Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 326 Private Mercenary Unit

Chapter 326 Private Mercenary Unit

Jun Tianyun flipped the file as he read the report on Sun Family.

Around two hundred years ago, the Sun Family was a small clan. However, After a fortuitous encounter, the clan started to go rapidly.

" Hmm, No wonder it's managed to establish itself as one of the Five Aristocratic Family. They completely monopolized the herbs and medicine market, huh."

The Sun Family's famous Golden Healing Ointment and Age Reversing Cream is the most popular product. However, the reason Sun Family is so strong is because of their supply of pills to the Martial Artists.

" The Minor Sky Pill can increase the stage of a Martial Apprentice Realm by one stage while Upper Sky Pill can increase the stage of a Martial Master realm martial artist by one stage.

Not to mention, there is an Internal Healing Pill that can heal internal injuries of martial artists and the Qi Returning Pill that can restore internal energy by a small amount.

However, Jun Tianyun noticed the most important part. The thing that ensures the survival of the Sun Family is the demand for their pills. The reason, no one can find the herbs to create the medicines other than Sun Family.

' No wonder. If one can't find the main medicinal herbs, no one can recreate such medicinal pills no matter what. By monopolizing the herbs, the Sun Family monopolized the entire medicinal market."

But, Jun Tianyun noticed the static decline for their Minor Sky Pill after the introduction of his Body Tempering Fluid. Minor Sky Pill was a luxury for the rich while Body Tempering Fluid was almost available to everyone.

' Hmm? They are planning a counterattack on Li Pharmaceuticals and Yuan Medicinal Hall?' A grin cracked on Jun Tianyun's lips as he tapped on the table.

' Well, That's something I expected. I mean, since they are selling all types of new medicines, No way Sun Family will let it go.'

" Ying'er, Is everything going smoothly?"


" Yes, Chairman Jun. Xia Motors is repeatedly pestering us for the new engine. What should we do?"

" Just ask for a collaboration project with us. Remember, Tell Han Jiyi to keep maximum profit to ourselves. Also, How those old covers from the military are behaving?"

" They are thrilled to see the new weapons." Qing Ying was excited. " We are probably going to get that 500 Million Dollar contract!"

Jun Tianyun nodded. " Very good. No matter what, we must start empowering the company first."

" Anyway, Do you have time, Qing Ying? Accompany me to a place."

" Yes?"

Qing Ying nodded as Jun Tianyun got up and asked her to follow him. When Qing Ying saw Jun Tianyun's batmobile, she couldn't help but look at it with awe.

" This… This car looks so cool."

" Are you just going to appreciate from outside or going to come in?"

" Ahaha! My bad."

Qing Ying was clearly excited when she entered Jun Tianyun's car. As she was feeling the interior Jun Tianyun started the car.

The engine roared as Jun Tianyun drove the car. In just a few moments, the car already reached a high speed. Qing Ying looked at the blurry scenery as her heart thumped with excitement.

" This is really a luxury car. Hehe, even if it's going so fast, I don't feel a thing."

" Of course, This car has been specifically modified by Mu Yunyun. She made a better car even better."

" But Chairman, Where are we going?"

Jun Tianyun smiled as he drove away from the city and reached a suburban area. There was a huge warehouse in front of him. When Jun Tianyun got off, he saw Luo Ge and Wang Yi standing before him as they bowed.

" Welcome, Young Master."

Jun Tianyun looked at Qing Ying as he laughed. " Qing Ying come with me. Let's see the situation here."

Qing Ying nodded as all of them entered the warehouse. The warehouse looked shabby from the outside, but when Qing Ying entered inside, her eyes widened.

It looked simply different from the inside. He could see a dozen men doing martial arts stances in a uniform manner.

Other than them, a lot of other men training in various facilities. It simply looked like a small military training center.

" Young Master, Currently, We have 30 Mid stage Martial Masters, 40 Low grade Martial Masters and 15 High grade Martial Masters. Along with me, three others already reached the Peak stage of Martial Master Realm."

" Not to mention, we have recruited over fifty more young Martial Apprentices and making them practice hard."

Jun Tianyun nodded as he looked at Luo Ge. " Uncle Luo, How about the training of firearms going?"

" It's good as their martial arts training. Currently, You can say they are already expendable mercenaries, albeit inexperienced ones." Luo Ge answered.

