Villainess Becomes The Knight

Chapter 100 - Working As A Team

Chapter 100 - Working As A Team

Abigail pov contd.

"I am Lily, I did not work, I just came here to accompany my family and to see the tea house. I am not sure when I will get the chance again." said a girl with starry eyes, she was the one who was standing on the right side.

She had dark long hair that were reaching up to her hips. And a simple round face. She was a bit chubby but cute. When she smiles the dimples on her face make her look like a doll, special with her big does eyes that were shining like stars.

"I am Oliver. I work as a blacksmith." he was the one standing in the right beside Lily. he was a man of few words i deduced as he closed his mouth just after 7 words. He also have dark hairs that were scattered all over his face giving him an unruly vibe. His eyes were dark but blank. He had a sharp look, pointed nose and chiseled jawline. He was looking like a model who play bad boys.

"I am Stephan, my lady. It is very nice to meet you. Mother always talks about you. And I still can not believe that you are giving all of us a chance to serve you. I promise if you give us the chance, we will give our best and will never disappoint you. In fact, you will be proud of us.``

  'woah, this boy has prepared a speech to impress me. He was the most studious one among them' his eyes were brown like his mother. His brown hair was properly combed and set. He was looking like a gentleman even in those faded and torn clothes. His face was oval just like his sister but he was on a slimmer side.

The last girl just nodded with a shy smile. So Stephan looked at her with adoring eyes, "she is Daisy, she is good at stiching clothes and embroidery. She knew five different types of embroidery work. And she is efficient in other small works related to clothes. She is just a bit shy to talk with new people." he replied. She was not that beautiful like boy, she had a simple round face with a bit darker shade of skin and her hair were set in a bun. But her shy smile made her look cute.josei

"I am Abigail Essendson, the elder daughter of Duke Essendson. I am planning to open a boutique and a jewelry store with a friend.

Stephan and Daisy, you both will work in the boutique. Stephen will stitch and Daisy will do the embroidery. Designs would be made by my friend. But she is a bit shy so she would not meet you. We will start with a single design. If you do well, you will be hired. If not, then I will look for other people. Your payment would depend on the quality of your work. Is there any question?" 

They both looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"Good.. Now Lily, as you said, you did not want to work. Tell me if you change your mind. I have a perfect job for you in my mind. But for now, enjoy the tea and snacks." she giggled and nodded as she took one more cookie. Surprisingly only she is the one who was eating. I have never expected her to be this much confident and nonchalant even when she had spent all of her life in the four walls of home.

"And lastly Oliver.. I need you to work in the jewelry line, my sister is very efficient in making jewels. You will assist her. Both of you will make jewels of the designs my friend will supply to you. She would not meet you too. But i did not want my sister to know about my fried. We have some trust issues. So i want you to lie to her that you are the one who have made designs. Is there any problem in that?" i asked looking at the nonchalant man who just shook his head.

"I did not care as long as it is not illegal." he said at last and with that single sentence, he  closed his mouth again.

"Great then, your job will also depend on the acting you do in front of my sister and the way you assist her. And also, do not tell anyone that you are a relative of Beth or know her. I want you to lie. .lie a lot" i pressurised the word lie a lot but the man just nodded. 

He did not even care to ask what lie he needed to be told. 

"Alright then, this is the design '' I passed a parchment on which a design was made of a beautiful gown. It was a pink gown with lace work on hem and a lot of tulle in it. It was like a barbie gown. With a lot of  broken diamonds embroidered in the chest area.

"These are 5 diamonds. Each can be broken into 10-12 pieces. And these are gold coins to buy cloth and other materials. Also buy the sewing machine and other things needed. If you need more money, just inform your mother later. I will send more. But I will check all the bills personally. I will meet you after a week, right here at this time only. I want to see the dress ready by that time. For this week, try to manage from your house. If the dress would be like  the one in the draft, you will be assigned a shop and all other things needed the very same day.``

Then I looked at Oliver again.

"You have to start your work from today too. They all are going but you will stay and meet my sister. And you will show this design to her as yours. And discuss how you are going to create it. I want this design ready after a week too."

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