Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 299

Chapter 299: Meeting her.

3rd pov

Ian was so happy that he had finally gained his title of nobility and the first thing he wanted to do was to go and meet his family. He wanted to hug Cassius and show him the royal decree and wanted to apologise to Marianne once again, the lady was like his elder sister, someone who pinched his ears and guided him.

A smile bloomed on his lips as he continued to think about their reactions when they would see him after a long time. He was anticipating a lot of hugs and long conversation with Cassius and having a meal with Killian, who was like a son to him too.

He did not know how he had spent a whole month without them. With those relatives of his who were no less than the hawks waiting for Ohm to make one mistake, so that they could find a chance to disown him from their family. Like he cared! If not for the pressure from Cassius and the punishment of Marianne, he would not even have tried to get back the title which he had never taken as his.

"Go to the archduke palace" he ordered the coachman as he entered with a lot of gifts with him.

His eyes followed the path as the town continued to pass in front of his eyes, each lane bringing him further close to his destination. He had never felt that he would miss them so much until he left them.

He closed his eyes to get rid of the memories of the days he had spent in his palace and anticipated a new start.

"My lord, we are here" said the coachman and Ian opened his eyes and looked at the strong iron and wooden door of the palace that was slowly opening for him.josei

He climbed down once entered and walked straight to the duke's chamber but surprisingly it was locked.

Even if Cassius went to town or for rounds or other work, the chamber was always open. This was the first time he had seen it locked. He frowned as uneasy thoughts started forming in his mind.

He almost ran towards the duchess chamber to know if others were fine, and to his relief the chamber was open.

But before he could walk in, a hand stopped him midway. He frowned and turned to see who had the courage to stop him in the palace.

There was a girl with a fragile frame, as if she was malnourished. yet her honey eyes were shining in the sunlight, it was so clear and beautiful that my heart skipped a beat. Her brown hair was left open and it was freely moving with the wind. Her small heart shaped face was so delicate, but instead of having a smile on those rosy lips there was a brooding expression.

"Pardon, my lady" he said respectfully but her anger did not subside.

"Where are you going without permission. Do you take this place as a public park or museum, huh?" she said in a menacing tone and Ian blinked, it was the first time someone had talked to him like that. 

"I am going to meet her highness, now if you would love the way I would be able to pass through." he said, still maintaining his calmness.

But the girl was hellbent in not letting him enter and tested his patience to the limit. 

"Why, is she your relative or family or what? That you can come and go to the chamber or archduchess anytime you want? I am still talking politely to you sir, better leave the palace or I will call the guards." she threatened him, making him astounded.

"Pardon, are you threatening to throw me out of the palace?" he asked amused but she continued to glare at him as if he was a robber.

He looked at himself, he was surely clad in a rich and expensive dress as he was coming straight from his palace but yet the girl was treating him as a fraud.

"I guess there is some misunderstanding. I work here, my lady, '' he explained and the lady looked at him from top to bottom as if contemplating his words and then smirked.

"I sure recognise the uniform of the staff of the palace. Can you see this? '' she said, pointing at her body. He was sure she was talking about the uniform but all he saw was her tiny waist and he frowned.

"Yes, I can , my lady. You need to eat food and that also a lot of it, let me tell the chef to increase your diet and add more nutrition to it." he replied and she blinked. Her mouth gaped as she looked at him and then her waist and then her anger further heightened.

"You.. creep.. How .. I was showing you my uniform, leave this place now or else I will call guards and they will throw you out. Just by wearing expensive clothes do you think you have the right to flirt with me? Ha!" she snarled and he frowned, he was sure that he had never flirted in his life.

"I was just trying to take care of your health, my lady. You sure are having some misunderstanding here. If you could not let me go in, can you pass the message that Ian is here to meet her highness inside. I am sure that they would recognise who i am." he said in a softer tone.

"Tsk tsk.. If you were working here then you would have known that your highness has not been in the palace for a week. Who are you making a fool of, huh?" she added and then looked at the guards..

"Hey, you can not see that someone has infiltrated into the palace. Come here and throw him out right now" she commanded and the guards did come running forward, but when they saw the man who was she talking about they stilled.

[ due to a lot of characters in the story, i am cutting Ian and Olivia story from here. this chapter is a teaser. if readers are interested i can read it separately, do comment to let me know]

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