Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: Meeting again!

"I am better now. I apologise for not attending the wedding. This is a small gift from me." I said as I forwarded the necklace. It was the same necklace I was going to give Shui, when she had told me about the oracle but in the end I was so shocked that she slept back that I completely forgot about it.

The man looked at me and laughed, "your husband has already gifted the couple your second earring and a gold chain" he replied and then tried to return the necklace but i shook my head.

"It is for them, take it as a sister's remembrance." I added and moved back. He looked at me with mixed emotions and nodded.

"Ummm.. do you know where my husband is?" I asked , looking around.

"Oh, we were busy here, so I did not see him. Maybe he was walking around to be familiar with the place or went out to look for a carriage, he was in a hurry to leave." he said and then looked back at the waiting people.

"Uh, then can I meet the oracle once again?" I asked, hoping that I could ask for answers.

"Uh, then can I meet the oracle once again?" I asked, hoping that I could ask for answers.

"Ah, no.. oracle did not meet anyone in the morning. She only comes out and lets others enter when the sun is about to set or already set. She had never seen the sun." he added apologetically and I nodded.

I walked back to the hut with contemplation on how to convince Cassius to stay a day more here. He would never agree. Would he?

It was not like I was not worried about my family but I would not get another chance to come here. As if my destiny has brought me here. Otherwise these are too many coincidences to deal with.

When I entered he was already sitting in and looking out for me.

"Where have you been?" he asked with a bit of anxiousness, making me surprised. I blinked at his abruptness.

"I went to look for you and give them a gift. Why did you give him your gold chain?" I entered by begging him but was surprised to look at the bed.

It had a variety of food, cooked meat, rice, fruits and a few dishes I didn't know of. Only then did I realise how hungry I was.

It has been a day since i have not eaten food but just a few fruits.

"Come sit, eat something first." he said looking at my drooling face with a chuckle.

It was the second time in my life that I felt the importance of food.

I coughed and corrected my facial expression and walked behind him. We both sat on the bed since there was no other furniture and started eating.

"Where do you get this much fruit from? I didn't think they cook so much in the morning breakfast.'' I said looking at the food, though it was not as lavish and scrumptious as the palace, it was well cooked and palatable.

"I have my own ways.." he said with a smirk and I narrowed my eyes.

"Just eat well, you need a lot of nutrition. You are looking pale and you are still weak and sick" he added as he continued to put food in my bowl

I would have argued with him if it had been any other time, but I was actually hungry so I let the matter og and concentrated more on eating.

But it was not easy. I had never used my left hand to eat. And I was having trouble eating. Many times the rice fell over my dress. And I sure looked clumsy.

He laughed hard when a drop of sauce fell on my dress and I glared at him.

He tried to muffle his laughter and moved towards me.

"Give me the spoon." he said and i looked back at him.josei

He shook his head and used his spoon to fill the rice and moved it towards me. His hand was in front of my mouth and  blinked.

He sighed as he looked at my stunee face, "open your mouth, Marianne" he added, "or else i am going to eat all the food" he said in a threatening tone.

I wanted to protest but my stomach growled so hard that I bit my words and opened my mouth easily.

He fed me like a kid was fed, he was eating a bite by himself and then adding another one in my mouth. While all his mind was on feeding me.

My eyes were looking at the spoon. He was using the same spoon to feed both of us. Should it not be counted as an indirect kiss?!

Cassius who had always been very particular  about hygiene and other things was sharing food with me and that also wthi the same spoon.

But his expressions did not have even a bit of annoyance. If any, he was looking pleased and proud by feeding me. There was a pleasant smile on his face and his expressions were softened.

I was so immersed in the moment that I didn't even feel the taste of dishes or how much  I had eaten until I heard myself burping.

I closed my eyes at the embarrassment. I was having these moments a lot these days.

"I guess, you are filled now." he said, chuckling as he finished the rest of the meal. I was still surprised at how naturally he was doing all these things now.

I sat and looked at my stomach, I could feel a little bump in my stomach and I rubbed it with a satisfied expression when I felt his eyes on me.

"What is it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I was just wondering where all the food went." Then he looked at my stomach with amusement and then back at me.

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