Jun Wudao told Jun Tianyun that Luo Ge used to be a veteran in special forces. So, Jun Tianyun asked him to help out his team.

" So, You are already comparable to a small army, huh?" Jun Tianyun laughed. " Well then, How about we have a spar?"

" Spar?"

Luo Ge and Wang Yi were surprised when they heard Jun Tianyun. The new members were clearly excited when they heard their boss. After all, they always heard how powerful their boss was, but they never met Jun Tianyun.I think you should take a look at

However, the original members who followed Jun Tianyun along with Wnag Yi couldn't help but give a wry smile. For them, Jun Tianyun was akin to a demon wearing human skin.

Jun Tianyun walked and wore an Internal Energy Detecting Bracer.

With his leg, he drew a small circle on the ground and stood inside. " I won't use Internal Energy at all. If any of you manage to push me out of this circle, I will give you any medicine you desire, along with one million Yuan as a reward."

Hearing Jun Tianyun's luxurious rewards, the new members couldn't help but salivate. One of them walked forward as he cupped his fist.

" Pardon me, Boss."

" Iron Sand Fist!"


That man was clearly a Mid stage Martial Master. As his fist glowed with a faint red light, it landed on Jun Tianyun's chest.

" Well, That was a good punch. But you need to adjust the stance, you see?" Jun Tianyun spoke in a nonchalant tone as he looked at that man.

Everyone became aghast when they saw the scene. Jun Tianyun stood like nothing happened. He didn't even change his expression.

" This… How powerful he is?"

" The bracelet didn't ring. That means he didn't use Internal Energy."

" Even a High stage Martial Master will show some reaction!"

Jun Tianyun looked at everyone as he laugh. " Come on, Is this what Wang Yi taught you? Going to the enemy one by one?"

" Everyone, Attack at once!"

Everyone looked at each other as they charged toward Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun's body stood still as only his hands moved.


The attacks fell on Jun Tianyun, but the majority of them got missed. Jun Tianyun just kept moving his body in that circle as he dodges the attacks by minimal movements.

Not to mention, even with a gentle swing of his palm, the martial artist got blown back like a rice sack. It didn't take long before Jun Tianyun managed to beat back everyone. And yet, he was still standing in that circle.

" Well, You all did very well. However, you guys are lacking team composition. If you are facing a strong enemy, always attack as a coordinated team." Jun Tianyun spoke.

" Yes, Boss!"

Jun Tianyun curled his lips as he looked at them. " If you guys go well, You will never going to worry about money and luxury."

Wang Yi walked toward Long Ming as he spoke. " Boss, We found some suspicious activities of Jiang Shu. It looks like he is going to visit some foreign country."

" Going foreign?" Jun Tianyun was surprised. " Where is he going?"

" A nearby island nation. It's pretty small. But I heard the surrounding sea is rich in minerals. Not to mention…"

" There is a riot going there."

Jun Tianyun's eyes narrowed when he heard that. Suddenly, He started to laugh.

" Hahaha! Good! Very good!" Jun Tianyun laughed as he nodded. " Wang Yi, send a squad to scout that place. Gather as much information as you get from the ground zero."

" I am giving you one week. I want everyone here to turn into bloody special cops by then. Don't worry about equipment and weapons. I just need a strong powerful mercenary troop."

Wang Yi nodded as he looked at his men. " Did you hear what Boss said? Now, Shout! Who are you?"

" Heaven's Secret Tower's Calamity of Heaven!"

Jun Tianyun laughed when he heard that. " Well, That's a pretty good name. Just remember, for our enemies, you are truly the retribution from the heavens.

" Alright, I will meet you guys after one week." Jun Tianyun looked at Qing Ying. " Ying'er, you are going to take care of their transportation, equipment, and weapons."

" As you say, Chairman Jun." Qing Ying nodded. Jun Tianyun gave her a look of approval as he laughed.

" Now, Come with me. How about we have lunch outside? I know a pretty good restaurant."

Qing Ying smiled as she nodded. " Since Chairman is asking, How can I say no?"

After leaving, they returned back to Azure Wind City. As they entered a restaurant, both of them got a nice seat.

However, as Qing Ying was about to order, she got startled when she heard a person's voice.

" Yoh? Looks like we met again, Qing Ying."

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