one in the dark!"


Lucifer's lips kissed her cheek before his left finger snapped the huge fireball shooting towards the spiders, now the size of a huge ball double the size of a normal basketball. josei

As it shot forward, Irina's hands pressed together in a symbol of prayer as a golden light aura formed in the triangle between her fingers before its divine light shot out when his fireball hit.

'Perfect timing... This girl, is she showing off? Haha.'



The explosive flames destroyed all the spiders as Lucifer and his grimoire devoured their prana.

At the same time, the divine ray burst forward, parting his smoke and flames, penetrating the spider mid-boss through its top row of eyes, the poor thing squeaking as if it expected to be safe deeper in the burrow.

Their first pack of enemies died thanks to the surprise factor, but the entire nest was now awake and waiting.

Especially the brood mother...

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