Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: Meeting her

Marianne pov contdā€¦

"Marianne, what are you doing?" asked Cassius, jerking me and only then did I notice I was standing on the stage already.

But I didn't seem to remember when I climbed on it. I swear I was just  walking to see the face of the woman perfectly.josei

Her eyes were opened and she was looking at me with a smile as if she knew my bewilderment. But when I looked at others, they were looking at me with anger. Their eyes were furious as if i disturbed all of them while they were doing something important.

Cassius bowed his head in apology, but I still did not get it as if I was hazy. As if something had pulled me here and I was not in my senses to understand it.

He held my hand and took me back to the ground. But I kept turning back, looking at the oracle.

He brought me away from the crowd who were looking at me strangely and only then did he leave my hand.

"What were you doing there? They could have punished you." he asked me furiously but i did not know how to explain to him. 

He ran a hand in his hair as he looked around them long to calm down. And then looked at me, "Marianne, they are treating us good because of the blood oath, but it does not mean they have accepted us as one of them. They are traditional people. Their rituals matter more to their own members, let alone us who are just guests here. So, in the name of the god, do not create further troubles. Let's just go home, okay?" he asked as he cupped my cheeks.

"Cassius, I want to meet that oracle. I think she knows me. Have you seen the way she was looking at me?" I asked and he sighed. 

He shook his head as he could not believe what I said and then closed his eyes.

"So, you really didn't want to go back to the marquees palace? Have you thought about Killian, James, your mother and those friends of yours who were racing with you? How worried would they be?" he asked and I could see he was frustrated.

"You promised me 2 hours, Cassius." I replied and he shook his head again.

"I promised your safety first. And you are getting both of us in trouble. What had happened to you?" he repeated his question, looking straight into my eyes.

'Did I not tell you already, but you don't believe me, now what shall I do to explain to you!' I mused and then looked back.

A smile bloomed on my lips as I saw the crowd getting dissipated. That meant the oracle was free to listen now.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked, trying to hold my hands again.

"What has happened to you, why were you on stage?" asked Shui as she and Caleb walked towards us.

"I was worried about your marriage. As I was the one who injured you.`` I replied, taking my hands back from Cassius.

She smiled, it was the first time I saw her smiling since we were bet. Otherwise, she just snarls, stares or throws nasty remarks. She must have loved this man too much.

"I won, we are going to marry today" she replied with shining eyes. Her smile was making her face glow. For the first time she looked pretty to me. Was this the glow of love?!

"You are one hella stubborn girl, you know." commented Cable as he took her in his arms and kissed her neck.

Both of them have no shame. They just started whenever and wherever they wanted. 

"Just for you my love. For you I can do anything" she replied as she leaned further on him.

"Uhhh.. shui, is this decided by that old lady?" I asked and they both finally disentangled from each other's arms.

"Yes, she is our oracle. She is 300 years old. That was why she looked like that. She is a wonderful fortune teller. Do you want to meet her?" she asked, looking at my curious face and I nodded.

That was my chance.

"Wait, let me call someone to take you to her. I am going to get ready for the evening so I can not give you company." she replied as she looked around towards the few people who were still standing and chatting there.

I gave her  a grateful smile, "Sia, come here" she called a young girl who came running to her.

"Sia, take your big sister with you to the oracle. Ask for permission. If she agrees, help big sister in getting one prediction. Will you?" she asked, ruffling the hair of a girl who glared at her as she moved her hand to set her hair back but nodded her head and looked at me.

"Come big sister, let's go. I have to go and get ready for the marriage too." she said, chirping and I nodded.

I looked back at Cassius and asked, "are you coming with me?" 

He was looking annoyed with my actions, yet nodded.

"I can not leave you alone my sweet wife, can i?" he asked mockingly and I pursed my lips. 

We both walked behind the young girl. After walking to the darkest corner of the area, she knocked on the door.

"Come in, dear" we heard the voice and entered.

"I apologize for disturbing your rest grandma, but there is a guest that wants to meet you." sad the girl as she bowed her head and we followed.

"I know dear, I will handle them, you go and get ready for the function." she replied and the young girl's face bloomed.

"Then i will leave her here" she said and left happily giving us a nod.

"I want you to go out too." said the oracle looking at Cassius. "Only Marianne would stay here" she took my name as if she knew me since ages

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